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 Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves

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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Feb 2014 - 3:45

@Harganok--Thanks for the update.  And thanks for letting me be the attacker in our game last night.  (report later).

@NoisyAssassin--Glad you are enjoying them.  The impact of all the fines will become clear in this weeks reports.  Lack of funds is forcing landlords to use inferior materials, with predictable results.

Week 9--Grand Larceny, Blasphemy, Piracy and a Murder or Two

The Usual Suspects
Bob--Savage Orcs (AKA The Mostly Grey Tribe)
Chris--Araby Smugglers
Harganok--Skaven ( AKA The Sewer Slinkers)
playtable--Araby Slavers (AKA The Khalibon Manpower Exchange)
Rob--Skaven (AKA The Perkminkin)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves)

The Khalibon Manpower Exchange resort to piracy in an attempt to prove that they are not good guys.

Report of the Watch, 2nd Month, 20th day, Year of the Leopard

The Fifth Patrol received a report of a building collapsing down by False Bottom Quay. The Captain of the Watch organized a rescue effort and dispatched a reinforced patrol to search for survivors. As the patrol neared the site of the collapse, cannon fire could be heard from the nearby harbor.  It was feared the town was under attack by raiders.  The commander of the patrol scent a runner to summon reinforcements and alert the Palace.

The patrol took cover to await reinforcements.  Once the bombardment ceased the patrol advanced to repel invaders. The scene at the harbor was chaotic.  One building had collapsed, others had been damaged by cannon fire.  Several citizens had been killed or wounded in what witnesses described as a dispute between rival chieftains of Arabyan tribes.  No trace of the combatants was found.

The Manpower Exchange is trampled by the fleeing crowd.
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The Smugglers suffer a similar fate.
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The Slavers' hounds attempt to exploit the situation. (The zombie is apparently a 'counts as' orc.)
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The Smugglers' ship comes in.  Can you draw a straight line through all those Slavers (and Slaves) to that ship's cannon?  Yes you can.
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Post Battle
playtable wrote:
Stupid Quick shot with a bow. Takes un-wounded ogre hero OOA.
Lucky Charm - failed
Rabbit's Foot - failed
Light armor - failed

1 - Warhound died, 1 - slave ran away.
I lost & Chris wins big.  He only had one OOA (by a dog after the warrior was knocked down by the crowd), I had 6 or 7.

Khaldoon's Old Battle Wound held him back again!  That's 3 times now.

Event: collapsed building.

Replaced the dog, down to 257 now.  5 wins, 5 losses

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sat 22 Feb 2014 - 5:01; edited 1 time in total
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Feb 2014 - 4:00

An expression comes to mind for playtable's gaming experiences: "If it wasn't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all." If nothing else you have my sympathy...for whatever that's worth.   Sad
It was a VERY ATTRACTIVE battle notwithstanding.   thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Feb 2014 - 5:43

The Yeggmen
The Nearly Twenty Thieves steal a treasure hoard from the Sewer Slinkers

Report of the  Night Watch, 2nd Month, 20th day, Year of the Leopard

The Third Patrol responded to a report of a break-in at a building in the Thieves Quarter owned by Arem Shah.  The patrol officers found the building ransacked and abandoned.  The corpse of a huge warf rat was nailed to the broken door with a dagger.

Witnesses report a midnight skirmish between the Green and Golds rat-mutants and the Nearly Twenty Thieves (who are reliably reported to number seventeen.)  Scores of mutants were reportedly killed although no bodies have been recovered.  As usual when reports mention the Green and Golds, giants, ogres, halflings and sorcery dominate the statements.

All the witnesses agree that a drunken swordswoman wandered through the skirmish, flailing at the air with her blades and blundering about.  Her connection with the Green and Golds or the Thieves is not apparent.

Arem Shah was fined 200 dinars for failing to secure a domicile.

The Thieves form a firing line.
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The Sewer Slinkers have the cover of the building.  The rat ogre leads the charge on the objective warehouse.
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Al Bobo and Kasim the Knife break the Sewer Slinkers.
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Post Battle
The Sewer Slinkers failed their first rout test. (Woot!) Of the 6 or 7 out of action, only a rat dies.  The nefarious plots of the Sewer Slinkers suffer a minor setback, but two convicts are 'freed' from the Fortress of Sorrows to provide sacrifice for the Sewer Slinkers' evil gods.

The Nearly Twenty Thieves suffer no losses for the second week in a row!  Good things happen.  The Sewer Slinkers abandon a nice treasure hoard: 40 dinars and 3 Exploration dice. Exploration provides a connection to the infamous Black Market of the Thieves Quarter.  The Thief steals a warrant authorizing the bearer to operate a Shoppe.  Baba's Import/Export Emporium is born!
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Feb 2014 - 13:03

The Arabian Tales are certainly among the most exciting & settings the most attractive, That Ruined Building in the first photo is a BEAUTY. GREAT REPORT!  thumbsup 

By the way, what does "Woot" mean. It's one of those words I see the English Guys use but, like Gob*, its meaning is a mystery to moi.

*One of the Flame On Guys explained what Gob meant.  clown 
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Feb 2014 - 13:36

Deafnala wrote:
The Arabian Tales are certainly among the most exciting & settings the most attractive, That Ruined Building in the first photo is a BEAUTY. GREAT REPORT!
Thanks, I'm pretty proud of that one, too.

Deafnala wrote:
By the way, what does "Woot" mean.
I have no idea, its one of those words kids use a lot.  But--
Urban dictionary wrote:
"w00t" was originally an trunicated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!" Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Feb 2014 - 13:50

Thanks, V.K. The D&D thing makes sense. "Gob" was a disappointment; I though the reference to the Ork Boss having a Big Gob was akin to "hung like a horse."   clown
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Feb 2014 - 14:49

Deafnala wrote:
"Gob" was a disappointment
Week 9--The Yeggmen II
The Perkminkin versus the Mostly Greys

Report of the Night Watch, 2nd Month, 20th day, Year of the Leopard

The Third Patrol investigated a report of another collapsed building. The report was received at the third hour, but due to the volume of complaints a reinforced patrol could not reach the site of the collapse until the 5th hour.

Witnesses arrested near the scene of the collapse report the building was being used by the Mostly Grey orc tribe for unknown purposes. Furthermore the collapse of the building coincided with an attack upon the tribe by the Black and Tan rat-mutants. There are wild rumors that the Black and Tans have trained the wharf rats to undermine the foundations of buildings. Although huge wharf rats are seen nearly everywhere, this type of speculation is unwarranted.

The collapse distracted and demoralized the Mostly Greys who reportedly fled the scene. The corpses of two orcs were discovered in the streets nearby, but so far no one has been pulled from the ruins. The orcs were clearly killed with bladed weapons.

As the attack occurred in the small hours of the night, witness accounts are confused and fantastical. The usual claims of giants, ogres and sorcery were made in addition to the above rumors of trained wharf rats.

Skaven swarm over the ruins of the objective building. (The wall sections in the center of the table.) Maddened orcs boil out of their nearby barracks as the surviving sentries are dealt with.
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Hordes of giant wharf rats stream from the ruin to engulf the orcs.
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The Skaven slam into the disorganized orcs.
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The orc hero got one of his diminutive attackers before they overwhelmed him with numbers.
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The orcs are out numbered everywhere.
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Post Battle
The orcs fled as soon as possible. Two died. However one hench orc became a hero, giving the greenskins something to celebrate: 6 heroes finally.

The Perkminkin gained an underdog bonus and a victory.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Feb 2014 - 15:33

A rough night for the Mostly Grey (& Oft Times Lacking Various Appendages) Orcs...ultimately the World will belong to either the Rats or the Cock Roaches (Congress falls in with the later).  What a Face
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Honour Guard
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Feb 2014 - 16:05

Great photos from excellent reports.
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 16:06

Week 10--Trespass, Grand Larceny, Rioting, Manslaughter, Ratslaughter and Murder

The Usual Suspects
Chad--Witch Hunters (AKA The Templars of Handrich)
Chris--Araby Smugglers
Harganok--Skaven ( AKA The Sewer Slinkers)
playtable--Araby Slavers (AKA The Khalibon Manpower Exchange)
Rob--Skaven (AKA The Perkminkin)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves)

Sneaking Into Town
A variant of Breakthrough

Report of the Nightwatch, Occupied Zone known as the Merchant's Quarter,  2014 Jahrdrung, 27

A report of a perimeter breach was received at the main Watch Station at 0200 hours.  The Templars of Handrich reported a large force of Arabyan rebels approaching their sector.  A patrol was dispatched to help contain the breach, but due to poor conditions, the patrol arrived to find the Templars' position overrun.

The Templars report one man killed.  The ancient Tower of Hasput collapsed during the skirmish, although the cause of the collapse has not yet been determined.  No casualties have been reported as of yet due to the collapse.  The rebels struck the outpost and disappeared into the Quarter, doubtless billeted with sympathizers.  Patrols have been increased in all sectors.

The Smugglers advance into the Merchant's Quarter.
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The Smugglers advance QUICKLY.
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Templars peer helplessly into the darkness.
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Post Battle
The Templars blamed unfavorable conditions and slow response from the Watch for their defeat.  One henchman is reported killed.  A large underdog bonus is collected by the Templars who haven't gotten a game in for a bit.

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sat 1 Mar 2014 - 16:15; edited 1 time in total
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Honour Guard
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 16:12

Great pictures, thanks for posting!
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 16:44

OOOOH! PRETTY PHOTOS! You do have very attractive scenery.   thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 17:52

Thank you both for the kind comments.
The Khalibon Manpower Exchange and the Sewer Slinkers catch the Nearly Twenty Thieves napping.

Report of the Watch, 2nd Month, 27th Day, Year of the Leopard

The Second Patrol received reports of a brawl near the Temple of Mannon in the Arabyan Quarters. The patrol rushed to investigate. Upon arrival the patrol discovered the survivors of the Khalibon Manpower Exchange barricaded in the Temple. The bodies of two slaves, a warhound and a Lazar were found nearby. Most of the victims had been killed with edged weapons.

Representatives of the Manpower Exchange allege that they were attacked by two waves of brigands, the Nearly Twenty Thieves followed by the Green and Gold Rat Devils. The Manpower Exchange claim to have driven off their attackers after suffering huge losses in both men and material. The owner of the Exchange was heard to mutter, "I nearly had it ALL!"

No sign of the alleged assailants could be discovered.

The Nearly Twenty Thieves are trapped in the Harbor Watch building (with 12 Treasures worth of loot).
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Sewer Slinkers block the west.
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A thin line of Slavers hold the east.
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The Thieves break for the Northeast... (photo by playtable)
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where they immediately run afoul of the Slavers! (photo by playtable)
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Meanwhile the Djinn Binder single handedly holds up the skaven, briefly. (His body has been removed. See that clump of skaven toward the top of the photo...) (photo by playtable)
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The Skaven advance toward the carnage slowly, so as not to get too bloody.(photo by playtable)
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The killing ground.(photo by playtable)
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Rats start to take a hand. (photo by playtable)
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Those six models on top of the building are playtable's casualty pile. The Thieves' pile is discreetly off table. (photo by Harganok)
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The ogre claims another victim. (photo by Harganok)
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(photo by playtable)
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Post Battle
The Thieves fled with the Hired Thief, the Djinn Binder, five out of six henchmen, the Tomb Robber and Mir Sher out of Action. No one died. The Thieves had to drop the loot (12 Treasures!) to flee, but there were enough heroes to make payroll on the six hired swords. A veteran thief is freed from the Fortress of Sorrow for a 2 dinar bribe! And the Shoppe made 7 dinars this week.

The Khalibon Manpower Exchange lost 2 slaves, 1 warhound and Lenny the Lazar killed. A Caravan Guard had to survive a pit fight, but the 50 gold from winning the pit fight was appreciated.

playtable wrote:
Already hired another Lazar.
Lenny II
Didn't hire the 3rd dog back.
Hired 2 Eunuchs instead.
I'm back to 14 warriors total including Lenny II.
276.5 rating.
Henchmen are:
2 eunuchs
3 slaves
2 dogs

The Sewer Slinkers may have had a giant rat or two go out of action, but none died. The skaven gained much treasure (12!) and exploration to become RICH.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 1 Mar 2014 - 18:33

That was a SPLENDID Report with matching Photos. Too bad about Lenny the Lazar's demise; that name had me in stitches for awhile...a cool name is a death sentence in games.   clown
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 2 Mar 2014 - 1:28

Deafnala wrote:
Too bad about Lenny the Lazar's demise; that name had me in stitches for awhile...a cool name is a death sentence in games.
It has been the Thieves' goal to kill Lenny since he first tried to intimidate them with his diseasedness. Farid finally dealt a death blow after rounds of futile attacks.
A Skirmish in the Merchant's Quarter
The Perkminkin face off against the Templars of Handrich.
(Photos by Harganok)

Report of the Watch, Occupied Zone known as the Merchant's Quarter,  2014 Jahrdrung, 27

At approximately 1930 hours the Watch Station received a report of an altercation in the area of the Third Ward.  A patrol was dispatched immediately.  Upon arrival at the Third Ward, the patrol was met by the Templars of Handrich, who have a chapter house in the area.  They reported an incursion in strength by the Black and Tan Rat Devils.  One slain Rat Devil and two giant warf rats were produced as evidence of the battle.  The Templars report the loss of Brother Peter Von Dammen, a veteran of the Crusades.

The body of the Rat Devil was rushed to the Citadel for study.  All officers and the Templars were sworn to secrecy lest the public be alarmed by this new mutation.

The Rat Devils close with the Templars.
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A Black and Tan Verminkin battles one of the Templars trained wharf rats (counts as warhound).
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Nibht Runners and the Rat Ogre try to force their way past a flagellant and a Witch Hunter.  Somehow the skaven failed.
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Post Battle
Both sides ended the game with well over 50% losses. The Perkminkin used their Unholy Relic to stay in the fight, but blew their next rout test with boxcars!  Two giant rats and a Verminkin died.  A skaven hero suffers the dread Leg Wound.  The Sorcerer wins a pit fight and doubles the Perkminkins' income.

The Templars lost one Witch Hunter hero killed.  However, despite losing three heroes out of action, the Templars were able to roll 6 Exploration dice due to previous bonuses and their Beggar.
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 8 Mar 2014 - 2:22

Week Eleven--The Watchmen Strike Back!

The Usual Suspects
Bob--Savage Orcs (AKA The Mostly Grey Tribe)
Chad--Witch Hunters (AKA The Templars of Handrich)
Chris--Araby Smugglers
Harganok--Skaven ( AKA The Sewer Slinkers)
playtable--Araby Slavers (AKA The Khalibon Manpower Exchange)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves)

Press Gang!
The Sewer Slinkers, the Smugglers and the Templars search for a few drunken infidels in the Arabyan Quarter

Report of the Watch, 3nd Month, 6th Day, Year of the Leopard

A report of a disturbance near the Lane of Forbidden Inebriation resulted in the Third Patrol encountering the Green and Golds. The weather was awful, a full sandstorm off the Great Desert threatened. The Patrol encountered the Green and Golds in the act of unlawfully kidnapping citizens. The mutants refused an order to surrender and attempted to attack the patrol. Despite being outnumbered by three to one, the patrol held its ground and unleashed several volleys of arrows into the mass of mutants. Several mutants were killed. The rest fled before the might of the Caliph.

The infidel Templars of Handrich appeared out of the blown sand. They confiscated the corpses of the fallen mutants and arrested two local men on suspicion of collaborating with mutants. The Watch is sworn to silence concerning the gang known as the Green and Golds as per instructions from the Occupiers.

The Smugglers deployed to the north in order to grab a couple of unsuspecting drunks.
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The Templars approached from the east. Caught between the Smugglers and the Sewer Slinkers.
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The Sewer Slinkers held the south.
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Post Battle
The Sewer Slinkers fled first after suffering from the arrow storm unleashed by the Caliph's Memluks. Three verminkin were reported killed. The skaven captured two drunks and spent a little of their hoarded gold. Harganok reports still having 8 treasures in reserve.

The Smugglers fled as soon as they could after the Memluks allied with the Templars. Apparently the Smugglers brought rubber tipped arrows to the fight. It is possible that there were casualties but none have been confirmed. The Smugglers captured two drunks who were sold for 20 dinars.

The Templars suffered no casualties, gained a nice underdog bonus and forced the Smugglers to rout.

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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 8 Mar 2014 - 2:49

WELL DONE, Old Lady Burners!  cheers   
The Photos were LOVELY & the Report was COOL. GREAT STUFF!   thumbsup 
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 8 Mar 2014 - 3:52

Thanks Al.  I was keeping playtable busy, so he had less time to flit about taking photos then usual.
Sirrah, Ye Lie!
A deadly brawl between the Nearly Twenty Thieves and the Khalibon Manpower Exchange erupts in the Merchant's Quarter

Report of the Shore Patrol, Occupied Zone known as the Merchant's Quarter.  2014 Mitterfruhl, 6

The 6th Cohort responded to a report of a brawl at the Bazaar of Handrich.  Mitterfuhl 6th was a particularly hot day, the brawl was only one of several reported. Upon their arrival in the area, the patrol spotted the known thief, Al Bobo, among an armed crowd of miscreants.  Upon being ordered to give himself up, Al Bobo and his henchmen fled the area.  

Further investigation revealed that members of the gang known as the Nearly Twenty Thieves had willfully attacked some local citizens affiliated with the Khalibon Manpower Exchange.  One slave was killed in the attack.  The Khalibon Manpower Exchange swore out a complaint charging the Thieves with destruction of property and intimidation.  Patrols have been increased due to the recent rebel activity and sightings of mutants.

The Khalibon Manpower Exchange also suffered one henchman wounded, a Lazar known as Lenny II.  Naturally the Manpower Exchange should have been fined for harboring a public health risk, but because of their connection with the Ruling Council, they received a warning instead.

The Crimashin Assassin frees the slave.
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The Bazaar erupts in chaos.  An invisible crowd is fleeing the carnage.  The watch will arrive in 5 turns.  In the meantime the Assassin turns his sights on Lenny II.
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The Thieves were stalking two Slaver heroes when the Watch showed up.  Sadly Al Bobo failed two leadership tests and fled rather than face arrest.  Frustrated by their defeat, the gang threatened an Arabyan Merchant until he sold them a Magic Carpet at a nice discount.  (No one has the skill to fly it, but you have to start somewhere.) The Nearly Twenty Thieves are running low on funds, but the Shoppe, the House plus the Thief are keeping the bill collectors from the door (and SEVEN hired swords on payroll).

The Slavers collect another 5 experience per warrior underdog bonus plus the bonus for winning.  A slave died or more likely fled the cruel slavers.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 8 Mar 2014 - 4:40

HOORAY! Lenny has returned...kind of like the MANY lives of Ludwig from the Luncheim Games.   thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 8 Mar 2014 - 7:40

Seven hired swords!  affraid 
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 9 Mar 2014 - 2:21

I started with the Beggar, then the Tomb Robber and the Halfling Scout.  Every Thieves warband needs a Thief Hired Sword.  Deafnala gave me the Djinn Binder model (Warlock).  I hired the Crimashin Assassin to provide a bit of muscle against Orcs, Ogres and Rat Ogres.  My quest for a Magic Carpet meant I had to hire the Arabian Merchant (who was mugged and sent OoA in his first game.  I got the Carpet through an Exploration four of a kind roll.)

Current upkeep is 80 dinars.  I am paying for this with 2 Tarot Cards, 6 Rabbit's Feet, the Beggar, Tomb Robber and the Thief.  And a House and Shoppe (from Relics of the Crusades).  Also I won the Ambush scenario which netted 12 treasures a few weeks ago.
Hunt the Heretic
The Manpower Exchange agree to help a Witch Hunter, the Mostly Greys ally with a Witchy looking Warlock

Report of the Shore Patrol, Occupied Zone known as the Merchant's Quarter.  2014 Mitterfruhl, 6

The Infidel Witch Hunter, Henrich Schloss, presented a claim for the reward posted for the Sorceress Enya the Black.  A representative of the Khalibon Manpower Exchange also filed a claim.  The Sorceress was tracked to a hideout within the Merchant's Quarter where she was being protected by the Mostly Grey Tribe.

During the altercation one Fathi II, a Caravan Guard, was killed by the orcs. Witnesses claim the Sorceress was killed by the Master of the Manpower Exchange while Herr Schloss cowered behind a merchant's stall.

The Sorceress fights a duel.  Silver Arrows against a crossbow.
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The Event 'Oh, What a Cute Little Monkey' occurs.  The monkey stole the Orc Chieftain's axe and gave it to the Slaver's Overseer.  Attempts to recover the axe failed.
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A clumsy Caravan Guard fails three attempts to climb the wall.  Eventually the orcs put him out of their misery.  Before the Ogre can rescue him.
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The hideout with a defending grey archer.  The Witch Hunter is knocked down behind the merchant stall...
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Post Battle
The battle ended when the 'warlock' was taken out of action by the Master of the Slavers.  A LGT Orc Hero is captured by the Slavers but ransomed back to the Orcs.  Exploration yields a free axe to the otherwise unlucky orcs.

Fathi II dies and is replaced by Fathi III. The Slavers make D6 x 15 dinars plus 20 dinars ransom plus Exploration (plus a Monkey and an axe).  Playtable wins two games in one night.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun 9 Mar 2014 - 2:39

The Big Questions: Will there be more Fathis than Lennys at the campaigns end? Can they possibly catch the luckless Ludwigs? COOL REPORT & PHOTOS!   thumbsup 
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 10 Mar 2014 - 2:40

Deafnala wrote:
The Big Questions: Will there be more Fathis than Lennys at the campaigns end? Can they possibly catch the luckless Ludwigs?

 lol! I think playtable might see this as a challenge...
Sundayhiem--Press Gang!

Rob--Skaven (AKA The Perkminkin)
Von Kurst--Tomb Guardians (AKA The Eternal Court)

Report of the Shore Patrol, 4th Cohort Imperial Nordland Marines. 2014 Mitterfruhl, 9
Hauptman W. Klink commanding.

The patrol entered the area known as the Thieves Quarter at approximately 0130 hours.  The day had been oppressively hot, but the night was cool and clear.  At 0230 hours the patrol heard the unmistakable sounds of a skirmish coming from the neighborhood known as the Maze.

The patrol moved toward the skirmish at double time with Marksmen Schultz, Zimmer and Schmidt in front.  All of the Marksmen claim to have seen an ancient knight on a skeletal steed battling man-sized rat-devils with their own eyes.  By the time the rest of the patrol arrived, there was no trace of ancient knights or skeletal horses.  The patrol did find the bodies of four Arabyan males aged nineteen to forty, two huge scorpions, a monkey and one rat devil.  Most of the bodies had been hacked with edged weapons, although one of the Arabyans clearly died of a scorpion's sting.  All of the bodies were found in or within sight of the disreputable house known as the Djinn's Folly.

The landlord of the Djinn's Folly seems to be missing.  His wives claim that he did not return home last evening, although the women could not say that this was unusual behavior for the suspect.  As per standing order #A03230, the body of the rat-devil was wrapped in canvas and sent to the Citadel for study.

Witnesses claim the usual fancies: animated statues, Dead Princes, ogres, giants and ancient warriors wrapped in funeral cloths riding skeletons of horses.  The Marksmen have been sent to the stockade for re-education.  The local Citizens Council has been given two days to produce the landlord or his body or be fined 200 dinars.  

The Eternal Court advances.
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The Perkminkin.  (Rob hands me his phone. I prove digital photography is not one of my skills. Rob takes the rest of the photos.)
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One sees the strangest things in moonlit alleys...
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On the left the Perkminkin capture the missing landlord (an angry drunk, who took one of their heroes down before he fell himself.)
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The Stone Golem meets the vermin's' charge.  (The little so and sos knocked it over!)
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Two mummies versus the Assassin, a Black Skaven and the Sorcerer, who is stunned.
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Tomb Guardians punish two verminkin for attempting to steal a drunk.  (The drunk and one verminkin died...)
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Two verminkin engage the Dead Prince and Khufu the Lichepriest in a missile duel.  The vermin lose.
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Post Battle
The Eternal Court fled with all the scorpions, the monkey and a skeleton OoA.  The Stone Golem and the knight were reduced to one wound.  Two (out of three) scorpions die, as does the monkey.  The violent undead killed all the drunks they encountered. Exploration is OK (and scorpions are cheap...)

The Perkminkin lost one verminkin killed, possibly a rat as well.  The sorcerer Survived Against the Odds, the Nightrunner fully recovered.  One of the three drunks the skaven encountered lived to be sold into slavery.  The skaven encountered another drunk in exploration and sacrificed him to the Horned Rat.  It was a hard day for drunks.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 10 Mar 2014 - 4:07

It's a tough Town for Alcoholics...most towns are. The Reports backed up by the LOVELY photos of SPLENDID scenery & minis are becoming the highlight of my day. VERY WELL DONE!   thumbsup 

I picture the Watch as a tightly packed group of very out of shape middle aged men trotting down the dusty streets, & stopping at every corner for a smoke.   clown
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 10 Mar 2014 - 5:19

I always enjoy your battle reports.
DeafNala wrote:
I picture the Watch as a tightly packed group of very out of shape middle aged men trotting down the dusty streets, & stopping at every corner for a smoke.   clown
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