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 Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves

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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 15 Mar 2014 - 1:19

Thank ye gentlemen.
Week Twelve--Three Guys Playing Mordheim

The Usual Suspects
playtable--Araby Slavers (AKA The Khalibon Manpower Exchange)
Robperk--Skaven (AKA The Perkminkin, AKA The Black and Tans)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves)

Street Brawl
A Rumble in the Thieves Quarter

Report of the Night Watch, Third Month, 13th Day, Year of the Leopard

Aaghaar al Khaliboni, Master of the Khalibon Manpower Exchange sent a slave to summon the Watch at the 3rd hour of the day.  A reinforced patrol was sent immediately.  Al Khaliboni told a frightening tale of an ambush earlier in the evening at a disreputable house known as The Three Sisters.  Upon hearing his story, the patrol proceeded to The Three Sisters to investigate.  The building was deserted, which was unusual for that hour. The body of one Fathi III, a caravan guard in the employ of the Manpower Exchange, was discovered blocking the front doorway.  Nearby lay the corpse of one of the dread Crimashin Assassins of Vulture Mountain.  The Assassin had been cut nearly in half.  The body of one of the Nearly Twenty Thieves, a dangerous cur known as al Gabbon, lay next to the building to the east, blocking the street.  Across the street to the south, the body of the Magus known as the Djinn Binder was found stabbed on the stairs to the upper level of the UPS building.  A headless rat devil lay blocking the door to the UPS building a few spear lengths away.  Five bodies!

Further search revealed the body of another known thief, The Monkey Man, to the east of The Three Sisters.  The Monkey Man's body was found at the north end of the old Customs building.  Another dead rat devil was discovered near a fence at the south end of that building.  The rat devil had been shot with a crossbow bolt.  Finally the corpses of four jackals were discovered in the alley behind the UPS building.  Five men, two rat devils and four curs dead; it was a bloody night.

Aaghaar al Khaliboni claims that his man was attacked by thieves and mutants while innocently visiting a cousin in the neighborhood of the brothel.  Fathi III, it is claimed merely attempted to seek refuge from his slayers.  Al Khaliboni further claims his servants and employees had no recourse but to defend themselves from the vicious attack.  Al Khaliboni charges that one Farid the Horrible (also known as Farid the Claw, Fezick the Cat and Farouk al Gazzi) did stab Fathi III as the guard lay helpless.  Several slaves and fellow guards claim to be eye witnesses.

First contact: Skaven confront a eunuch inside the Emporium.
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Lenny II tames a brave rat.
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Al Gabbon faces two rats.
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One rat is down.  Farik the Horrible attacks a slave.
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The slave is out of action!
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One slave is ganged up on by my great sword wielding killers.
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This fight does not go well...
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The rat ogre piles in!
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Misses completely, but the giant rat knocks al Gabbon down. Not good...
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Event! Dog Pack. Starving curs attack!
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One down.
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A verminkin is about to be skewered by a eunuch.
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A hound tries to draw a charge...
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Back to the alley behind the UPS building... The starving dogs keep attacking.
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One left.
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Meanwhile the Overseer and a hound attempt to pull the Sorcerer down!
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And Fathi III appears from INSIDE the brothel to stab the last great sword in the back!
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More skaven rush to defend the Sorcerer.  The hound makes two dagger saves!
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Farid the Horrible (on the right) fatally stabs the downed Fathi III.
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Kasim the Knife takes a hand at dog stabbing.
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The dog pack is finally gone.
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Those dogs tied up two heroes and a hired sword for the whole game...

The Overseer makes two step aside rolls to continue this duel.  The dog isn't doing as well...
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Post Battle
Rob fled first after his Unholy Relic kept him in for another turn, his warhorn couldn't help a roll of 11 on his second test.  The Perkminkin (warband rating 301) gain a +4 underdog bonus and get all kinds of tougher.  Two verminkin die.  The Sorcerer fully recovered.

Playtable rolled a 10 for his rout test and could not roll less than a 5 when he tried to use a Rabbit's Foot re-roll.  Fathi III is actually killed in an illegal Pit Fight after the battle.  A eunuch named Fathi IV is promoted to Caravan Guard for attacking the rat ogre.
playtable wrote:
14 members + 2 hired swords, 349.5 warband rating (up from 310.5),
LGT Eunuch is now Fathi IV (S4, T4, i4, Ld 10 (auto pass), & with 2 wounds!), boss has 63 exp, one more battle and the ogre hero gets to advance again!
Lenny II, the Lazar has had all skills = 4" scare zone!
Halfling Scout got Trick shooter.

The Nearly Twenty Thieves (warband rating 458) had been up to 19 members (6 heroes, 6 henchmen and 7 hired swords) but the Assassin and the Warlock were killed, as were 2 henchmen.   Sad   
A prison break was arranged to replace one of the two 14 experience henchmen who were killed.  Nearly all of the heroes gained advances, so Al Bobo has learned to Command Magic Carpet!  The Nearly Twenty Thieves are going to get all Arabian Nights on their enemies now!

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sat 15 Mar 2014 - 22:23; edited 2 times in total
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 15 Mar 2014 - 1:44

AND the Fathis once more have captured the lead from the Lennys...this is much more exciting than mere game points & that winning stuff!   clown 
The Battle Reports continue to capture the imagination & the Photos are WONDERFUL...GREAT scenery & some FINE LOOKING minis!   thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Mar 2014 - 22:07

Playtable is fairly competitive at getting his warriors killed... Suspect 
Sundayheim--If Its Sunday, We Must Be Playing Press Gang

The Usual Suspects
Bob--Savage Orcs (AKA The Mostly Grey Tribe)
Von Kurst--Tomb Guardians (AKA The Eternal Court)

Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Liche_lord_skeleton_model

Report of the Night Watch, Third Month, 16th Day, Year of the Leopard

The Fourth Cohort received several complaints of missing persons and brawls in and around the area known as the Maze starting at around the 4th hour.  A reinforced patrol was sent to investigate.  Most complaints centered on a disreputable house known as the Camel Trough.  The bodies of two Arabyan males were discovered in the area.  Both had been hacked to death with edged weapons. A broken skeleton was found on the stairs of the portico, but the bones crumbled to dust before they could be examined.

In all seven Arabyan males between the ages of 15 and 45 years old were reported missing.  All were lifelong residents of the neighborhood.  All were said to be customers of the Camel Trough.  Several witnesses claimed to have seen ancient corpses walking the streets accompanied by huge  animated statues.  These sightings have lead to rumors that the 'Dead Prince' is recruiting an army or taking his revenge or similar fanciful speculation.

Post Battle
The Eternal Court fled with all three scorpions and the promoted Tomb Guardian, Djedi, out of action.  The knight and the Tomb Lord were also low on wounds and no orcs had fallen.  Two scorpions died and Djedi was destroyed by the Glowy Green Club.  The Eternal Court captured 6 drunks and killed 2 out of the 9 present.  Its so nice to play squabbling orcs rather than scurrying vermin.

The Mostly Grey Tribe suffered no losses at all.  They captured one drunk and detained another during Exploration to gain 5 dinars income and +1 exploration dice after their next game.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Mar 2014 - 22:58

Is the Glowing Green Club a Bio Genesis reference?   clown 
The truth behind every Arabian Mother's warning: "Drink & the Eternal Court will get you". COOL REPORT & no unpainted minis to complain about!   What a Face
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Honour Guard
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue 18 Mar 2014 - 20:04

Thank you, fantastic reports!
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Mar 2014 - 17:58

SerialMoM wrote:
Thank you, fantastic reports!
You are most welcome.

Deafnala wrote:
Is the Glowing Green Club a Bio Genesis reference?  clown 
Phil Collins had nothing to do with this report...
Week Thirteen--Bad Omens!

The Usual Suspects
Bob--Savage Orcs (AKA The Mostly Grey Tribe)
Chad--Witch Hunters (AKA The Templars of Handrich)
Chris--Araby Smugglers
Harganok--Skaven (AKA The Sewer Slinkers, AKA The Green and Golds)
playtable--Araby Slavers (AKA The Khalibon Manpower Exchange)
Robperk--Skaven (AKA The Perkminkin, AKA The Black and Tans)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves)

Fancy Meetin' YOU 'ere!
A drunken encounter between the Smugglers and the Mostly Greys in the Arabyan Quarter

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Report of the Night Watch, Third Month, 20th Day, Year of the Leopard

The night of the Vernal Equinox was filled with upheaval and unrest.  The first reported crime was a street brawl in the Temple District of the Arabyan Quarter.  Alas the patrol arrived too late to apprehend any of the participants.  Rais Roxanna of Roxanna's Import/Export Company, Ltd reported that her crew were attacked by members of the Mostly Grey Tribe shortly after receiving payment for a recent shipment of consigned goods.  Rais Roxanna reported that her crew were able to evade the clumsy attack of the greenskins with only minor injuries.  The Rais was most emphatic that something like this "must never happen again".

Post Battle
As with most battles between the Smugglers and the Orcs, little is known beyond the fact that the Event Bad Omens played a part in the fight and that Bob "crushed" Chris' warband.  No casualties have been reported.
The Yeggmen
A Startling Robbery in the Merchant's Quarter

Report of the Shore Patrol, 2014, Mitterfruhl 20.
Hauptman W. Klink Commanding.

The patrol was summoned to the Harbor Watch building at the 6th hour of the day.  Aaghaar al Khaliboni, Master of the Khalibon Manpower Exchange, reported a break in at the Harbor Watch and a "significant" loss of gold dinairs.  Khaliboni refused to give an exact amount of the loss but did report that he had lost at least 65 dinars in manpower and equipment.  As evidence Khaliboni produced the bodies of a warhound and a eunuch killed in the attack.

Further Khaliboni accused the Templars of Handrich of the robbery (and murder of the slave).  When contacted the Templars denied the allegations and accused the Manpower Exchange of harboring a public health risk, one Lenny the Lazar.  No arrests have been made. The matter will likely end in the courts as both organizations enjoy much support on the Council.

Templars mass by the Customs Building.
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A eunuch in peril!
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Al Khaliboni is too late to save his minion.
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The Priest of Hanrich uses his powers to magically unlock the strong room door...
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Post Battle
playtable wrote:
Lost 1st game due to double 6's on rout test.
Rabbit's foot didn't even help.
Caravan Guard, Khaldoon, was bed ridden with his Old Battle Wound again. I think that makes 4 times out of 16 games now.
Warhound, "Dog", died and Eunuch, Samir II, died.
Game was wild. Event Bad Omens, re-roll all successful rolls, made a mess of things. It is what turned the tide in my favor. Went from getting smeared to kicking @ss to routing.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Mar 2014 - 18:25

Your FINE narrative is immeasurably enhanced by OOOOH REALLY PRETTY PHOTOS! The terrain & minis look FANTASTIC...GREAT STUFF!   thumbsup
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Honour Guard
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Mar 2014 - 19:02

Yes this a my most favorite set of terrain. I also love very much all the furniture and the open book and the map on the table.

These details I fall in love with
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Mar 2014 - 21:11

Thank you gents. I was just thinking how much I like the Harbor Watch building. The cool details never get old.
Street Fight
A brutal brawl between the Manpower Exchange and the Mostly Greys

Report of the Shore Patrol, 2014, Mitterfruhl 20.
Hauptman W. Klink Commanding.

The Patrol was called out to quell a riot at 0730. The disturbance was ended by the time the Patrol arrived. Aaghaar al Khaliboni, Master of the Khalibon Manpower Exchange, filed another complaint alleging that the Mostly Grey Tribe did deprive the Exchange of free passage and did destroy property. Al Khaliboni produced the hacked body of a slave as evidence of the offense.

Patrols have been increased accordingly.

The Mostly Greys move up the street en mass.
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The Slavers.
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The warbands meet.
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Mayhem ensues.
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The overseer and his buddy with the great sword smite the ungodly.
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Post Battle
playtable wrote:
Game 2 was a tie due to store closing. A slave died.
Street fight. Met in middle and we were both knocking heads like crazy and just ran out of time. We each had 2 OOA.

Lost one, tied one.
344.5 rating, lower than before the games.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 22 Mar 2014 - 21:48

The buildings are WONDROUS to behold..the interior details of the pottery shop are FANTASTIC. The Man Power Exchange are SPLENDID looking, & the Orcs are grey. GREAT STUFF ONCE MORE!   thumbsup 
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Mar 2014 - 2:18

Down at the Docks
The Nearly Twenty Thieves attempt to smuggle cargo past the Forty Skaven!

Report of the Shore Patrol, 2014, Mitterfruhl 20.
Sergeant H. Schultz Commanding.

Herr Commandant,
It is my pleasure to report a great victory over the forces of chaos and rebellion in this city. Last night at 1700 hours a patrol lead by myself entered the Thieves Quarter on a tip that Rat Devils and rebels were attempting to smuggle arms into the city. At 1735 the patrol reached the area of False Bottom, a known smugglers' wharf. The night was black as pitch, but there were clear sounds of a skirmish going on, including the discharge of light cannon.

The patrol proceeded with caution, but came under missile fire almost immediately. The marksmen returned fire wounding a suspect. Apparently the rebels had fallen out with each other, as Rat Devils attacked the wounded suspect before the patrol could arrest him. The patrol charged the Rat Devils while still under missile fire from several directions. The Rat Devils fled before our charge. The patrol fired another volley into the smugglers' ship, wounding another rebel, who fell into the harbor.

The patrol then charged the ship and arrested all on board. There were a few tense moments when it appeared that more Rat Devils were massing on the dock, but the Rat Devils did not attack. Further investigation revealed that the patrol had captured the Bretonnian buccaneer Jules de Luge and five of his crew and most of his cargo! In addition the master thief Al Bobo was discovered senseless on the deck of the ship and immediately arrested. All of these criminals were taken to the Fortress of Sorrows for trial and execution.

Dawn revealed that the notorious halfling Faisal Hairytoe had been killed. In addition the tomb robber The Man With No Name was found dead on the docks. But the best news is that the patrol fished the corpse of Baba Ali, the chief of the Nearly Twenty Thieves, from the harbor. Shot dead by Marksman 'Fritzi' Schulte. With both Al Bobo and Baba Ali gone the Nearly Twenty Thieves are sure to be broken!

The Sewer Slinkers attacked from the southeast.
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The Assassin Adept leads from the place of honor, the rear.
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The Nearly Twenty Thieves (seventeen) scurry about the dock collecting cargo before the skaven can steal it.
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The dreaded Black and Tans approached from the northeast. One clumsy vermin has tripped in the darkness.
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The Shore Patrol appears on the FIRST TURN.
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The noose tightens on the Thieves rapidly.
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And tightens. At this point the Thieves have lost Faisal, the Man With No Name, the new pit fighter and are about to lose Abu and Dauod...
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Happily there is infighting in the skaven ranks as well. The Black and Tans attack the mass of Green and Golds. From the flying carpet, Kasim the Knife (AKA Kasim the White) eyes the perfect skaven firing line with his blunderbuss...
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Post Battle
The Black and Tans fled first with two heroes out of action and countless rats as well. The Black and Tans gain more underdog bonus and roll full recoveries. Two giant rats are killed.

The Nearly Twenty Thieves roll horribly in the post battle sequence. Faisal and the Man with No Name die, Babba Ali dies (woe!) and Al Bobbo rolls captured! (How did Al Bobo go out of action you wonder? Well the Magic Carpet crashed shortly after the Green and Golds were not broken by the blunderbuss shot. I swear I hit like eight rats!) Now of course the Thieves are not without resources and managed to make quite a haul even in defeat, but ouch, I say, ouch! Al Bobo will languish in the Fortress of Sorrows until rescued (I hope).

The Sewer Slinkers win. None of their casualties die, at least none of note. I believe their sorcerer survived unscathed as well. Captured crates yield some illegal booze and two Elven Bows!

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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Mar 2014 - 3:33

That was a good game, the last few turns were classic. And yes, my sorcerer came out OK after getting warp fried and blunder bussed. One lucky dude
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Mar 2014 - 13:07

A Black Day for the Almost Twenty Thieves, but a Red Letter Day  for the Rats...such is life. For the rest of us, the GLORIOUS photos of LOVELY minis & terrain AND a STIRRING Battle Report are a FINE way to start the day.   thumbsup 

One question that has been nagging at moi: why is the Patrol German/Empire in an Arabian/Araby City?   clown
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Mar 2014 - 13:46

Deafnala wrote:
One question that has been nagging at moi: why is the Patrol German/Empire in an Arabian/Araby City?

Ah great question. I used to give the background of a campaign in the first post or so of a thread, but lately I haven't been. My Arabian campaigns all take place in the aftermath of the Animosity Campaign's 'Third Arabian War': An alliance of the Empire and Tilean Merchants known as the Imperial Merchant Council (IMC) have conquered most of Araby. Each city is occupied by a garrison of soldiers paid by the IMC to maintain control of the conquered area.

In Al-Haikk the local Caliph is charged with day-to-day governance of the Arabian controlled areas of the city--The Arabian Quarters and the Thieves Quarter--and that's why some reports feature an Arabian Night Watch or whatever. The Merchant's Quarter is totally under the control of the Occupiers and the Watch there is made up of Imperial Nordlander Marines. However, the IMC may send Marine patrols into the city to stamp out chaos worship, rebellion or threats to trade, which is what happened in our game (Rob rolled the Event Shore Party).
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 23 Mar 2014 - 14:35

Thanks for the explanation...I love background material.
It sounds like the Honorable(?) East India Company...despoiling the World for the benefit of the few.   What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon 24 Mar 2014 - 11:30

Von Kurst wrote:
The Nearly Twenty Thieves roll horribly in the post battle sequence.  Faisal and the Man with No Name die,  Babba Ali dies (woe!) and Al Bobbo rolls captured! (How did Al Bobo go out of action you wonder?  Well the Magic Carpet crashed shortly after the Green and Golds were not broken by the blunderbuss shot.  I swear I hit like eight rats!)  Now of course the Thieves are not without resources and managed to make quite a haul even in defeat, but ouch, I say, ouch! Al Bobo will languish in the Fortress of Sorrows until rescued (I hope).
Ouch, ouch, ouch indeed!!
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 29 Mar 2014 - 2:43

Week 14--Press Gang!

The Usual Suspects
Chris--Araby Smugglers
Harganok--Skaven (AKA The Sewer Slinkers, AKA The Green and Golds)
playtable--Araby Slavers (AKA The Khalibon Manpower Exchange)
Robperk--Skaven (AKA The Perkminkin, AKA The Black and Tans)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves, AKA The Dead Baba's)

It was one of those nights.  I had a plan to spring Al Bobo, all I needed was Chad and his Witch Hunters to defend the prison...  So as I was walking into the Game Preserve, Chad was leaving.  Oops!  So there was a bit of a change in plan...We all (two groups of gamers) ended up rolling Press Gang for the scenario played.  First I give you playtable and Rob:

Report of the Night Watch, Third Month, 27th Day, Year of the Leopard

Notice to Officers wrote:
The Fleet is in.  
In conjunction with the arrival of the spring fleet, there has been a rash of disappearances, kidnappings and brawls resulting in death or injury.  Local watch houses are warned to be alert for gangs of armed 'recruiters', both sanctioned and unsanctioned.  Naturally cooperation with sanctioned recruiters is advised whenever possible.
Unsanctioned gangs include but are not limited to: The Green and Gold Mutants, The Black and Tan Mutants, The Nearly Twenty Thieves (also known as The Dead Baba's) and the Mostly Grey Tribe.  Unsanctioned gangs are to be prosecuted unmercifully

The Fifth Cohort sent a reinforced patrol to the area of the Thieves' Quarter known as the Maze.  The Watch received numerous complaints of citizens going missing during the night.  In all nine men, aged 16 to 47, failed to return to their homes or report to places of employment.  Recruiters for the Fleet, known as press gangs, were known to be in the area.  Several citizens speculate that the men have been taken by the Black and Tans to become human sacrifices.  

Although several bloodstained altars have been found and destroyed in recent months, there is no evidence to suggest that these men were victims of devil worshipers.

playtable wrote:
Press gang
Night 6” sight for Slave Merchants, 12” for Skaven…Big Boo, Boo, Boo!
9 total drunks
Weather:  Hot as Hades…-2ws, -2BS, forgot the mirage part
Rob won the set-up roll but wanted to counter-deploy and had me pick sides and set up first.  
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Anyway,the 6” sight really hampers me but I still take out 6 of the 9 drunks.  
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Rob got the other 3.  No drunks died!
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I go first.  Second turn I roll event #65.  Arabian Ogre joins me.
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I send Lenny II to the West.  He scares 2 Verminkin and the Rat Ogre away.
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He gets charged by a hardened hero.  
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The hero knocks Lenny II down.  Lenny II gets back up and, even hitting last, takes the hero OOA.
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Eunuch with Trapper’s pole takes out 2 giant rats but they both live.  Dang.
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The 2 wardogs get charged by giant rats.  One dog goes OOA.  The other fights on for many, many rounds and finally looses and goes OOA.
Fathi IV charges a skaven and takes him OOA.
With Lenny’s help, the west side is clear until the rat ogre rallies on a 4.

In the center, the Slave Merchant, Aaghaar, and a Caravan Guard, Khaldoon (who can scale sheer surfaces), charge into the bar.  Two drunks are recruited by Khaldoon.  The boss goes to the balcony and gets one chance to shoot the Skaven assassin.  Nothing.

On the East it doesn’t go so good.
A wardog, monkey, slave, and a Eunuch go OOA under a swelling tide of rats.
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The Overseer, Nabil, gets charged by 2 Verminkin.  He is forced to take an All Alone test.  He fails and runs, gets hit wounded once but makes his light armor save and gets away.
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He rallies later, but still gets charged by the Sorcerer after his fresh kill of the Halfling scout, Dusty.
The Sorcerer kills Dusty.
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Nabil does 2 wounds to the 3 wound sorcerer but they are both saved by stepping aside.
At that point, the rat ogre had rallied, the center was full of 6 or 7 skaven, Baghel, my hero ogre had gotten too close to Lenny II and was running, the Arabian ogre was still too far away to help, and I was down 7 members.
I decided to go.

Post battle:
I kept 2 drunks for slaves, sold the rest, and exploring got me a free hired sword (Arabian Ogre).
Slave died, warhound died, monkey died.
Hired the dog back.  I am now at 381.

Rob’s skaven had 1 hero with eye injury and another hero with some other injury.  Don’t know more than that except the 2 giant rats lived that I could have captured.
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 29 Mar 2014 - 3:13

LENNY II IS THE MAN...considering what's left of him! GREAT report & photos. Araby is proving to be the most photogenic of your various gaming locales.   thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 30 Mar 2014 - 4:31

Thanks Al.
Press Gang II or We Only Meet Angry Drunks
A Deadly Race for Swabs between the Sewer Slinkers, the Smugglers and the Dead Baba's

Report of the Night Watch, 27th day of Xordād in the year of the Leopard

The Fifth Cohort received reports of a building collapse shortly after the third hour.  An abandoned tavern formerly known as the Camel Trough was reported to have collapsed at roughly half past the second hour.  A reinforced patrol was sent to investigate.  

Upon arrival the patrol was met by several citizens complaining of 'disappeared' relatives, friends or employees.  In addition the bodies of three male Arabyans and one rat devil were discovered in the immediate vicinity.  It took some time, but the 'disappeared' were not believed to have been in the old Camel Trough when it collapsed.  They were instead believed to be the victims of kidnap or misadventure.  Further investigation led the the discovery of the corpse of a gigantic rat devil.  The five bodies were found near an establishment known as The Officer's Club, which had clearly suffered a riot or brawl.  The bodies of the rat devils were immediately sent to the Citadel for study.

Witnesses reported being awoken by the sounds of a skirmish, during which the Camel Trough collapsed.  Witnesses report seeing several rat devils leaping from the roof of the Camel Trough just before it collapsed.  These rat devils were reported as belonging to the Green and Gold gang, which was corroborated by the evidence of the murdered rat devil's attire.

As per the usual procedure, the landlord of the Officer's Club was fined 100 dinars.  The landlord of the Camel Trough was reported missing some time ago, but a fine of 200 dinars was levied against his heirs and estate.

In all six citizens have been reported missing after the nights misadventure.  No bodies were found inside the collapsed building.

The Smugglers advance from the west. (The Dead Baba's are forted up inside the building to the left.)
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A Smuggler hero, henchman and Hired Sword advance across the rooftops to capture a drunk.
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The Sewer Slinkers surge forward to grab most of the drunks. (The rat ogre was having a bad night...)
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The brawl starts with both the Smugglers and the Sewer Slinkers shooting up the two (unpainted) Dead Baba's that braved the street.  Karim the Beggar has already been shot down by the rat and elf firing squad on the lower right roof.
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The Smuggler's Triad is successful at capturing the drunk.
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Post Battle
The cowardly Smugglers fled first. They had lost two heroes and a few henchmen out of action. One hero will miss the next game.  The Smugglers killed one drunk and captured one.  They also captured one unlucky verminkin.

The Dead Baba's ended up sandwiched between the other gangs.  All in all they still made a decent showing.  However, Farid the Horrible and Karim were both OoA along with the Pit Fighter, Sirhan the greatsword and the new guy.  Farid will miss the next game due to a leg wound.  NO ONE ELSE DIED.  The Dead Baba's killed one drunk and captured another.  The gang gained UNDERDOG bonus for the first time in the campaign having fallen from 444 last week to 335 this week.

The Sewer Slinkers took it on the chin a bit even though the Arabyan gangs were more interested in running away then fighting.  The skaven inflicted almost twice as many casualties as they suffered, but only skaven died. One verminkin died, one was captured and the rat ogre died.  Four drunks were captured and one was killed.  Large amounts of money were earned.
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Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 30 Mar 2014 - 12:46

YET ANOTHER COOL REPORT! This is one tough, although photogenic, town.   What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri 4 Apr 2014 - 5:42

I have a inbuilt bias against skaven but I still find it sad that the Sewer Slinkers were the only warband to loose any warriors and lost three to death or captured.

Hopefully next time you will get your chance to free Al Bobo before his execution date arrives.
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri 4 Apr 2014 - 15:28

RationalLemming wrote:
I have a inbuilt bias against skaven but I still find it sad that the Sewer Slinkers were the only warband to loose any warriors and lost three to death or captured.

Ah well, I wasn't too sad. One guy got replaced and the Rat Ogre will be making a reappearance very soon Smile
I also had an inbuilt bias to skaven, but never tried using them. And after using them in this campaign....I'd say the bias is still there.
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri 4 Apr 2014 - 23:28

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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 5 Apr 2014 - 15:05

Week Fifteen--Three Guys Playing Mordheim IV

Chris--Araby Smugglers
Harganok--Skaven (AKA The Sewer Slinkers, AKA The Green and Golds)
Von Kurst--Arabyan Thieves (AKA Baba Ali's Gang of Nearly Twenty Thieves, AKA The Dead Baba's)

The group got hit by another dose of the Campaign Curse this week. So Al Bobo had to languish in prison for another week. His original sentence called for execution in 10 games, thus it is possible the campaign could end before he could be rescued. (Of course he was captured by Nordlanders, so he can appeal to Imperial Justice and fight a Trial by Combat [pit fight] rather than submit to execution. Given Al Bobo's skills, I view this as a last resort).

Do you ever notice that if someone is going to miss game night, it often means that there will be an odd number of players? There are seven of us, but that rarely means that only one will miss a night. Usually if someone is going to miss, it means that two or four players will be gone...

The Wizard's Mansion

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Report of the Watch, 3rd day of Hadukannaš in the Year of the Leopard

The 4th Cohort responded to the report of a riot near the Tower of Ankspura at the 6th hour of the day. Upon arrival the patrol discovered the Tower looted and several dead citizens. All three deceased were known to be members of the Nearly Twenty Thieves, also known as the Dead Babas.

All of the dead were killed by crossbow bolts or sling stones. There was no trace of the Magus Ankspura, the former resident of the Tower. Witnesses report that a mob led by a holy man from the desert attacked the tower, but were driven off by devils raised by the Magus to defend himself. These devils were dressed in green and gold robes and seemed to appear out of nowhere. It is assumed that the thieves joined the mob to loot the tower, or perhaps inspired the mob to mask their theft.

Closer examination the ruined Tower reveals that the foundations have been undermined by several small tunnels, which have now collapsed. This curious fact combined with the color of the robes worn by the defenders of the Tower hint at the involvement of the infamous Green and Gold Rat Devils.

Post Battle
As usual the Smugglers fled first, after losing at least one hero and the minimum number of henchmen. Chris rolled HOT for the weather, which effectively neutered the Arabyan shooting. A Cute Little Monkey event deprived the fallen hero of her Rabbit's Foot just before she was targeted by the Firing Squad (the two Night Runners with crossbows and the dark elf Assassin). The Smugglers still benefited from Underdog bonus (warband rating 372 before the fight).

The Dead Babas scuppered any hope of an Underdog bonus by hiring a Tomb Robber before the game, effectively upping their rating to 401. Sadly Mir Sher rolled an 11 for her tarot cards making the investment useless. (I was hoping for two +1/-1 options in the post battle sequence.) The newest thief was killed along with a member of the veteran Monkey Cult and the new hero Almah who was killed by a lucky sling shot. To add insult to injury, the Thief Hired Sword failed to steal anything and barely escaped the Arabyan Quarters with his life.

The Sewer Slinkers became unbearably rich; lost no models to permanent injury; etc., etc. Naturally this makes the return of the rat ogre likely, joy.
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PostSubject: Re: Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves   Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSat 5 Apr 2014 - 16:41

After the Infamous Rally Monkey of the '02 World Series, I've started to view all "cute little" monkey's as diabolical entities. That aside, yet another enjoyable read...GREAT NARRATIVE WORK!   thumbsup 

I think that the odd player numbers thingy is covered under one of Murphy's Laws.   clown
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