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 TBMF goes Discord

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3 posters
Admin Tom
Admin Tom

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PostSubject: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jan 2021 - 22:09

Hi all... long time no see. I think my last post on here was 10 years ago. Soooo... where was I. Ah yes.
This is a bit of an experiment: We have added a "Discord" button to the forum's navigation bar.

TBMF goes Discord Tbmc_d13

A Discord Server - for those unfamiliar - is simply put a chatroom that is constantly available, with optional video and audio function, that lets you drop in or out as you please. The idea of Tom's Boring Paining Hub as our very own aptly named Discord server is called is that you can drop in any time while you do some hobbying; chances are there may be another Mordheim Forumite hanging out there with whom to have a friendly chat while painting.

Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of an even more tightly knit community or a total failure. I will be hanging when I do some painting. Care to pop in and say hi?

Take care and as always: keep sharing those pics!
Admin Tom

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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jan 2021 - 23:54

That does sound interesting, Tom! What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2021 - 15:55

Great to see you back Tom, it's really cool to see alot of the old members returning Smile Really promising for sure! Will gladly join the Discord server and let's hope more people will follow! I like the idea of a hobby hangout, especially during these times as we're spending more time in our homes..
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Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2021 - 18:00

Thanks guys!

I will be online today from ca. 20:00 CET for anyone who cares to join. Looking forward to see you there!

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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeTue 2 Feb 2021 - 13:59

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that the Discord is a pretty cool space to hangout and have a chat while you're hobbying! Currently we're online most of the evenings (CET time) and it would be cool if more people from the forum joined, so feel free to do so! Maybe it's also good to note out that it's not 'Mordheim only' and everybody is just doing projects they're currently on, which is awesome! I'm working on a Kill Team for example, which isn't really Mordheim'ish Shocked

Well I hope to see more of you soon!
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Admin Tom
Admin Tom

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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeTue 2 Feb 2021 - 14:42

Seconded. Any hobby project is welcome and allowed. You are welcome to drop in anytime with or without video/audio.

20:00-ish CET is a good time to find forumites online currently.

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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitimeSat 13 Feb 2021 - 13:10

Just a small update, but the Boring Co-Op painting Discord is growing (slowly, but steady!) and it would be cool to see some more of you all joining the hobby sessions, so feel free to do so! Smile

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PostSubject: Re: TBMF goes Discord   TBMF goes Discord Icon_minitime

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