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 Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II

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Von Kurst
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSun 14 Apr 2019 - 20:26

Welcome to Al-Haikk, the City of Thieves

This past Thursday marked the beginning of our newest campaign.

Chris S--The Possessed
Jim L--Turjuk Nomads (RotC)
Jim S--Arabyan Nomads (Khemri website)

It looks like three is going to be our number of players, except when one of us is off on vacation or such.  This is both kinda sad (I have all these 2 player scenarios that are not going to be played) and nice because we need less terrain.

We started with an old chestnut:
The Curse of the Angry Drunk

It was past last call in Al-Haikk's Thieves Quarter. The dissolute had not yet left the Three Sisters, a house of ill repute with fanchises throughout the City of Thieves.  The warbands crept up on the brothel intending to capture slaves for Caliph of Lashiek's galleys.  Instead they found horror and death in the night...

The Turjuks stalk infidels
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The Cult of Clumsiness attacks a small girl...
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The Purple Prince and the Winged Terror contemplate a victim...
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Al Bobo is alone in front of the Turjuk.  Abu the Monkey Man has just killed the Askar Jawhar, then been shot down in turn.
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The Purple One approaches the Turjuk right
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Mayhem in the Three Sisters
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The Winged Terror claims another victim
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The Purple One enters the Three Sisters
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Al Bobo kills a drunk
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Sheik Shufti takes a shot in the dark (he missed)
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The Turjuk fled before the terror of the approach of the Purple Prince.  The Sons of the Desert held on in the hopes that Al Bobo would capture another infidel, but the devout servant of the One killed the pagan instead.  The Sons of the Desert flee.  The Cult of Clumsiness wins the first battle with 5 warriors (Warband rating 62).

As usual Jim L's Turjuk lose the first hero of the campaign Game 1: Askar Jawhar who was killed by Abu the Monkeyman.
They also lose one henchman Jamal the Townsman (w/ sword) killed by an Angry Drunk.
The Turjuk capture two drunks and kill one.  They sold everything to buy back their casualties.

The Sons of the Desert were broken by the Turjuks and Angry Drunks. One of whom took the Djinni Binder and Achmed out of action.  Abu the Monkey Man was killed by a Turjuk arrow.  
The Djinni Binder took a hand injury (now WS1!)  
Achmed fully recovers.
The Sons of the Desert captured two drunks and killed one as well.  Abu the Monkey Man II is hired.

The Cult of Clumsiness gained wealth and a new Mutant.  Chris started with just 3 heroes and the expectation of being overwhelmed by numbers.  This did not happen...  The Purple Prince gains Gino's Curse for 3 games for attacking Lucky Gino (a random event NPC).

Last edited by Von Kurst on Wed 17 Apr 2019 - 1:29; edited 3 times in total
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeWed 17 Apr 2019 - 0:47

The Lost Princess
The Princess Almah has become lost in the notorious Thieves Quarter!  Who will save her?

Not these floks.  The Cult elected to just attack the Turjuks. Here the Winged Terror learns that it is not dark enough.  The Turjuk shower arrows upon the fiend.
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The Purple Prince steps forward to shield his compatriot.  The Winged Terror is not feeling well.
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Battle is joined.  The Purple One is losing friends
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Oops! The Purple One is out of action!
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The Cult flees the scene!

Meanwhile the Sons of the Desert move towards Princess Almah
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Except a patrol of the Caliph's Mamluks enter to rescue the Princess, too.
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Here Almah has entered the United Pirate Shipping building to check on a package she is expecting...
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The Nomads attempt to persuade the patrol that they have prior claim on the reward.  This does not go well.
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The Djinni Binder and Al Bobo attempt to convince the Princess to leave with them
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The Turjuks are coming!
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Except for this guy, who tripped in the dark
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Abu the Monkey Man II falls to the Mamluks! (He was facing those 2 spearmen)
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The Djinni Binder attempts to leave the United Pirate Shipping with the Princess, but, oh no, Turjuks!
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The Turjuks press closer
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Except for these guys, who are still back at the 3 Sisters
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The Sons of the Desert have defeated the patrol.  Now the Djinni Binder races for the table edge with Almah while the rest of the warband prepare to stop the Turjuks.
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Mir Sher tries a preemptive charge, (it does not go well)
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Sweet Baboo is getting killed here...
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The survivors fall back while the couple escape
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The Sons of the Desert pass several leadership tests to stay in the fight until the Djinni Binder can successfully escape!  Each turn is paid for with another lost henchman or hero...

Finally the escape is made!  The Sons of the Desert snatch victory from defeat...sort of.

The Cult fled first.  A nameless minion dies.  The Purple One is blinded in one eye. (Which is sort of like being cursed, even though we promptly forgot Gino's Curse from the first battle...)

The Turjuks broke the Cult and cut the Nomads to pieces, but failed to win*. Ismail the Mamluk is killed (the Turjuks have Mamluks, too.)

*I had been criticizing the choice of Townsmen as henchmen for the Turjuks, so 2 of them blinded the Purple One and cut through 3 henchmen of mine, killing two. Mamluks are still better.

The Sons of the Desert lost Abu the Monkey Man II, Shem and Sweet Baboo killed in action. Achmed gets better...They gain 18 dinars, light armor, a helmet and shield as a reward.  They are also declared outlaw for 3 games in Al Haikk for resisting the Caliph's guards, kidnapping and extortion... Abu the Monkey Man III is hired.

We got two games in. A hero has died. The Purple One is cursed (if we remember and maybe if we don't). And the Sons of the Desert have become criminals. All in all a good start.
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeWed 17 Apr 2019 - 13:32

ALLAH BE PRAISED! The start of a new adventure in the is good. What a Face
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Venerable Ancient
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeWed 17 Apr 2019 - 16:39

Great looking table- I am really impressed with the dock.
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 20 Apr 2019 - 19:29

Thanks for the comments gents!

@Codsticker--well the dock is available on the internet I suppose.  Its a Christmas village decoration that Menards stores used to sell.  The great thing about it was nobody would buy it for regular price, so it always got discounted after Christmas.  Sadly at the time I never bothered learning the name of the company that made the docks.
Tales of the Arabyan Nights--The Rainy Season

An Ambush in the Thieves Quarter

The Turjuks emerged from their previous defeats as the highest rated warband (which is easy for human warbands to do, if enough of them live...)  They were rewarded by being ambushed by the Cult and the Nomads.

The Turjuks had sheltered for the night in the Officer's Club, spending some of their newly acquired treasure.  Thus, they had less money when the other warbands came to steal their wealth (Jim L rolled a 2 high when determining how much treasure each hero was carrying. His five heroes had 6 treasures between them. Hardly worth robbing.)

It was a deep dark night when the sentries sounded the alarm.  The humans could see 7 inches in the gloom.  The Possessed had a night sight of 13 inches.  Luckily Possessed can't shoot.

A newly hired Mamluk tries to hold back the Cult on his own
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While a Townsman slows down the Nomads
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Their progress at the end of their second turn.  It also begins to rain...
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The Scholar hasn't gotten far...
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On the ground level the piano plays on while the patrons flee
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The Cult of Clumsiness' Mutant continues to live up to the name
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But the Nomads are worse at moving in the dark
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Four Turjurk heroes have a good start (so they will move TOWARD the Nomads...)
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While their henchman await the Cult
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The Scholar wonders what the fuss is about
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The clumsiness continues
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The Nomad henchmen carry on without their leaders
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The Turjuk heroes rush TOWARD the blocking force of Nomads
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The Scholar tries to climb down from the wet balcony.  He slips and falls stunned in the dark.  A fight erupts over his body.
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The Turjuk lose
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Meanwhile very bad things are happening to the men left behind
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Oops that guy with bow got away (he fell off the balcony, but lived)
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Oh no, he didn't get away
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And Abu the Monkey Man III has gotten above the Turjuk heroes
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And the net is closing
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Meanwhile back at the Officer's Club, the last Mamlak is felled by Dark Blood.  The Mamlak is knocked down.  The Magister falls stunned...
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But, the Turjuks make it off the table (the last one taunting Achmed)
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As the Purple Prince and the Winged Terror set their claws on Nomads
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Oh the horror
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Failed fear tests and stumbles in the dark mean Al Bobo is killed
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Then Babiars is consumed.  And the Djinni Binder falls before the wings of the Terror.  The Nomads flee!

The Turjuk escaped with 4 heroes for 5 treasures (and 5 experience).  Despite half of the warband being out of action only an un-named townsman dies.  The Turjuk spend lots of dinars.

The Nomads lost Sweet Baboo II, Al Bobo and Babiars all killed by the Purple Prince (who was cursed and re-rolling all of his successful rolls.  The Purple One managed one fatal wound on each of his victims anyway.)  The Djinni Binder manages to survive. He also managed to catch the eye of Selena the Healer, who heals his arm wound!  The Nomads are reduced to 6 models which means they could re-hire Al Bobo II.

The foul Cult wins!  They gain one treasure (by stealing it from Babiars' body.) In addition the Magister rolls well on the Shadowlord table and becomes a Possessed himself.  He forgets the spell Black Blood, but becomes a monster.  Whee!

Coming soon--a daylight skirmish (during which it will rain...)
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 20 Apr 2019 - 20:24 rains a lot for a desert setting, Allah be praised! The setting & the minis are as GLORIOUS as the action. YET ANOTHER EXCITING ARABY ADVENTURE!...great stuff! thumbsup
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Venerable Ancient
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSun 21 Apr 2019 - 16:58

Yeah I agree the setting is great. Besides the dock (which I am impressed with because I need one for another project) the interior of the buildings are awesome.
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Von Kurst
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeWed 24 Apr 2019 - 0:28

Thank you gentlemen.

Quote :
Besides the dock (which I am impressed with because I need one for another project) the interior of the buildings are awesome.

Woot! something Jim L can take credit for:
A Skirmish in the Thieves' Quarter
For once the Cult did not get to choose time of day (or roll for the scenario as low warband, since they had just killed a third of the Nomad's warband.)  It was a clear day in old Al Haikk, at least until it started raining...

We suffer from the curse of either 'roll the same scenario over and over or roll the same event we had last game'...
The Cult is hiding in that building to the left...
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There's the Purple Prince hiding on the porch (you can barely see his base)
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The Turjuks advance
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There is a wreck in the harbor. (Jim L is on a 3D printed scenery kick)
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The Cult looses 2 henchmen (out of 7 warriors) and flees!

The Nomads face off against the Turjuk in the rain.

Mir Sher charges an Askar
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The Turjuk's Emir is running late
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Achmed fails to save Mir Sher (his shot misses and the poor girl is overwhelmed by a counter charge)
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End game: a rain of arrows fails to stop the Turjuk charge.  Shem must sacrifice himself to save Abu the Monkey Man III.
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The Cult flees with the 2 cultist brethren out of action.  One dies. The Cult rolls well. They buy another mutant or something gribbly.

The Nomads suffer Shem and Mir Sher out of action. Shem dies. The Nomads find a looted merchant's stall.  In the wreckage they find a jeweled sword and dagger that has been overlooked! Babiars II is hired.  

The Turjuks win a game!  They lost no one to injury (no one was injured...).  They find a used horse salesman with a sale on and purchase the Emir an Arabyan Steed.

Coming soon--A Heist in the Thieves Quarter
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeWed 24 Apr 2019 - 9:46

Lovely pictures, models and scenery! I do prefer this setting or the pirates, thanks for reporting these games.
That being said, I just caught up on Big Toof happenings, that was a spectacular finale! Very Happy
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeWed 24 Apr 2019 - 13:35

I agree; i.e., the photos are LOVELY. That is the how most folks dream their games will look. GREAT STUFF! thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeFri 26 Apr 2019 - 21:13

Thank you for the comments!
Tales of the Arabyan Nights--Battle Royal

Not A Heist in the Thieves Quarter--Jim L is larking about this week.  Chris and I met and battled on.  Unfortunately I trusted Chris' estimate of his warband rating (120+) last week and rolled up a scenario to play.  The actual rating of the Cult was 108 (compared with 111 for the recovering Nomads), so Chris rolled a new scenario:

The Eaters of the Dead
The Thieves Quarter of Al Haikk borders the wastes.  In addition the city walls were nearly destroyed in this quarter of the city during the late war (The Third Arabyan War). Thus, on the night of the Waxing of Morslieb residents of the Quarter lock and bar their doors and windows. No one ventures out. The Ghouls of the Great Desert are given leave to feast if they can.

The appointed night has arrived and the gong for curfew has sounded.  As the warband nears its lodging the leader is accosted by a heavily veiled lady.
“You must save him! My beloved has gone mad!  He is somewhere in the town.  Find him and bring him to the Palace of the Four Winds.  I will reward you greatly!”
The lady names a sum that is interesting.  Several large, lurking presences make attempting to simply relieve her of the reward seem an unacceptable risk.
“Show him this that he may know you come from me.”  The lady provides a cheap looking locket set with a curious milky stone… This stone alone may be worth a feigned search...

Much later the Nomads encounter a half naked maniac armed with sword and dagger.  The lunatic was staring into the night sky as a pack of ghouls stole toward him out of the shadows.  The Djinni Binder was able to touch the stone of the locket to the madman's brow.  Instantly the man recovered his wits!  When the ghouls attacked, Prince _______ cut them down with the help of Abu the Monkey Man and Al Bobo II.

The Prince had just escaped the ghouls when the dread Purple One appeared from an alleyway to the east.  Abu bravely fought the monstrosity as the Djinni Binder and Al Bobo escorted the Prince to safety.  However more abominations appeared out the gloom.  Abu and Al Bobo fell stunned before the attacks.  As the forces of darkness threatened to overwhelm the Nomads, the famed explorer 'Altdorf' Schmidt appeared to save the Nomads from slaughter!

As our photographer is AWOL, there are no images of the battle. Here is an image from a previous campaign featuring the forces of chaos battling against Al Bobo.
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The Cult fails its first rout test and flees from the battered Nomads.  No one dies.  The Cult hire another beastman.  They search for a contact with the Black Market and gain at least one rabbit's foot.

The Nomads are saved by 'Altdorf' Schmidt.  The 'Mad' Prince is grateful and rewards his servants with much gold.  The Nomads search for a contact with the Black Market and purchase one 'real' rabbit's foot (they also wasted 10 gold on a fake or two...).  Many henchmen are hired to replace the losses suffered thus far.

Protect the Prince(ss)

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Almah the Merchant Princess wished to see the sights of the Arabyan Quarters.  The trusted Nomads were charged with the task of guarding her.  Unfortunately Almah proved capricious and ignorant of time keeping.  The last party she attended went way to late and the Cult was lurking in ambush outside the hall... Suffice it to say that after a valiant defense, the Nomads fled shrieking into the night, leaving poor Almah to her fate.

No one died! (Two games in a row!) (Well no one died except Almah...) During the ambush, the Djinni Binder suffered a vision.  His vision leads the warband to rescue the Barbarian Drenok Johansen from crucifixion!  The Barbarian rewards the Nomads handsomely, and vows to help them defeat the foul Cult (as soon as Drenok recovers from his wounds...)

The Cult assassinate Almah.  However they failed to recover much treasure and sulk off into the night.
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeFri 26 Apr 2019 - 22:27

Trust The Cultists to waste a perfectly good Girl. The photos are BEAUTIES even if they are from other games. GREAT STUFF! thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 18:20

Thanks for the comment Al.
Tales of the Arabyan Nights--A Lousy Camel is all I Found

Down at the Docks in the Thieve's Quarter
The Nomads of B'rahn tried their hand at smuggling.  Sadly they were forced to rely on the infidel.  As it is written, this did not end well.

The B'rahni met the Barbarians at the appointed time.  But the Cult and the Turjuk arrived only slightly later...
The Nomads begin to unload
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The Turjuk sulk through the alleys to the southeast
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The Cult appeared on the roofs to the southwest
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It is a dark night with a smuggler's moon.
Al Bobo carries the torch, as Shufti and the Djinni Binder investigate the chanting and roaring from the west...
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From the east a stray camel appears (random event--Loose Camel)
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Somehow the camel takes a swim...
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The Turjuk gain the roofs as well
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The camel swims off into the night.  We realize that the Guards of the Glorious Caravan should have been searching for their wayward beast for several turns.  We roll dice as though we could possibly turn back game time... Suspect  No one rolls a one and we stop. Thank goodness.

The Turjuk get closer
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As do the Cult (who manage to climb off the roof without too much bother.) Bother!
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So the plan was that Al Bobo and his torch would illuminate the Cult for the gunners on the ship, Turjuk marksmen and various Nomads with bows... The Cult cleverly kept to cover and the Turjuk were annoyingly fixated on killing Nomads...
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The Cult close in.  Bombardment proves ineffective...Arrows are rubber again.
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The Nomads begin re-enacting the Massacre of the Innocents with the Nomads as the Innocents...
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Meanwhile, Babiars II is preparing to flee with some illegal cargo.
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The Turjuk rush to stop the B'rahni
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It becomes untenable.  The B'rahni manage to get 2 cargo off the table.  But lose most of the henchmen.  The Nomads flee!

The Turjuk turn toward the ship
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The Nomads have left some cargo floating just by the table edge...
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A swivel gunners blasts the Cult with grape!  Only a minion will be hurt. He will get better
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The Purple One attacks the ship! He is met with a volley of pistol shots (those Empire swordsmen have braces of pistols, too.)
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The Cult advance using the darkness to hide from Turjuk arrows
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The Cult rush from the darkness, bringing terror and blood.  The Turjuk flee when the Emir and his steed are cast down by the Purple One.

Then the Barbarian smugglers perished to a man defending their ship.  The Cult triumph!

The Nomads fled first. They gained 2 cargo (food and booze worth 8 dinars.)  The new Pit Fighter and Amir II are killed by the Cult.  Mir Sher becomes a hero! A lucky find in exploration adds 10 dinars.

The Turjuk flee with no cargo recovered at all.  One poor Turjuk henchman may have died.

The Cult gain 5 cargo (more food and booze).  No one dies (a beastman, a minion and a mutant were at least out of action.)  The other Beastman becomes a hero... And a Warlock returns a favor.

Coming soon--The Heretics!

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sat 4 May 2019 - 16:28; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeFri 3 May 2019 - 19:40

The Cult has some ghostly figures in their midst...seems appropriate. GREAT GAME AND BEAUTIFUL SETTING! thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 11:16

I love how 'busy' the board is, looks like proper docks! High adventure in the dark city. Smile
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 17:31

Thank you very much for the kind comments (and for taking the time to comment).
The Heretics

Since we are going to be having a campaign of 3 player games for the foreseeable future, I have been trying to adapt some 2 player games to fit a larger format to give us some variety.  This was the first playtest of my version of Hunt the Heretic.  It was a minor disaster farao

The Cult had added a Warlock hired sword.  This lost them the race to be low warband (which is currently a stiff competition as the low warband determines 'time of day' by our house rules.) The result was a daylight battle!  Finally all those bowmen would have a clear target!  Well maybe...

The Arabian Quarters
As the warbands clattered on to the scene the heretics scattered.  Most fled directly away from any possible pursuit.  Some ran in confusion toward the Turjuk, and one blundered dangerously close to the Cult.  None tried to brave the docks where the Nomads had occupied a stone jetty...

The Cult elected to travel the rooftops again.  Something the Turjuk had not considered.  Something else the Turjuk had not bargained with was the Warlock, who immediately attacked the Turjuk with a fireball spell.  The (invisible) daytime crowd panicked!
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Many citizens ran right over the Nomads on the jetty...
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The Cult travels quickly over the rooftops, totally ignoring the fleeing heretics
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The Turjuk Mamluks retreat, firing rubber arrows at their pursuers all the while.
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In the meantime, the heretics (who are cleverly disguised as barrels) scuttle away uncaught.
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The carnage begins
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The Nomads are far from either the fleeing heretics or the battling warbands
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II 47a9db23b3127cce98549300345e00000010100AbOXDRkzbMmWA

The Turjuk flee with 2 or 3 heroes out of action once again.  (And once again it is the loss of their Emir that really hurts.)

One rumor of heresy was uncovered by the Turjuk before they fled, but it merely confirmed that the real heretics had escaped.

The Cult turn their ire on the Nomads
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The Purple One killed Sweet Baboo II, then faced revenge (no one failed a fear test for once!)  The 4 Nomad warriors had 7 attacks between them, including 4 at S5. (The Djinni Binder cast his Burning Hand spell for the first time! He HIT! He rolled a 1 to wound...)
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The Winged Terror learns that even rubber arrows can take a fella out of action!
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The Cult flee!  Nomads are the last humans standing!

Since the heretics had escaped, there was no winner.  I was a bit concerned that the warbands would quickly discover the heretic in the scenario, so I made the initial scatter roll a 3D6 roll.  The first counter rolled 16"!  Jim L is usually someone to count on for low rolls, but that proved not to be the case when he was moving NPCs.  5 of the possible heretic counters made it off the board before any warband member could move within initiative range.  I rewrote that part...

The Turjuk had NO ONE die, not even a horse.  The Emir gains Horrible Scars.

The Cult also lost one as far as I know.

The Nomads lost Sweet Baboo II killed by the stupid Purple One. I only have one 'original henchman' left. But I did get to roll 6 exploration dice, even in a loss.  The Nomads find a drunken infidel and sell him to the Caliph's galleys.

Next week the campaign moves into the Great Arabyan Desert.

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sun 5 May 2019 - 18:28; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 17:49

Lessons learned, heretics can't be to quick lest they escape. And we don't want that. Smile
And the Caliph's galleys... I totally wouldn't mind some Arabyan pirate action. Just saying. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 4 May 2019 - 19:25

HOORAY FOR THE HERETICS! Some one is always the winner...except in soccer! cheers
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 11 May 2019 - 19:12

Thank you for the kind comments gentlemen.
Quote :
Lessons learned, heretics can't be to quick lest they escape. And we don't want that.   Smile
And the Caliph's galleys... I totally wouldn't mind some Arabyan pirate action. Just saying. Very Happy

Balancing the possibility of escape versus 5 out of 6 counters are gone before a warband can even see a heretic may take awhile. Embarassed
There will be 'ships of the desert'...  farao

Tales of the Arabyan Nights--Death in the Great Arabyan Desert

Another daylight battle, another total defeat for the forces of humanity...

Capture the Oasis

This scenario is one I adapted from Warhammer Skirmish, back in the day.  When I put it on the scenario list I secretly hoped never to play it...

The warbands converge on a hidden oasis.  Sadly no one will share.
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Actually the Cult converged on the Nomads.  Babiars II has been shot in the back by Turjuks
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This git!
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Melee does not go well.  I swap a pit fighter(who dies) for a brethren (who will get better).
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The Nomad heroes bravely fall back
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The Nomads rout with 3 henchman and Pit Fighter out of action.

The Turjuk send rubber arrows toward the Cult
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The Cult get closer
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II 47a9db28b3127cce985493cb59d800000010100AbOXDRkzbMmWA

The photographer did not record what happened next.  The Turjuk who lead with their poor heroes, lose several of those heroes out of action and flee! (That's why they are heroes after all...)

The Nomads and Turjuk are automatically lost in the desert.  The pesky Cult have a nice caravan stop by to feed them and sell them stuff.

The Nomads lose the Pit Fighter Who Never Lives Long Enough To Gain A Name and poor Arim III, who are also the only warriors with weapons that can hurt the Purple one in combat..  The warband does stop at the Shrine of the Martyr, but even though they gain provisions and are not cursed, they are still lost.  The Nomads rejoice that they are now the lowest rated warband.

The Turjuk recover nicely from their injuries.  Again NO ONE dies.

The Cult roll for advances and generally gloat over the amount of gold and experience gained.  The Cult are mildly worried that they have gained highest rated status however... Thus a critical part of the post battle sequence is ignored.

Coming soonish--The Monster's Lair

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sat 11 May 2019 - 20:03; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 11 May 2019 - 19:44

Well the outcome may have been unfortunate for the forces of the somewhat-less-evil, but the table & quite a few of the miniature warriors looked WONDERFUL. Egro ANOTHER GREAT GAME!  What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSun 12 May 2019 - 19:39

The Monster's Lair
A variation of Monster Hunt.

The Nomads were suffering from dehydration after their time lost in the desert.  Then they discovered a ring of boulders filled with treasure.  As usual, before they could secure the treasure, the Turjuks and Cult stole it.

The Turjuk Emir grabs the first treasure counter... In the distance the owner appears
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Meanwhile a group of Hobgoblin wolf riders cleverly disguised as nomads, ambush the Turjuk
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II 47a9db28b3127cce985493cf59dc00000010100AbOXDRkzbMmWA

The Cult set their sights on the little red dragon
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Shem is suffering mirages.  He wanders 3"
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The Nomads play a waiting game
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Jawhar II charges a nomad/wolf rider
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Other Turjuk steal treasures
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The Little Red Dragon charges a brethren
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The counter charge.  No one fears the Little Red Dragon
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Ghostly Beastmen!
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The nomad/wolf riders take Jawhar II out of action and charge everyone else.
Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Jawhar II

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The Nomads move a little closer...
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This one got shot, stunned and his wolf ran away...
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Defend the wizard!
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The Little Red Dragon has taken 3 wounds.  The arrow dice means he is starting his attacks with the Purple One.
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Ghostly Beastmen grab treasure
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The Little Red Dragon is taken out of action
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The Nomads inch closer
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There are fewer, well no, mounted wolf riders.
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Turjuk try to capture wolves
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And kill wolf riders
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II 47a9db28b3127cce985493d2d8f100000010100AbOXDRkzbMmWA

The Turjuk shoot down a Beastman.  The Cult roll box cars and flee!  (The Little Red Dragon got 2 Brethren) The beastmen carrying treasures drop them.  The Warlock holds on to one counter, gaining the Cult 2 swords.

The Nomads' Nomad Scout grabs a treasure.  Then he starts seeing mirages... Mir Sher charges in!
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The Turjuk have captured one wolf.
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There is less treasure, but most of the good stuff is still in play
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Everyone is using rubber swords and daggers
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The battle for the treasure grows
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The end is near
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Even though there are more Turjuk on the table, most of them are trying to gain experience for stealing treasure or wolves... The Nomads out number the rear guard 5 to 4.
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In the end all of the Turjuk defenders fall knocked down or stunned.  But it is 9 o'clock and the store closes!  Woe!

The Cult failed their first rout test of the game.  About 10 minutes after the Cult fled I hear, "What is a three 4s result?"  I answer that the Cult have met the Pilgrims.  It turns out these Pilgrims worship the Arabyan gods, so the Cult kill and rob them.  Then it turns out that this was supposed to happen LAST game.  The Cult had an Unholy relic.  No do overs.  A Ghostly Beastman is killed.  The Cult rob more Pilgrims.
Oh well.

The Nomads are robbed!  Just 10 more minutes and not moving for most of the game would have paid off!  As it is the Nomads grab three treasure counters.  Only one turns out to be real.  The Nomads gain light armor.  The Djinni Binder suffers multiple injuries!  He ends up with the dread Old Battle Wound.  The Nomads retreat to Al Haikk to resupply and hire more men.

The Turjuk lose the Mamluk Ismail II killed by wolf riders. The Turjuk grab 3 or 4 treasure counters and one wolf.  They gain the Ifrit's Blade and some heavy armor.  Jawhar II was blinded in one eye.  The Turjuk also retreat to Al Haikk to trade.

Next week we will battle in the City of Thieves once more.
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeMon 13 May 2019 - 2:41

You need to find a gaming store that closes at midnight. I know one on Long Island & there is one in Austin that stays open that late...I think. The drive might be a bit much though. clown
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PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeMon 13 May 2019 - 12:23

Grand reports, as ever! Though the madness might have overgrown when the store's closing down before the game ends...
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Von Kurst
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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 18 May 2019 - 18:10

Thank you for the comments gentlemen! We have been starting a bit earlier in the day, but still the games take time.
Tales of the Arabyan Nights--Back in Al Haikk

The warbands returned from the desert. The Turjuks have won the right of picking the location of our battles as well as the coveted low warband rating. Chris has realized that he can still dominate the skirmishes, so he's a bit more complacent about getting shot at in the day time.

This week the legendary hero Drenok Johansen had recovered enough to join the Nomads. This was both a blessing and a curse. Drenok adds 70 in warband rating, so that meant the Nomads provided free experience to our persecutors...

The first battle in Al Haikk took place in the Arabyan Quarters. Jim L has printed up a dhow, so the skirmish took place at a harbor...
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The actual battle took place far from the harbor. The Turjuks held the eastern hieghts
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The Nomads and the Cult faced off in the southwest corner
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The Nomads drew first blood by shooting down a brethren. The crowd went wild! And trampled on the Nomads...

The Cult advanced on the fallen

Hidden archers try to stem the advance
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They don't
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The depleted Nomads get back up again
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If the Nomads have a henchman standing, it is because he had fallen down earlier and couldn't get close enough to be killed.
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The Nomads flee! The Cult's Magister makes a lucky find of an old carpet. Sensing something of value in the old rag, the Magister drags it off the table (dropping the Cult's Leadership to 7...)

The Turjuks round the corner
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There is a cultist hiding behind that wagon...
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The Nomads broke the Cult early, but the Cult held on. So the Nomads fled with 4 henchmen and hired swords out of action in 2 turns of play. Drenok did not charge or get charged. He did get mobbed by the adoring crowd. Abu the Monkey Man III is killed, as is Arim III. An Arabyan Steed is purchased at a steep discount in Exploration.

The Cult give it up when the hired mage is shot down by Turjuks. They gain +1 underdog bonus good for many advances. The carpet is worth some gold, but is not magical...

The Turjuks gain +2 underdog bonus, plus pepper both of their enemies with arrows. And they win without suffering a casualty!

Coming soon An Ambush in Al Haikk

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Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II   Tales of the Arabyan Nights Part II Icon_minitimeSat 18 May 2019 - 19:33

The dhow is a BEAUTY. It fits with the LOVELY Arabian settling nicely. GREAT LOOKING GAME! thumbsup
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