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 The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales

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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeFri 4 Nov 2011 - 20:47

The Venerable Mordheim Campaign began another cycle last Thursday (Nov. 3). The group has been attracting new players lately so we decided to scale back our campaign and visit the quiet river city of Morheim for a few months.

The Cast of Players

Bob--Possessed warband.
Smalls--Dark Elves.      
Grtbrt--Miraglian -with a Priest of Morr
Myth--Egyptian themed Beastmen
Playtable--Pit Fighters [The Arm(ed) Pits]
Derekee--Shadow Warriors
Von Kurst-- Rieklanders with a Sigmarite Warrior Priest.

As usual the campaign record will be sporatically illustrated at best and perhaps a bit wordy. We had 10 players in attendance on opening night. We played around 14 games in just under 3 hrs.
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeFri 4 Nov 2011 - 23:48

COOL! another foray through the twisted streets of dear old Mordheim. cheers
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Honour Guard
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSat 5 Nov 2011 - 8:30

14 games under 3 hours! Wow this is fast especially when four of you have played two games.

And that you have scenery for five tables is mazing too. Some picture would be nice

What campaign system are you using this time? Victory points only, a "carreer system like Btb", a mixture or simply a warband rating based system?

Have fun
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Von Kurst
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSat 5 Nov 2011 - 16:30

SerialMoM wrote:
14 games under 3 hours! Wow this is fast especially when four of you have played two games.
One player who got 3 games in played until the last man standing in his first game. He started over and played a coupe of quick games.

Games with beginning warbands don't take very long depending on the warbands involved and the scenario.

SerialMoM wrote:
And that you have scenery for five tables is mazing too. Some picture would be nice
You should see Playtable's basement.

SerialMoM wrote:
What campaign system are you using this time? Victory points only, a "carreer system like Btb", a mixture or simply a warband rating based system?
We are using our default 'not a system' where we just play until 14 weeks passes or we get tired of the setting. The idea was to give players a break from our more involved games and to see if the new folks stick around.
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Von Kurst
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSun 6 Nov 2011 - 15:41

The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales TheMordheimMap1077

Wyrdstone Hunt
3 Kladezeit 2011

We have arrived at the Cursed City after many privations. Travel on the Stir is difficult this late in the year, but the Lord Sigmar has blessed our journey. We are only a small party of crusaders. Many are called but few answer even from the pious lands of Reinsfeld. Still all of us have stout hearts and strong arms for our Lord's service.

Our boat landed well away from the ruin. One hears tales of pirates and unspeakable monsters lurking beyond the ruins of the Water Gate. The Master of our boat did not wish to risk his craft. Thus we came to the settlement of Sigmar Haven, which all took to be a sign of the god's blessing.

There is much more to say but I must report on our first victory. We entered the ruin through a small postern gate west of the Water Gate. The path is well traveled and we were warned of brigands and worse, but none molested us until we entered the City. The place is a madhouse. Few houses remain undamaged, everything is in disrepair. Captain Steinhart led us to an intact tower to survey the ruins. He immediately detected warriors moving toward our postion and charged us with intercepting them.

We soon discovered the interlopers to be a band of escaped gladiators. I rightly charged them to surrender to our custody, but the miscreants demured. The pit fighters moved through the ruins with care to foil our marksmen, but our brave ally the elf, Finubar, was able to ferret them out. Captain Steinhart felled the enemy leader with an excellent crossbow shot. The gladiators refused to surrender but they retreated after several of them suffered wounds. Upon their retreat we discovered much of the cursed Wyrdstone and removed it lest it tempt the unwary or strengthen the heathen. Our elation at our first victory was tempered by the loss of Finubar, who was killed by an ogre, a brave end which shall be avenged!

Post Battle
playtable wrote:
Arm Pit Fighters
No one died on my side.  One "miss one game" injury.
Bought a 2nd pursuer and 1 lucky charm.

Only Finubar was out of action, thus he died. Young Dieter was able to skinny down a well and retrieve another wyrdstone shard. Another elf was recruited along with another marksman.
Street Fight
5 Kladezeit 2011

I have failed. Our first defeat followed upon our victory. Life is so they say, but our faith is strong, our arms mighty. How could the powers of the dark defeat us in broad day?

We had ventured back to the ruin. We intended to explore the Rich Quarter further, but perhaps we lost our way. The street was narrow and the destruction such that we could only go forward or back. The Captain chose forward as all true servants of Sigmar would. I applaud him. But blasphemy and horror waited along the street; blood drinkers, dead men and the eaters of the dead.

The company had barely time to barricade ourselves behind rubble when a fiend in blood red armor assailed us. He killed the marksman Ordo. Brave Caledor punched the fiend off its feet with an enchanted arrow, but the horror just laughed and strode on. Ghouls over ran us.

Post Battle
The Crusaders
Herman lost an eye. Richart was captured, but ransomed to safety. One marksman died (the most experienced one of course.) Caledor and the rest recovered from thier wounds. Deiter found another well complete with wyrdstone which helps somewhat.

The Undead
A ghoul becomes a hero. Nothing living dies. The Undead warband reaches 15 warriors on its second game. (Only 3 zombies, woe.)
Quote :
Captain Manfred Steinhart, Reikland Captain
Sword, dagger, Crossbow, LC.
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I6 A1 Ld9

Gottart Krieg, Warrior Priest of Sigmar
Sigmarite Warhammer, dagger, LC. Skills: Soulfire
M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8

Herman Faulk, Champion
sword, dagger. Injury: Blind in one eye
M4 WS4 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Richart Gottlieb, Champion
Sword, dagger, dueling pistol, LC
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Dieter Gottmitsen, Youngblood
Pistol, dagger.
M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Hans, Marksman: bow, dagger
M4 WS3 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Jurgen, Marksman: Blunderbuss, dagger
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Werner, Swordsman: sword, dagger
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 Ld7

Hired Swords
Caledor, Elf Ranger: Sword, Elf bow, elf cloak.
M5 WS4 BS5 S3 T3 W1 I6 A1 Ld8

Elmo Furryfoote, Halfling scout: bow, dagger, helmet.
M4 WS2 BS4 S2 T2 W1 I4 A1 Ld9

Last edited by Von Kurst on Sat 12 Nov 2011 - 5:15; edited 2 times in total
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Von Kurst
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSat 12 Nov 2011 - 4:26

Week 1 Vignettes
Round I
Playtable vs me--Wyrdstone Hunt, I win
Bob vs Grtbrt--Surprise Attack, Grtbrt wins, Possessed disband
Myth vs Malnap--Chance Encounter, John wins
Chadwicc vs Smalls--Skirmish, Chad wins
EvilTed vs Derekee--Skirmish, Ted wins

EvilTed wrote:
Skirmish with the tower of the brothers.    Highlight of the game was my necromancer shooting the shadow warrior leader and causing him to fall 6" to be charged by my vampire.   Dereke ram after my necromancer took out his other hero with a bow shot.

Round II
Chadwicc vs Myth—Street Fight, Myth wins
Smalls vs Malnap--Breakthrough, Smalls wins
Playtable vs Bob--Surprise Attack, Bob wins
EvilTed vs me--Street Fight, Ted wins

playtable wrote:
Surprise Attack
Arm Pit Fighters vs Possessed - night (7" sight)
I was scattered in the middle with one out for reserves and one out for injury.
A pursuer got taken out 1st turn by the possessed and magister, couldn't stop either one.
My ogre charged a mutant, lost a wound, and then got critted by a charging henchman and went OOA.
Reserve fighter came in too far away to help in time.
I was consolidating towards the bell tower but my boss got caught out in the open and so he charged a mutant, lost, and went OOA.
Possessed henchman tried to charge the dwarf slayer and fell down.
The slayer tried to charge the fallen henchman and fell down.
Very dark and slippery by that bell tower.
From inside the tower, the Pursuer took the magister OOA with a javelin.
But I was outnumbered by a lot and routed.

Post Battle
No one died on my side.
Bought a 2nd lucky charm.

Round III.1
Malnap vs. Derekee--Defend the Find, Derekee wins
Grtbrt vs Smalls--?, Grtbrt wins?
Bob vs Chadwicc--Skirmish, Chadwicc wins

Round III.2
Grtbrt vs Playtable--Skirmish, Grtbrt wins
Myth vs Derekee--Skirmish, Myth wins
EvilTed vs Bob--Hidden Treasure, Ted wins

EvilTed wrote:
Played a game against Bob in a cemetery for treasure hunt.   Possessed fought zombies the whole fight.   Ghoul hero walked off with the treasure chest he found.

playtable wrote:
Arm Pit Fighters vs Tilleans
Night time(my only hope)(14" sight- no hope)
I tried to meet him half way in the large south-center building but my slayer fell down on the first run so I backed up to a large building in my deployment zone.
I left one pursuer to slow him down and, after he threw his javelin and missed, he was shot full of arrows and OOA.
Kevin wouldn't come into the building to fight me (hiding) and I wouldn't come out to let him shoot me so he lined up against a wall, hiding, and I threw a javelin at the 1st sacraficial henchman that came in range. I missed but Kevin's return fire sure didn't.

Post Battle
I had 2 out so I could rout. No one died on my side.
Bought a 3rd pursuer, a sword for my ogre, and a 3rd and 4th lucky charm.

3 games, 3 losses,
4 heroes,
1 ogre henchman, 3 pursuer henchmen.
2gc left and 120 rating.

Malnap wrote:

I lost 3 gors in 2 games. 2nd game vs Chris was Breakthrough.  Third game was defend the find.  And yes all were magnificent failures on my part.  Huzzah!

Chadwicc wrote:
I won vs Chris. Round II, John's Beastmen kicked my ass because of a bad decision on my part. Round III, Bob loses pretty badly. I don't remember too many details other than these:

After one of the first two games Elandor gets a nervous condition, but then regains the Initiative loss. I also lost two of my Waif henchman after one of the games (I believe the second), but was able to rehire them. I also picked up the Imperial Assassin and a Witch.

The Dark Shadows

Melderzhus, Vampire
Spear, dagger, mace, Damned Book. Skills: Black Breath
M6 WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I6 A2 Ld8

Elander, Thrall
mace, sword, dagger Injury: Nervous Condition—I-1
M5 WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I5 A1 Ld7

Faust, Acolyte
sword, dagger,
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Walden, Acolyte
Mace, dagger, bow
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8

Anden, Acolyte
Mace, dagger, bow Injury: Horrible Scars
M4 WS3 BS4 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Jon, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

James, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS2 BS2 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Wilfred, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Niko, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Drake, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Uhhh, Zombie
M4 WS2 BS0 S3 T3 W1 I1 A1 Ld5

Hired Swords
Satalle, Witch: Staff. Skills: Curse, Warrior’s Bane
M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Thom, Imperial Assassin: sword, Crossbow pistol, dagger. Skills: Backstabber
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A2 Ld8
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Von Kurst
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeTue 15 Nov 2011 - 4:43

The Journal of Gottart Krieg
Entry for 10 Kladezeit 2011

Street Fight II
I was captured by Tileans! The shame of it, to be helpless before ones enemies. I have prayed ceaselessly for guidance and forgiveness for my weakness.

Mere moments before my capture I had felt the power of the god within me. I called on Sigmar's name and one of the outlanders was felled by Sigmar's wrath. Then one of those death worshippers, a servant of Morr, struck me with his sythe and all went dark. To be shown the god's favor and his displeasure within such a short span of time is an intriguing

The Tileans were gracious victors. The Captain, whose name I can not quite recall how to pronounce let alone spell, called our skirmish "an unfortunate misunderstanding." A misunderstanding for which I and my fellows paid good coin to be excused. We have been tested by Sigmar since arriving in this ruin, it is true.

Dieter carried the ransom to the meeting place. The lad was sore wounded during the skirmish (Hand Injury), but he volunteered to come to my rescue. The elf, Caledor, acted as guide for Dieter, with brave Werner as guard. Both had been wounded during the engagement as well. Indeed once I was released I learned that by Sigmar's grace none of our company were killed (nor had we killed any of the Tileans, a fact that I feel guilty to be personally thankful for.)


Surprise Attack
We had scarce left the ruined temple in which the ransom was paid when our party was set upon by the same outlaw gladiators we had faced a week agone.

At first I had feared Tilean treachery, the race is notorious for it after all, but instead it was the Pit Fighters out for revenge.

They had gotten between us and the safety of Sigmar Haven. Werner was overwhelmed by an ogre. Caledor was surrounded by enemies. Two Pursuers stalked the elf with javelins. It looked grim for our little band. Then one of the Pursuers was felled by an arrow in the back. The other paused just long enough for Caledor to put an elven arrow through his neck.

The gladiators were neatly caught between Captain Steinhart's relief force and the surviours of our party. Some of the gladiators scrambled for cover. Others sought Dieter and myslef. Dieter fought desperately against a lone assailant. Alas I was cut off from the rest of my companions. I was forced to retreat deaper into the ruins. I sought in vain for a place to make a stand in which the ogre could not come against me.

The outlaws pressed closer, but a horrible scream echoed through the ruins. I heard the outlaws call "Victor! Victor!" Their cries went unanswered. The gladiators withdrew from the fight.

I learned later that Captain Steinhart had made an impossible shot to bring down a well armed and armored fighter. This man's death apparently broke the gladiators' attack. Sigmar be praised!

Post Batlle
Werner recovered from his wounds. The Crusaders find a Fletcher's and recover 3 crossbows. A marksman is hired to make use of the new acquisitions.

The Arm Pits
playtable wrote:
Pursuer Bubbles died, Victar died (and took his new weapons with him!).

Pursuers:  Flounder got +1 strength, Perch +1 Ld.
Found 2 whole shards but get 70gc because of only 6 in warband. Hired Victar's twin brother.  I hope he does better.

2gc, 7 members, 129 rating.

2 battles tonight = + 9 exp. and one less member - bummer
Total:  5 fights, 5 losses
Not doing too well this time...YET.

Last edited by Von Kurst on Thu 17 Nov 2011 - 3:55; edited 1 time in total
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Von Kurst
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011 - 1:54

Week 2 Vignettes
Round I
Playtable vs Myth--Skirmish, Myth wins
Me vs Grtbrt--Street Fight, Grtbrt wins
Chadwicc vs Malnap--Surprise Attack, Malnap wins
Bob vs Smalls--Street Fight, Bob wins

playtable wrote:
Arm Pit Fighters (8 models) vs John’s shiny Beastmen (15 models)

Skirmish, day time, no random things remembered
(A note on names – the pursuer models that have javelins have fish head helmets.)

1.  The Pit Fighters lured the Beastmen’s main force (10) into a narrow file up a ramp on the North.  (We sure wished we had a blunderbuss!)

A scouting force of 2 fighters and 3 short bowmen went south to go up, around and back to the North towards the center via a raised portion of town and a perilous walkway, an attempt to encircle the Pit Fighters.

 2.  Moving all the Pit Fighters into two central buildings the Flounder, a pursuer on the North, threw his javelin and stunned a Beastman.

On the Beastmen turn, Flounder kept the Beastmen at bay by passing 2 initiative 3 tests to cause failed charges.

3.  In the center Bubbles, another pursuer got on the 2nd floor facing the walkway from the southern Beastmen’s group and knocked a Beastman down who was trying to cross. 

Perch, another pursuer, sent to the far South to draw off some enemies, came a little north and threw his javelin up to the Beastman on the walkway and knocked him off.  He fell but was only knocked down.

Back on the North, Flounder led the large Beastmen group between 2 buildings, backed up, and knocked down another furry thing with his javelins.

The Beastman shaman charged into the building at Kamahl (a pit veteran) and was intercepted by Gatekeeper, the dwarf.  The shaman became stunned, easy prey for later.

Flounder again stopped his chargers by trickery.

4.  On the North, Flounder started climbing the ladder to the 2nd floor, throwing another javelin as he went.  Obediah, the pit fighting ogre, charged into a Beastman that came too close.  Forgetting that he got an extra WS and attack inside a ruin, the ogre did nothing.  In return, the Beastman took 2 of Obediah’s wounds.

Bubbles, in the center up above - javelin throwing was not good this time.

The dwarf moved away from the shaman to check out the growing/growling crowd and Kamahl strolled up and took the stunned shaman OOA.

The Beastmen took no chances and sent 3 Beastmen to charge the ogre.

South above, on the walkway Bubbles stopped another Beastman charge.
Perch, was knocked down by a shot from a short bow.

Obediah was easily taken OOA by a critical hit from the 1st of 4 attackers.

5.  Flounder reached the 2nd floor and tossed another javelin taking a Beastman OOA.
Bubbles got excited and threw badly this time. Perch stood up and threw badly also. The Centaur charged Kamahl. Two chaos hounds charged Gatekeeper. Three short bows peppered Perch OOA.

The Centaur couldn’t hurt Kamahl and Kamahl couldn’t hurt the Centaur. Gatekeeper withstood the 2 charging hounds and stunned one of them in return.

 6.  Two OOA from a group of 8 = rout test. Octavius, the Pit King, is Ld 8. An 11 was rolled ending the fight.

Post battle:

Good game, no one on my side died!!!
Bought new fighting style for pit vetran Victar
Octavius, Pit King, got a skill - Step aside.
Kamahl, Pit Veteran, got a skill - Step aside.
Obediah, ogre henchman, got +1 attack

Round II
Playtable vs me--Surprise Attack, I win
Myth vs Grtbrt--Skirmish, Grtbrt wins
Chadwicc vs Smalls--Skirmish, Smalls wins
Bob vs Malnap--?, Bob wins

Myth wrote:
Rathmon's Raiders vs. Kevin's gimpy Marienbooger gang. - Moral victory for the Beastmen! (who suffered a crushing loss to the Marienburgers in a Skirmish.) I had 8 people go out of action, though no one died! Worst I got was Immune to Fear for Heru-Aker, my Centigor!
Edit: Kevin is playing Miraglians from Tilea.

Chadwicc wrote:
Round I--I was ambushed and in no position to keep playing so I routed as soon as I could. Satalle I and Jon the Waif were killed. Wilfred rolls Lads got Talent. Satalle II is located and hired.

Round II was against Chris. We played skirmish. I had him in a bottleneck situation on one side and was moving around to flank him from the rear when the bottleneck fight suddenly backfired on me. I was in good position to win, then my dice totally failed on me. Again, I routed.  Thom I died and Thom II was hired.
The Dark Shadows

Melderzhus, Vampire
Spear, dagger, mace, Damned Book. Skills: Black Breath, Spell of Awakening
M6 WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I6 A2 Ld8

Elander, Thrall
mace, sword, dagger, LC Injury: Nervous Condition—I-1
M5 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I5 A1 Ld7

Faust, Acolyte
sword, dagger, bow. LC Skills: Wyrdstone Hunter
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Walden, Acolyte
Mace, dagger, bow, LC
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8

Anden, Acolyte
Mace, dagger, bow, LC Injury: Horrible Scars
M4 WS3 BS4 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Wilfred, Waif LGT: mace, dagger
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

James, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS2 BS2 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8

Niko, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A2 Ld7

Drake, Waif: mace, dagger
M4 WS2 BS2 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Uhhh, Zombie
M4 WS2 BS0 S3 T3 W1 I1 A1 Ld5

Hired Swords
Satalle II, Witch: Staff. Skills: Scyre, Cure
M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Thom II, Imperial Assassin: sword, Crossbow pistol, dagger. Skills:
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A2 Ld8

Rating 189

malnap wrote:
Bob and I played chance encounter.  He took both my shards and emerged unscathed.  One of my bestigors was hit in the head and is now stupid.  Chief Grisly Greathorn took an arrow in the eye, passed out to awaken in the pits, where he beat the hell out of a poor pit fighter, emerging all the stronger for his experience.

Also, I just got my order in from Reaper, so I can start making a proper looking warband.

Last edited by Von Kurst on Thu 17 Nov 2011 - 4:37; edited 2 times in total
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeWed 16 Nov 2011 - 15:18

The narratives remain cool, but playtable is heading toward the top of my Phooey List. Suspect
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeThu 17 Nov 2011 - 5:20

Quote :
The narratives remain cool, but playtable is heading toward the top of my Phooey List.

DeafNala, I am assuming this is because I have not taken any pictures yet.

Or, is it because I'm a lousy player?
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeThu 17 Nov 2011 - 6:39

Amici di Morte :
Tasked with finding out the fate of ( and recovering the body of-if need be ) the son of the Duca d' Puglia .our intrepid band finds itself thrown into the constant turmoil that is Mordheim .
So far they have met and bested many an obstacle including Dark elves , Beastmen including a monstrous centuar .

Ignio La Savelli,captaino
Pike ,Halbred -ithalmir -,Xbow duelling pistols Skills:trick shot , quick shot
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W3 I4 A2 Ld87

Serafina Ardinghi,champion
Sword,sword , x-bow , Skills:Nimble ,trick shot
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Fra 'Petrus -Priest of Morr
Scythe ,:Skills: Mind Focus , Destroy Undead ,Sign of the raven
M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8

Piero Zabini -young blood
Pike ,Halbred (Ith) heavy armour , x- bow.Skills: resilent,strike to injure
injury :hardened
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T4 W2 I3 A1 Ld6

Mercutio Nomi ,youngblood
sword ,sword ,x-bow , Skills : pit fighter ,expert swordsman
M4 WS2 BS3 S3 T3 W2 I3 A1 Ld6

Isabella Orsini,Lass got talent -marksman
Mace, axe,long bow (HA) Hochland rifle Skills : trick shot,scale sheer
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T4 W2 I4 A1 Ld7

Marksmen A (1):Zibibbo
Longbow , mace,,
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8

marksmen B(2):Tocai, Verdicchio
X-bow mace, dagger
M4 WS3 BS4 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Warrior A(2): Rabaso,Prugnalo
pike , Halbred , bow
M4 WS3 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A2 Ld7

Warrior B(2): Negrara,Molinaro
pike ,sword .bow
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

Warhound :
M6 WS4 BS0 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld5
Hired Swords:

Isaac Calamuti, merchant : Scimitar
:Skills: stone cutter
M4 WS2 BS2 S3 T3 W2 I4 A1 Ld7

Zoya Androkvy,Kislev ranger : sword, bow,hunters cloak.
Skills: trickshot
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W2 I4 A1 Ld7

Cornelia Da Vingi : Fallen sister
Steel whip,Sigmarite war hammer,light armour ,sling
:Skills mighty blow ,Silver arrows
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8

Bertoldo Sinibaldo : dwarf Slayer pirate
Sword,pistols (+ sup BP):Skills:
M3 WS4 BS3 S3 T5 W1 I2 A1 Ld9

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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeThu 17 Nov 2011 - 8:25

The above warband is the one known as Tileans (some also refer to them as Marianboogers -but then then they are just beasties )
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeTue 29 Nov 2011 - 0:11

Week 3 Vignettes

2 4x4 tables set for Round I. Top of photo features the Crusaders vs John's Shiny Beastmen (Rothman's Raiders)
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales 2011Nov17001

Round I
Wyrdstone Hunt
The Crusaders vs Rathmon's Raiders
The fearsome centigor, Heru-Aker, climbed to the top of the highest tower to secure a piece of wyrdstone. Once there he was smitten by a terrible thirst. After many skins of date wine the hero stumbled drunkenly over the crumbling edge of the ruined floor.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales WitchHuntervsBeastmen01

Since Heru-Aker is beloved of Heru, who delights in fools and drunkards, the centigor survived the plunge without serious injury. A passing bestigor relieved Heru-Aker's body of the wyrdstone lest a Crusader capture it.

Ivan defeats Rathmon's shaman to break the foul beastmen's attack.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales WitchHuntervsBeastmen02

Post Battle
The Crusaders were victorious although Richart Gottlieb was slain by a cruelly barbed arrow. A gor and a chaos lion were killed as well.

Derekee's Shadow Elves pincushion the Dark Shadows.
Quote :
Elves take the high ground. I spend the whole game attempting to get to him.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales ShadowElvesvsUndead01

The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales ShadowElvesvsUndead02

Post Battle
One zombie is destroyed. Wilfred suffers a Deep Wound (miss one game). Faust suffers a Deep Wound as well (miss 3 games!).

Dark Elves encounter the Possessed. The Dark Elves fled.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Possessedvswho02

Round II
The Shadow Elves battle Rothman's Raiders in oppressive heat. The Elves' arrows wilt in the heat.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales ShadowElvesvsBeastmen01

The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales ShadowElvesvsBeastmen02

The Crusaders battle the fiendish Possessed. One enemy hero is brought down for the loss of nearly the entire Crusader warband.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales PossessesvsWitchHunters

Post Battle
Herman Faulk suffers Multiple Injuries. He becomes VERY nervous (-2 I) and will miss a game.
The Dark Shadows versus the Dark Elves.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales WhovsUndead

Post Battle
Melderzhus is slain along with the Imperial Assassin and a waif. The Dark Shadows disband.
The Main Event
The Arm Pit Fighters and the Greathorns versus Amici di Morte.

The Arm Pits (all 7 of them) lurk to the east of the Tileans.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush001

The headless Greathorns cower in the west.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush002

The Arm Pits attack!
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush003

The Priest of Morr deals with mutants. (The priest is the green one.)
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush004

The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush005

The last moments of Victar II's life.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush006

The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Ambush007

Post Battle
Victar II is dead. Long live Victar III! Pursuer Perch shows talent and becomes a hero.
playtable wrote:
A quote from Perch, "Oh no sir, we new heroes don't need lucky charms and no one needs rabbit's feet.   Just keep your 2gc for later."  Victar III (the 3rd) agreed.

Arm Pit Fighters:
6 games, 6 losses, rating 153, 5 heroes, 2 henchmen

Chief Grisly Greathorn becomes Mad. Unfortunately he is now stupid. The future of the Greathorns is in question.

Last edited by Von Kurst on Tue 29 Nov 2011 - 4:06; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeTue 29 Nov 2011 - 2:07

playtable wrote:
Quote :
The narratives remain cool, but playtable is heading toward the top of my Phooey List.

DeafNala, I am assuming this is because I have not taken any pictures yet.

Or, is it because I'm a lousy player?

lol!'s just a little nudge on the photos; being a lousy or unlucky gamer makes us kindred spirits. What a Face
AND NOW there are lots of COOL photos for moi to drool over...OH BABY! LIFE IS GOOD! cheers
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeTue 29 Nov 2011 - 3:12

Tha last 6 pics are of the 3 way Ambush scenario :Amici di Morte- being ambushed, vs the Armpit fighters and a beastman grouping .
More details to follow
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSat 10 Dec 2011 - 21:33

Week 4 Vignettes
Round I
Street Fight
Rothmon's Raiders versus the Possessed
The forces of chaos clashed on a twisted street. Both possessed fell to a beastman hero but their fellow cultists fought on. Rothmon's low leadership led to the Raiders' defeat.

The Arm Pits versus Brand New Treasure Hunters
Victar III is killed. A Troll Slayer and a Beardling are also killed. The dwarfs disband. The Arm Pits savor their first victory. No word on whether a Victar IV is hired or not.

Defend the Find
The Crusaders versus the Dark Elves

The Dark Elves must defend. They chose Darkness for the time of day. The Crusaders advance cautiously under Caledor's cover fire. The Druchi leader suddenly developes hatred for Ivan (and Ivan for him.) The surprised elves follow their leader to his duel. Ivan trips in the dark, which makes the Druchi travel even farther to seek him. Two of the leader's body guards are killed, which snaps the fiend out of his killing frenzy. The elves flee into the night, but Werner died of his wounds. The Crusaders win, but the elves gain much loot. (Three heroes stayed inside of the objective.)

Round II
Treasure Hunt
Newer Dwarf Treasure Hunters, Crusaders and Amici di Morte

The Tileans had the luck of Riley. Many were wounded but none seriously. Both the Crusaders and the Dwarfs fled the field.
Caledor and a Marksman died from the Crusader band. No one else suffered injury.
The Tileans pocketed 5 treasures while the dwarfs secured one.

The Arm Pits, Dark Elves and Possessed
The three warbands fought in a magic dead zone. No word on the outcome of the fight beyond no reports of dead Pit Fighters (gasp!).

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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSun 18 Dec 2011 - 18:35

Week 5 Vignettes
I've been having internet issues so reports are a week or so behind and likely to remain so.
Playtable sent me a review of his games at least, so I'll share.

Round 1
playtable wrote:
Street Fight
Arm Pit Fighters vs Skaven (TJ)
Night time 13”, clear weather
Pit Fighters went first with everyone (all Cool trying to run.
The Dwarf and Ogre both fell down.
The Skaven, being new to the area, sent 4 of 11 to go over the rooftops. In 2 turns 2 skaven were stunned falling off roofs.
The Pit Fighter’s Pursuers did no damage all game with their Dwarf killing javelins.
The Skaven retaliated by throwing rocks with their slings.
On the far side of the street, the Pursuer Flounder, found a random event that was a treeman. Not good.
More slings, lots of rocks. One Pursuer went OOA.
Gatekeeper, the Dwarf, tried to charge the treeman but fell down in the dark.
Victar IV tried to charge the treeman and fell down.
Obediah, the ogre charged the treeman. With 4 attacks and strength 5 he failed to wound the toughness 6 treeman. The treeman stunned Flounder and took a wound off of Obediah.
From the other side of the street, General Octavius the Pit King, charged a lowly Skaven henchman and took him OOA.
Skaven did more slinging, taking another wound off of Obediah.
A diving charge from a roof top took a 2nd Pursuer OOA.
With 2 of 8 OOA, 2 standing back up unable to help, the ogre down to 1 wound against the treeman…Pit Fighters rout.
Skaven win.

Post battle:
Arm Pit Fighters roll 3 - 3’s exploring and find and extra Pursuer.
Both OOA Pursuers recover their wounds.

The Skaven’s 1 henchman that the Pit King took OOA, died.

Round 2:
playtable wrote:
Wyrdstone Hunt
Arm Pit Fighters vs Greathorns
Daylight, rushed for time so no weather and no random events
Beastmen gain the advantage by choosing sides.
First turn on both sides, everyone rushes forwards, except for 2 stupid Beastmen (one being the leader).
Second turn, Gatekeeper claims the one wyrdstone on my side.
Two of the Beastmen’s dogs hang close to the ogre to slow him down. He takes both of them out but it takes 2 turns.
The other 2 dogs charge into the pursuers. One pursuer finally passes his initiative test and causes a failed charge. The other does no damage.
One Beastman who is T5 plus resilient (T6) holds up the Pit Fighter’s advance.
With much running about all 4 dogs go OOA and the Beastmen fail a route test.

Post Battle:
Arm Pit Fighters have no one OOA to test for. Yeah!
They hire another fighter; 10 members now with 124 rating.
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSun 15 Jan 2012 - 21:43

Amici di Morte - vs the Reiklanders " Morr vs Sigmar -The Clash of Theology"
Breakthrough scenario
The continuing search for the Duca D' Puglia's son & heir -Conte Cosimo Strozzi .

Capitano Ignio had recently received/ extracted information that led him to one of Conte Strozzi's hired swords- a Dwarf pathfinder named Throgni Sigurdblom . Hiring Throgni to lead him to the last place he had seen Cosimo, Amici di Morte set off .The scouts soon reported back that a group of Sigmarite Reiklanders were encamped ahead and couldn't be avoided . Ignio believing that it was the same group from earlier in the season sent word to them via Fra Petrus (priest of Morr )that he would like passage thru them to carry on his mission to find the fate of Conte Strozzi. However when Fra Petrus approached the Reiklanders a Sigmarite warpriest forced his followers to shoot at Petrus . So it was obvious that the band would have to fight their way thru (hopefully without too many losses).

Ignio split the band into 2 groups the eastern group was the quicker group consisting of Pra Petrus ,Piero Zabini and some (2)of the henchmen with 1 hound and the following HS's Zaya (kislev ranger) Gumbah(ogre) Sir Oban of Skye (road warden) . Ignio lead the group from the west with Serafina and Mercutio the rest of the henchmen and 1 of the hounds along the Cornelia (Fallen Sister),Throgni and the merchant Isaac.
Isabella climbed a ruined building to give covering fire .

The western approach ran into problems right away. Seeing the reiklanders in full force ahead there was desultory fire as theband advanced carefully -but to no avail the Enemy opened fire and Sir Oban went down under a hail of crossbow bolts. Perhaps being on a horse is not such a good tactical move .
Slowly the western band crept forward taking advantage of cover and firing at the reiklanders to no effect , But Hopefull giving time for Ignio time to circle around behind the enemy -as they all seem to have moved to defend versus the western side . Having gotten into position Fra Petrus gave the signal and the first wave charged into a bulding that the Reiklanders were seen to have entered . Gumbah charged around a corner and ran into the Sigmarite Priest and some other reiklander , The warhound leapt at a witchhunter and Fra Petrus charged at another ready to help him meet Morr. Gumbah put one of his opponents OOA but the priest critically injured him in return , The warhound was despatched quickly and Fra Petrus became locked in a death struggle .
The 2nd wave of Morte's charged into the fray - Piero dispatched his opponent with a halbred to the head , But Rabaso the halbredier fell to his foe and the other fights continued . Meanwhile IIgnio and the others were continuing to flank the enemy. Having killed his foe left Piero standing in the open a perfect target for a line of Reiklander crosbow men - It would be severe test for his new armour(magical plate recovered 2 games ago ) hit 4 times -none penetrated his armour - Another Sigmarite made a fatal mistake -turning a corner to shoot at what he thought was a single Tilean ,but imagine his surprize when there were 5 in the room-Ignio and his troops had arrived . The surprize is what likely caused him to miss his pistol shot. Upon Ignio's signal (a pistol shot into the air) all the Morte's that could charged the enemy . 3 attacked the sigmarite pistolier -1 of whom was cut down before the Sigmar fell . the 2nd hound leapt upon a Tilan Marksman employed by the reiklanders (and was the dog was promptly killed ) Cornelia ran forward and cast the spell of silver arrows upon a blunderbus man as he was getting ready to open fire . 2 arrows struck him in his eyes fatally wounding him . Gumbah swung his club and crushed the skull of the Warpriest like a overripe melon . Piero stepped over the fallen Petrus and quickly despatched his target -stunning him .

The new leader of the Reiklanders had had enough and blew a horn -signalling retreat . Ignio stopped his band pursuing -who knew when they might need the help of those odd Sigmarites .:

After searching the RUINED NOBLE's VILLA that the reiklanders ahd used as their HQ, , Ignio with the help of Throgni finds a hidden box which contains the artefact" The All seeing eye of Numas "

OOA_4 (Sir Oban, 1 x halbredier ,2x warhound ) Died: 1 x warhound

unknown casualties on Rieklanders -though rumors abound of them lookin for a new Priest .
Next onto the last location Cosimo was seen by Throgni
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSun 22 Jan 2012 - 20:11

A Beastman's Progress

I've been away from regular internet access for a couple of months and Playtable has hurt his paw (See Tortuga thread in the Scenery section for details.) So the campaign diary idea has suffered. grtbrt and malnap have been trying to keep it alive:

malnap wrote:

Week 7
Surprise Attack
Round 1 Grisly's Gutter's (me) fought Bob's Chaos warband in a late night ambush. The raid was a decided success. The Tillian Marksman accompanying the followers of Chaos was caught in the dark and shot down by a dark elf assassin, never to rise again. A scorpion tailed mutant also received a leg wound, but will likely recover soon. Despite a belated attempt to outflank us, the Chaos warband decided to give up the field before risking further injury.

Round 2 I played the Crusaders We attempted to occupy strategically placed ruins in the middle of a hot Mordheim night. Both warbands clashed ferociously but the 'Witch Hunters' slowly gave ground. The arrival of a large spider behind them made a tough situation worse at which point they decided to flee. Despite being given the 'pin cushion' treatment by the 'Witch Hunters' for a second time, Fergus the Centigor recovered completely. Only one hound could not be nursed back to fighting form. Of note, excited cries were heard some time later as some fortunate soul found a dagger from an overturned cart!

Week 8
Chance Encounter
For the game on the 29th of December:

I played against Chad's dwarves in a Chance Encounter. For the first time in a while the beastmen were caught out in broad daylight and in possession of 3 pieces of wyrdstone. The dwarves had been less fortunate and had only one. As the two warbands closed on one another a group of plague victims began wandering towards the skirmish. Fortunately, all was resolved before they could get too close. Chief Greathorn managed to stumble and hurt himself....twice....earning himself a nasty hand wound in the process. The dark elf assassin took a spectacularly nasty fall after being tagged by a dwarf engineer, but managed to survive the ordeal. The major conflict was resolved as the dwarves attempted to push through a corridor, they were met by Fergus the centigor and Slagar the bestigor, which support from Melbar thier shaman. Meanwhile the hounds and a few gor cut off a potential flank from the dwarven henchmen. The beastmen proved too much for the dwarves to take, slowly grinding them down, including taking out the dwarf noble. They wisely chose to rout before sustaining further casualties.

Week 9

The first match of the day for my beastmen was vs. John's beastmen in a Treasure Hunt! A strange twisting of the wind seemed to distort the landscape, but thankfully passed as hostilities began. A few early losses placed the outcome in doubt, but Melbar the Shaman stunned the opposing centigor and shaman with a devastating Word of Pain, giving us a decisive edge, the other warband electing to cut it's losses and route, leaving us with a nice cache of wyrdstone to loot. Sadly, the madness that has already claimed Grisly and Scragar seems to have infected Slagar as well. Glazed looks and excessive drooling have become all too common sights around the camp. The shaman has started to consider 'culling the herd' before this problem gets any worse.

The second match was a Chance encounter against Kevin's Tillians. As the warbands became aware of each other, a Tillian pikeman took a bad step into a deep pit, never to be seen again. The beastman idiot squad did nothing, leaving Melbar and a pack of hounds to assault the main warband, with backup from the gors not far behind. The Tillians held fast though, eventually dispatching the hounds, though they lost another pikeman and their own dog in the process. Melbar himself was nearly put out of action and decided to flee along with the remainder of the warband. Two hounds were no longer fit for combat and required replacing, two Tillian pikemen died, though the dog recovered! No heroes were harmed in the making of this encounter.

Week 10

First game, the beastmen were caught in a surprise attack by Bob's chaos warband. Chief Grisly and Fergus were taken out of action quickly, along with a gor and some hounds, before help could arrive. The beastmen wisely cut their loses and fled. A veteran gor died, along with two hounds, but the heros managed to recover.

Second game, the beastmen tried to take and hold a new encampment, but the pit fighters had their eyes on the spot as well. The beastmen got into position quickly and managed to hold their ground. It was a tough fight, each side suffering loses. The tide might have been turned as one pit fighter received a brief glimpse of his future, but the outlook was grim. After losing an ogre and having their leader stunned by a poisoned crossbow bolt, the pit fighters decided to give up the field. It turns out one of the buildings was a gunsmith shop and happened to contain a hochland long rifle. Much to the confusion and dismay of the beastmen, it made a poor two handed club and was quickly sold for far more than they expected.

Week 11

Game one vs. Chris. Dark elves surprised attack the beastman warband. The ambush meets with some resistance but the beastmen choose to flee rather than suffer further losses. A hound and a gor were slain, but the elves were missing a cold one and a swordsman.

Game two vs. Lengblade. The beastmen and pit fighters again try to occupy the same site. A thick fog sets in almost immediately slowing progress. The pit fighters entrench strongly while the beastmen advance, trying to find some hole they can exploit, to no avail. Finally, just as they were about to give up, the fog lifts just enough for them to make a push. The pit fighters fight hard, killing a hound and Scraggar, the bestigor, but they realize they cannot hold and withdraw. The beastmen mourn the loss of one of their great warriors, but none more than Slaggar, who swears vengeance for his fallen brother! Fortunately, a cursed hill man comes upon them after the fight, and is eager to join up.
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeMon 23 Jan 2012 - 18:02

This is turning into a right bloodbath!
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeSun 12 Feb 2012 - 1:25

qboid wrote:
This is turning into a right bloodbath!
Aye and the rivers of blood run deeper this week.

malnap wrote:

Week 12
And yet more reports!

First battle was a treasure hunt against the minotaur slaying dark elves!  Thankfully our minotaur wisely stayed to cover.  Unfortunately, as the beastmen approached the elves some sort of strange magic tree sprang up from the ground, bearing alluring but deadly fruits.  Two of the gor henchmen and one hound rushed to devour them while several more wisely stayed back.  The effects seemed to only incapacitate gor but were fatal when ingested by hounds.  Meanwhile, Fergus the Centigor charged forward in a drunken rage only to promptly forget what it was he was doing as he was swarmed by dark elves.  Thankfully his natural toughness and armor proved too much for even the heartiest dark elves to overcome. 
The dark elves won as I limped away. Two hounds were lost but all others survived unscathed.

Second battle was a short lived attempt to occupy ruins.  Both beastmen warbands had staked this place out and fought for it.  As both sides met a chain of almost comic errors began.  Melbar let loose a terrifying Word of Pain, taking out our own gor hero and only managing to knock out an enemy lion.  Following that, casualties mounted, but only one side.  My forces pulled out as quickly as they could, clearly unable to hold off the assault.  Tarmach, our fresh bestigor, took an awful chest wound, while a new gor recruit and a hound died on the field.

Week 13
Games for 2-9-12

First round.  Witch hunters ambushed my beastmen in a clear attempt to take out my magic using shaman.  The unexpected rain and good cover made the operation more difficult for the humans.  They succeeded in taking the shaman out of action but the rest of the warband was rushing to where he fell, soon out numbering and driving off the witch hunters.  Fortunately, they arrived swiftly enough for him to make a full recovery.  No casualties to report.

Second round.  Chris's dark elves and I engaged in a treasure hunt, which quickly devolved into a brutal melee.  The beastmen's DE assassin faced off against the ranged might of the opposing elves, taking many hits before remembering he could dodge.  Meanwhile, an ogre body guard showed up at random and chose to aid the dark elves.  He was defeated in 1 on 1 combat by Chief Grisly himself, but survived the encounter, much to the elves dismay.  The dark elves finally took too many losses and routed, but not before killing our most experienced gor and causing Tarmak, our newest bestigor, to lose an eye.  We did claim the treasure, however, though we as yet have not opened it....(forgot to roll....)

I'll have Chris take care of it with me later. 
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeMon 13 Feb 2012 - 23:58

[I stopped over at Casa Playtable Sunday afternoon. Playtable had called saying he wanted to try to get a game in with his decimated warband before Thursday. The Arm Pits were still over a 100 higher than the Crusaders in warband rating.]

Photos from Sundayheim
Wyrdstone Hunt
It was a clear day in Mordheim. The Crusaders were out manuevered, but claimed some ruins with good fields of fire. The speedy Arm Pits reached the buildings with wyrdstone shards first. The Crusaders sniped ineffectively while advancing on the Arm Pits. The enemy leader (Captain Perch) was shot down by Jochim of Altdorf. Ivan of Kislev surprised a group of Pursuers with a blunderbuss blast. One fell. Hans caught the enemy's ogre bodyguard with a second blunderbuss.

Then the Arm Pits fell upon the Crusade.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Mordheim001

Diego the Estalian guards Hans as he withdraws. Herman and Ivan the Kislevite mug Gatekeeper the Slayer. The might of the Arm Pits swarms from the ruins.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Mordheim003

Skullvane Manse looms above the ruins.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Mordheim006

Feanor the Elf keeps three pit fighters at bay.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Mordheim008

The Crusaders crossbows do not win the day.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Mordheim009

The beaten Crusaders tour the tower.
The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Mordheim010-1
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PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 19:35

Very nice report.

Thank you forthe great pictures!
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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeTue 14 Feb 2012 - 19:55

COOL STUFF! Since I don't actually get to play the game, the photos keep up the interest for moi. LOVELY STUFF/GOOD REPORT! cheers
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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Join date : 2009-01-19

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The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales   The Crusaders of Reinsfeld Schlosse and other tales Icon_minitimeWed 15 Feb 2012 - 4:33

Thanks for the replies!

Week 12 Vignettes
Other tidbits to share from my poor record keeping.
Round I
Playtable vs Grtbrt--Wyrdstone Hunt, Grtbrt wins.
Smalls vs Malnap--Treasure Hunt, Smalls wins
Myth vs Bob--unknown, Bob wins

playtable wrote:

I volunteered to play Kevin 1st game.  Night.  Weather was no magic.  I had 13 + 4 hired swords.  He had around 25. 
We played ?whatever - 3 wyrdstone tokens to grab--I got 2 but routed.  I had Tom, a henchman Pit Fighter, die on only his 2nd game.

Round II
Malnap vs Myth—Occupy, Myth wins
Smalls vs grtbrt--unknown, grtbrt wins
Playtable vs Bob--Breakthrough, playtable wins

playtable wrote:
2nd game was with Bob.  Daytime.  Good weather.  Breakthrough-same as last time we played.  This time Bob was the defender.  Since we were running low on time, I messed up and had Bob set up within 8" of his edge and me 14" away instead of the other way around.  Big boo boo.

On his right side of center was heroes and his left side of center was henchmen.  His warlock and Dark Elf on a small building in the center.  All pretty much bunched up. 
I could have set up winning.  But I didn't. 
I did set up close (14" away is close when I get the 1st turn and 4 of my heroes have sprint) with most of my heroes on his henchman side, a warlock on a tower to shoot silver arrows, Pursuers in the middle (to side track his heroes), and more henchmen and Perch on his hero's far side (to sidetrack more heroes).  Worked good for me. 

We had a pretty good scrap with my heroes messing up his henchmen and his heroes failing a lot of charges on my henchmen.  He had a lot of henchmen OOA and failed a test.  I did 90% of my rolls when I got home, honestly, honestly!

Week 13 Vignettes
Last weeks' games
Round I
Chadwicc vesus Smalls, Smalls wins. Scenario: Defend the Find  Events: None. Weather: High Winds Casualties? None reported.
Myth vs. grtbrt:  grtbrt wins.  Scenario: Wyrdstone Hunt  (see below)
me vs malnap.  malnap wins. Scenario:  Surprise Attack!  Event: Lucky Find!  Weather: Rain! No blunderbusses for me. Sad  No deaths on either side.  Ivan survives against the odds!
playtable versus Bob. playtable wins but loses. Scenario?  Events? Weather? Casualties? The Pit King dies!  Who killed him?  Bob's mean Possessed. (As opposed to Bob's wimpy Possessed.)

Myth wrote:

I fought Kevin in a Wyrdstone Hunt. I managed to escape with one shard, he couldn't get one. I actually avoided any casualties despite several losses in the match and my Centigor Heru-Aker rolled 66 and got an extra XP out of it! We had clear weather and fought at night. I had tremendously bad luck as even with Expert Swordsman Heru Aker managed to miss *every* attack he made on the charge. Booooooooo!

Kevin's warband also later gave me its entire hoard since as Kevin put it "You're to rockawesome." I don't even know what that means, but I'll take it!*

*Actual words spoken after match may vary in subject matter and tone*

Round II
Malnap vs Smalls—Treasure Hunt, Malnap wins
Me versus Chadwicc.  I win.  Surprise Attack! (Again)  We forgot events.
Weather was windy.  Chad's Engineer killed my swordsman.  I got 2Dwarfs of some kind in return.  Dieter (Youngblood) suffered 6injuries but got Hardened and miss one game.

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