Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: skink's WIP Reikland band Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 11:49
Morning all,
Got pretty burnt out this time last year with painting over a hundred Space Marines and associated paraphernalia, and whilst I never really played Mordheim, the background and modelling has always really engaged me. I actually painted a few mercenaries when I got back into GW 3 years or so ago, as a painting reminder.
The new girlfriend is very hobby amenable, so over the last month or so I have become more and more immersed in those old Mordheim mercenaries, to the extent that I would like to utilise them to build up a warband (and additional models) for when (if!!) I can get around to starting a campaign.
I'm not the strongest painter, and am certainly no sculptor, so I'm afraid that the figures are kitbashes rather than true conversions, but I like the characters which have been created, mostly from the Empire Free Company set and a couple of other bits. However, I'm sure you'll notice (and hopefully appreciate!) a smattering of older figures; I have a nostalgic fondness for these, a hangover from ~15 years ago!
I'll present my warband in this post below, and then make a new post with photos. No names or backstories as yet; maybe that will come with time/I'll make some up now!!
Reikland Mercenaries: The Wulf Pack 499
Captain Lars Wulfheim, brace of duelling pistols, mace, dagger
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 11:57
Some shots of the warband as it currently stands...
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Captain Lars Wulfheim, and a future champion. Note the champion has a choice of arms; this will be elucidated in a subsequent post... Additionally, Lars has a sword and a pistol, as opposed to a brace. The second pistol is on route and will be attached appropriately.
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Young Bloods
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Marksmen; currently useless in combat, so will eventually be bought maces (you can see a couple have been modelled on already...)
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Aenur (painted ...12? years ago? Up here for posterity!) and Elf Ranger (an old Shadow Warrior)
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 12:03
Now then...
Characters and henchmen improved and adapt as campaigns progress. Time for painting is precious, as are raw material for building miniatures - particularly legs and torsos. As such (and inspired by 40k...) I have attempted to mitigate this with...
I don't know if this is a common Mordheim tactic, but from a modelling perspective it is very enjoyable! So without any further ado, I present the modular champion!!
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Jointed at neck, shoulders and waist. I now have a bunch of interchangable arms (3 pairs) and currently two torsos to attach them too.
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You get the idea... I'm hopeful that it should allow flexibility as my heroes and henchmen progress!
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 12:06
Final image now...
A trio of old favourites, that I think will fit excellently into a Reiklander band. Thinking about it, they could even initiate their own longbow toting warband as Captain and two Champions... Uh oh...
" />
Updates as and when, cheers now...
DeafNala Admin
Posts : 21732 Trading Reputation : 9 Join date : 2008-04-03 Age : 77 Location : Sound Beach, NY
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Mon 21 Oct 2013 - 14:29
NOT BAD AT ALL! That is a FINE start to your War Bands Project. You have a good sense of colors & the finer points of brushwork will come with practice...having an encouraging Girl in your life will be a tremendous advantage in your development as a painter. GREAT WORK! I've never tried the magnets, but it seems to be a splendid idea...especially with the cost of minis these days.
_________________ "I'd NEVER join a club that would have me as a member." Groucho Marx
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Tue 22 Oct 2013 - 0:38
Nice work with the magnets, several of the locals swear by them. I haven't tried them yet, but they do look like an excellent solution to the evolving nature of Mordheim heroes.
Novogord Champion
Posts : 41 Trading Reputation : 4 Join date : 2012-08-06 Age : 38 Location : Gent / Oudenaarde (Belgium)
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Marienburgers Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Tue 22 Oct 2013 - 8:25
Lovely work! I especially love the use of magnets I should try it to, I have the stuff
With those old Brettonia charchters you could start an Outlaw warband?
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: skink's WIP Reikland band Wed 23 Oct 2013 - 11:14
Thanks for the comments all.
The magnets were pretty simple and quite enjoyable to do; there is also something satisfying about being able to aim my Captain's Duelling Pistols, then swap them for his sword and mace after the first round of combat.
That said, painting them is going to be a slightly limiting factor, as arms will have to match torsos. It's great that I don't have to build a new central column for a Hero everytime I want to re-equip him, but I won't be able to share arms (literally) between figures unless everyone is the same colour... Still, at a few pence a throw, it's not the end of the world if I burn through a bunch of magnets, and painting arms is quick and easy.
Novogord: The Bretonnian characters have really inspired me to start a parallel warband! The Wulf Pack seems fairly traditional in it's Mercenary vibe (pistols and crossbows), but it will be very easy to put together a bow orientated posse of Merry Men (using Bretonnian archers) which will be much more mobile and maybe play a bit differently. I would like to get hold of the classic Bretonnian damsel as well, swap the staff for a bow, and use her as Marian, utlising Elf Ranger rules.
Can't believe that I'm already planning multiple warbands...
Hello Forum! It's been a long old time, but one's love of mini painting never totally fizzles out, eh...
I am trying to galvanise my painting this year by just completing what I want to paint, one model per week. Modest, but cumulatively a massive improvement over recent times (and perhaps realistic with a new born!)...
I have made a great start, including a full Lizardmen warband, with more classic figures on the horizon. I include a picture of the group, because why not!
Maybe I will get to those old Bretonnian models later this year...!
MedMos likes this post
DeafNala Admin
Posts : 21732 Trading Reputation : 9 Join date : 2008-04-03 Age : 77 Location : Sound Beach, NY
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Achievements earned: none