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 Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???

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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Empty
PostSubject: Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???   Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Icon_minitimeSun 2 Dec 2012 - 23:36

My friend wants to play the lizardmen in our next campaign and I saw that there is no maximum stats line for the warriors of the warband...

Any ''official'' rules about this ?

Personnaly I'd go like this

Skink : M:6 WS:6 BS:6 S:4 T:3 W:3 I:7 A:4 Ld:8

Saurus: M:4 WS:6 BS:0 S:5 T:4 W:3 I:5 A: 4+1 Ld:8

I also ask if you have any idea on WHY a lizardmen warband could be in Mordheim... Our campagn is going to be semi narrative and I dont have any good idea yet ?
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???   Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2012 - 3:36

Personally I don't allow Lizards in Mordheim and I don't understand why it would be considered because so many of their rules are wasted in an urban setting. However, they could also be seen as Deep Ones or some other reclusive race flushed from their lair by the comet. To each their own. Since we play so frequently in Lustria and the Southlands and rarely in Mordheim, no one complains much.

The stats were given in the official errata in TC #12, p.44.

M6 Ws5 Bs6 S4 T3 W3 I7 A4 L8

M4 Ws6 Bs0 S5 T5 W3 I4 A4+1 L10
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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???   Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2012 - 6:25

Thx alot.
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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???   Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2012 - 9:32

I remember that in 5th Edition WHFB they had a Campaign Lizardmen vs. Bretons, where a whole lizardarmy came all the way over Nagarythe and the Chaos Waste into Moussillon, just to get back some old Relic a Knight had stolen on an expedition years prior. Maybe a leader of one of the other warbands did something simular? Or the Lizards discovered one of the Skaven tunnels between the "new" and "old world" and were send to investigate? Don't know if this fits with the Mordheim-timeline though (e.g. if there were tunnels back then).
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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???   Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Icon_minitimeMon 3 Dec 2012 - 10:07

Thx, I like the idea of a warband sent to retreive a stolen relic.
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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???   Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ??? Icon_minitime

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Maximum stats for skinks and saurus ???
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