Hiho guys!
Seems to be inappropriate to post pics of hired swords in my other topics, which are related to warbands. So I started a new one
I like collecting and painting hs because of the differences and the diversification of the models.
I've got some pictures of a pit fighter, elven scout and a ogre floating around here somewhere which pics I'll add here shortly.
For now enjoy my newest ugly experiment of conversion! Whahaha
Found this miniature in my bitzbox. Think it belongs to the whfb starter of the 7th editon and I got it from a White Dwarf years ago. Since there are no real dwarfen hs to hire he'll be a dwarfen trasure hunter. The rules are from some fanatic magazine I've found on the net, and should be availeble at the specialist games website. He shouldn't have a shield but I was too lazy to remove it and onyl added him a mining picaxe and a latern rig. Enough words, here is the model: