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 Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)

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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jul 2013 - 12:55

I haven't posted on this site in a very long time, but I have always been a lurker.  Recently the Mordheim painting bug has hit me and I finally painted up my Bretonnian Warband that had been a pile of sprues for a many years.  It has been a fun break from painting RnF of Warhammer armies.

Here is my leader, Sir Gaston
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image1

Sir Riker, Knight Errant
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image3Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0118

Sir Remy, Knight Errant
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0120

Sir Gaston's Squire, Hugo
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image2

Sir Riker's Squire, Pudge
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image5

Sir Remy's Squire, Jean-Eric
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image10

Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image4

Men at Arms
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Image6Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0125

Finally, two Hired Swords that will eventually be hired.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0126
Sorry about the picture quality, my camera died so I had to use my Iphone.  I hope you like the warband.

Last edited by Powerposey on Tue 18 Mar 2014 - 20:27; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Update)
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jul 2013 - 13:15

Never mind the pics, you seem to have a very nice warband there. Maybe not the most common color-scheme, but it works well for the grimy streets of Mordheim. May you have a lot of success guiding them through many a battle!
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jul 2013 - 14:30

The Flower of Bretonnian chivalry never bloomed so to speak. Less than perfect photos are often preferable to the high definition ones that find nearly indiscernible faults & magnify them. Be that as it may, the brushwork, color choices, & basing are all OUTSTANDING! VERY WELL DONE!
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jul 2013 - 19:39

Nice looking warband there! thumbsup 
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jul 2013 - 13:21

Thank you all for the kind words. I wanted them to be a little darker than the normal bright Bretonnian colors. I haven't played with them yet, in fact I haven't had a game of Mordheim in about5 years, but recently a bunch of local gamers are getting "back" into it and I want to be ready for it.

I am also building Witch Hunter and Skaven warbands, and already have Beastmen, Undead, and a Merc warband from years back. When I pulled out my Beastmen and touched them up I realized they haven't seen a table in 10 years and were 35-0 back in the day. (using the TC7 rules, not the EiF rules) These toys need to be played with more often.
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PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jul 2013 - 14:08

Enjoy your return to Mordheim!
With all those War Bands done or in the works, I for one am looking forward to more photos.  What a Face
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PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeThu 18 Jul 2013 - 23:12

Nice looking warband, and the muted colors work really well!
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jul 2013 - 15:32

As requested, here are some pics from my Beastman Warband (from TC7 not the EiF list) I used to play 10+ years ago.  I touched them up and rebased them about 5 years ago.  Somehow the Minotaur and Warhounds have disappeared into the bitz box... I hope!  The pics are a little fuzzy, but you get the idea.

Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0130
Here is my Chieftain Grimlock on the right with his main Lt Char.  Grimlock was notorious in a campaign many moons ago where he led his warband to a 35-0 record.  He was only taken OOA once, and got Frenzy Smile He had quite the bounty on him, and I would speak like Grimlock from Transformers (Grimlock was the T-Rex Dinobot) which basically made him sound like the Hulk.  "Grimlock, King of Mordheim" "Grimlock eat puny human" "Grimlock hates pointy ears" etc.  Always in the 3rd person.  Grimlock maxxed out on XP and had the old skill where he could wield two 2-H weapons at once, with strongman.  Yeah, he was a bad@ss.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0128
The Bray-Shaman Uk-a-Thuk.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0129
Skar and Mar, Bestigors
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0131
Two regular Gors
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0127
All the Heroes
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) IMG_0135
The Lowly Ungors

I had the most fun playing this warband, I think my opponents hated me since I would move and hide everyone.  If someone did charge me I would intercept with a couple of Ungor until I could charge in with a Gor.  When I got close to my opponent I would do the mad Ungor rush.  The next turn I would charge in with the Gors.  I always treated my Ungors as meat shields and as expendable.  They were only 25gc with a spear in the old list.

I hope you like.  Next I need to get some photos of my Undead warband.
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jul 2013 - 15:55

The Beasty Boys are a WONDERFUL LOOKING War Band...I really enjoy your painting style & brushwork. VERY WELL DONE!  thumbsup 

I for one am looking forward to seeing your Living Impair War Band.  What a Face
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jul 2013 - 20:05

Its good to see all the 5th edition models, too. Nice work bringing the Beasts to life.
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Pit Fighters   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 17:07

I have been in a Mordheim mood again.  Here is my new Pit Fighter warband using the original list, not the list with the different styles.  Here are the Sons of Liberty about to bring about a New Workd Order.  I picture these guys more Amercan Gladiators and less dirty Conan type.  Here are the heroes, I'll post the henchmen soon. Enjoy!
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--15768771
First is the leader known only as The General.  His upper torso is from the Chaos Manticore Sorceror Rider and his fist spike comes from the Marauder Standard.  All the bases are just cut up hotel keys, masonry sand, and GF9 winter static grass.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1525910004
Here are his two Veterans Johna and Thomas.  I haven't finished Johna's shield.  They are made with Empire Knight, Chaos Knight, Lizardmen and Marauder parts.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-2118311401
The Troll Slayer Old Ben whose "wisdom" with his axe is very valuable.  The ladies also dig him.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--774309297
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-1086216823
The initiate Quincy, yes I misspelled his name DOH!  His helmet's flag bears a certain resemblance to the NC state flag.  His helmet top is a Brettonian M@A helmet with the bottom part a Chaos Warrior.
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Henchmen   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 17:12

Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--474112186
The henchmen Pit Fighters, Mad Son and Jackson.  Empire knight helmets and Marauder flails.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1359478561
You have to have an Ogre who is bigger than life named Handcock.  Get it Smile. Helmet is made of two Marauder shoulder pads and some Empire feathers.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-2119473232
Another henchman Pit Fighter Martin with Morning Star and Shield.  Empire Knight torso and helmet.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1006380263
A henchman as well.  Monroe's shield isn't done yet.  Empire Knight helmet and Marauder sword arm.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1652626678
The Pursuers: Tyler, Polky, Hairy, Millard and Zack.  Eventually they will have shields as well.  Helmets were made out Chaos Warrior and Brettonian helmets with Empire feathers.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1800452073
Group Shot!
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 17:13

Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-2145961880
And just because I have had this model for years here's everyone's favorite Barbarian Thrud.  He will be a Barbarian Hired Sword.  A size comparison is below.  I really like how his skin came out.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-563596190
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 17:47

Great conversions, The General turned out especially nice!
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 11 Mar 2014 - 18:17

EXCELLENT conversions, paint jobs, & bases! Your Pit Fighters have an enormous amount of character...CREATIVE, UNIQUE, & VERY WELL DONE!   thumbsup 

It's good to see Thrud; Mordheim is definitely his kind of Town.   clown
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeWed 12 Mar 2014 - 1:21

Thanks guys, I think after 25 years of painting I finally got a skin tone that I like.

Thrud has been one of my favorites since I was a wee lad and he does seem like the sort of character Mordheim attracts.
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Katsuhiko JiNNai
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeThu 13 Mar 2014 - 15:56

A really nice warband. Well done! Very Happy
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeThu 13 Mar 2014 - 21:12

Very nice conversion and paintjob, i like especially the pit fighters band!

Thrud is one of my favorite miniature, i love him!! (unfortunately i don't have it  No, too young i suppose eheh  lol!  )
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Some Hired Swords   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 18 Mar 2014 - 20:09

This week I got a bunch of hired swords done.  I have really enjoyed painting individual models again.

First up is the Truthsayer from the Albion campaign a long time ago.  I can use him as a Norse Shaman or play him as the Truthsayer.  I used the same skin technique that I did on Thrud.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-960468440

Next is a duelist, I used an old Tilean Duelist model, but gave him a pistol.  I wanted him to be flashy and bright.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-281654095

Here is an imperial assassin using another Tilean duelist.  This time I painted him mostly in black.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1926857116

I also painted up a beggar.  He is just a gnoblar with a Bretonian M@A head.  Wanted to have almost a poor jester feel to him. I stole using the gnoblar as a body from someone on this site, sorry I cannot remember.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--1623709989

Finally here is a Marksman.  Painted more in Imperial colors than Tilean.
Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image--964510009
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeTue 18 Mar 2014 - 20:36

One of the joys of Mordheim & most skirmish level games is painting small groups & individual minis...glad to see you are enjoying the process. The new Lads are LOOKIN' GOOD...keep up the FINE WORK!   thumbsup
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeFri 21 Mar 2014 - 16:44

The Bear and the Maiden Faire.  I am going to write up a multi-player scenario with these two.  So any ideas are welcome.  I painted the Bear years ago (owned for about 25 years), but just touched him up a bit.  

I think I will call the Ogre Brienne of course, maybe she has a captured one handed prince that needs rescuing Smile She is also a Slaughtermaster for my OK army.

Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Blogger-image-927664229
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Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitimeFri 21 Mar 2014 - 16:54

I LOVE the Ogress in pink...TERRIFIC color choice. The brushwork is GREAT on both Big Babe & Bear. VERY WELL DONE!   thumbsup 

My only Ogre Chick (Reaper:  ) was named Large Marge after the character in the Peewee movie.   clown
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PostSubject: Re: Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added)   Powerposey's Brets and More! (Hired Swords added) Icon_minitime

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