Played a second game. It was very fun. Cianty gave me the link for the Chaos on the Streets supplement for groups - i will read that before next game!
Mostly my warband was just shot at like crazy by my friend's goblins. Kind of rough since i only have 1 shooter. The scenario was for four warbands. Each started on the a table quarter and tried to reach the nearest of 5 buildings to search for wyrdstones. No one found one upon searching so the remaining building automatically had the stones in it (on second floor of building next to the archer nightgoblins with a squig and troll. I fear that troll on account of his vomit attacks.
All the other warbands of my friends are shooters too: lizards (darned skinks!), Kergan Marauders, Shadow warriors, Wood elfs, Skavens with slings -- you get the picture.
My centaur has a 2 handed weapon (which is best for adv criticals?) and still almost got taken out by a worthless squig.
What are some strategies for playing chaos dwarfs against shooty warbands? So far my best strategy seems to be to hunker down and hide or walk in cover toward a place to hide.
My plans are to get some more informants with slings and eventually a blunderbusser! Those guys seem very cool.
We ended the game prematurely on account of it being so late but it was still fun. Looking forward to playing again!