Thanks every one for the great feedback, it kept me motivating too finish the band. Yesterday I played my first battles, the first i got totally destroyed
I lost my leader and a slayer and the second one got a old battle wound en had too miss the next game... So we desided I could start over and the second battle went way better!
I also want to say I'm sorry I dont post that often anny more, My internship is ended (a lot of internet time in the boss time
) And my internet a home is crappy.
- Quote :
- So with the Bull Centaur, the Gaoler and the Sorcer they do look like a Black Dwarf warband and not just a "counts-as" Dwarf Treasure Hunters warband...
The first plan was to use them as normal dwarves because we had zome trobbles using the black dwarves in Mordheim. But we all agreed that the black dwarf rules had a lot of flavor (expesially the slaves and bull centaur) and I had painted the moddels for the black dwarves, so we have written a mix of the black dwarfs and the regular dwarfs. If you like I can post them!