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 Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates

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Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Empty
PostSubject: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 18:51

Having been inspired by Kurgan's masterpieces and wanting to include some Orcs in my pirate crew as well, I did a bit of greenstuff work (it's been my second time). Here are the current results:
Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Opirate01
Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Opirate02
Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Opirate03

They are just test models, the proper pirates are awaiting some parts. However, I think I'll give the one with the cloak a Captain's hat (if I manage) and add some beards, pouches and belts, in order to have a go at a variety of greenstuff projects. Then I'll move to the "proper stuff" Wink

Oh, and I'd be more than glad to get some comments, advice and whatsoever Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 19:01

This does look very good to me! That's really all I can say. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 19:39

VERY nice work on those orcs! Love the arm piercing! how bold Very Happy cheers

I was wondering, where did you get plastic orc arm with bow? i've been trying to find them for ages bounce
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 19:41

All the orcs are from the 6th edition starter boxed set. I have loads of those Orcs with bows, so I could send you some if you like Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 19:49

Not too shabby at all, especially as it's so early in your GS career! I also love the arm piercing! Just watch out for those fingerprints on the cloak...
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 21:18

Yeah, I noticed the fingerprints, too. I'll just sand it down, I suppose (after the greenstuff has hardened completely)
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeThu 27 Nov 2008 - 23:45

You could send me some? affraid that would be awesome Very Happy bounce

Then i could finally make my orc warband complete Very Happy (orc's were my first mini's ever like 8 years ago lol! )

maybe we can work something out? could you PM me Cool
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeFri 28 Nov 2008 - 2:01

Hell yes! I always new Orcs would make great pirates! Very Happy
Keep up the good work!
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeFri 28 Nov 2008 - 3:19


I knew you could do it! Great job man!

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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeFri 28 Nov 2008 - 20:55

YAARH! Now, them be PROPA PIRATES! Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates 665330

VERY NICE WORK! They all turned out GREAT; I ESPECIALLY like the hats, the pierced ring, bandana, & the eyepatch...come to think of it, that's EVERTHING! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 0:13

I have been doing some more sculpting exercise:

Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Opirate05

Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Opirate06

And here is the first of the real Orc Pirates I originally intended to do:

Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Opirate04
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 0:21

Very, very nice orcs... and amazing pirates Very Happy

The only thing I don't like are... beards! Sorry... I'm just a beard-fanatic Wink It should look more "hairy" - I would sculpt it (as I always do) with a sharp knife or something. As I said, except that, the orcs are really good work. I like them Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 0:49

Me like a lot Smile Can't help to love pirates (And yes, we have a pirates warband to Wink )

I really like the hats, they look great!!
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 8:54

LOVE 'EM! Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates 665330

REALLY nice GSing. The problem with the beards might not be the scupt [I think they're excellent]; it's that they are SO magnified in the photo that little things that are unnoticeable in actual size are now crystal clear. However, I notice more faults wth GW's work than with yours, SO WELL DONE! thumbsup
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Venerable Ancient
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Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 9:19

Yay! More Orc pirates for me to get silly ideas from.

I love the last guys plait of hair. Is it from a Beastman or elsewhere?
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 10:04

Thanks for all the kind comments!

Cat: Yeah, it's the hair from a Gor's horns Smile

Oh, and the beards were a real pain, so don't even mention them! Wink I even had the chance to do them several times as I accidentally pushed my fingers on the large one :/ I think I will definitely have to paint them to see how all the sculpting actually looks when painted.
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 16:04

Cool! But I don't like the beards! Might be better if they started higher up, and included a tachse. pirat
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Da Bank
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 17:29

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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 6 Dec 2008 - 17:44

Excellent stuff! The hats and cloaks are excellently well done. How did you go about making those tricorns? They're excellent.

As for the beards - I like the long one that hangs off the guy's chin. It looks like he's been carefully cultivating it for years, a few wisps at a time, like mutant chin-whiskers.

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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSun 7 Dec 2008 - 16:11

Hawkeye wrote:
How did you go about making those tricorns?

You just have to flatten some greenstuff, cut out a triangle, cut off the tips of the triangle and then squeeze it onto the head and fold the sides up.
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSun 7 Dec 2008 - 19:31

Thanks, Eliazar. It *sounds* relatively straightforward, which means that I'm likely to mess it up at least twice, but they look so cool I think I'll definitely be trying it!
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSun 7 Dec 2008 - 20:19

Well, you might need to try a few times how much of the tips you should cut away. But it is not too complicated, after all it has been the first stuff I made out of GS Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSat 27 Dec 2008 - 23:34

The latest addition to the crew is an Orc most of you will know already. But as I think it's one of the greatest models/conversions of all times I simply had to attempt to convert one myself, too:

Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Pyrate2

EDIT: As I am now sitting here late at night, looking at the conversion, I have to stress how happy I am about doing this conversion. There are no words to describe how much in love I am with the Adm'rul (the miniature, that is Wink )
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 11:44

VERY NICE! A cool take off on the infamous Adm'rul. I'm also a BIG fan of the Adm'rul Kurgan mini, & Saul IS a pretty cool dude too. WELL DONE, Amigo! thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates   Eliazar goes greenstuff - a try on Orc Pirates Icon_minitimeSun 28 Dec 2008 - 12:41

Why didn't I notice this thread earlier?


I think all your conversions so far are excellent.

On the Adm'rul however... hmmm... The only thing that bothers me is the hat. Is it finished yet? I think it needs more volume and/or detail.

Otherwise a very cool mini.

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