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 Clan Mors - Homebrew Concept

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PostSubject: Clan Mors - Homebrew Concept   Clan Mors - Homebrew Concept Icon_minitimeThu 4 May 2023 - 13:13

Greetings fellow dwellers of Mordheim.

I've been putting together a Roster for Clans Mors, one of my favourite clans in Warhammer fantasy.  The general design principle for this list is a more focus on the Henchmen element with Generic Heroes, less specialised equipment and skills relevant to Clan Mors.

I would love to hear your feedback.

Choice of Warriors
A Clan Mors warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns available to spend. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 15.

Clan Chieftain:  Each Clan Mors warband must have one Clan Chieftain, no more, no less!
Grey Seer Apprentice:  Your warband may include up to one Grey Seer Apprentice.
Black Skaven:  Your warband may include up to two Black Skaven.
Stormvermin Novice:  Your warband may include up to two Stormvermin Novice.
Stormvermin:  Your warband may include up to five Stormvermin.
Clanrats: Your warband may include any number of Clanrats.
Slaves:  Your warband may include any number of Slaves.
Rat Ogre:  Your warband may include a single Rat Ogre.

Starting Experience
Clan Chieftain starts with 20 experience.
Grey Seer Apprentice starts with 8 experience.
Black Skaven start with 8 experience.
Stormvermin Novices start with 0 experience.
Henchmen start with 0 experience.


1 Clan Chieftain
80 gold crowns to hire
Clan Chieftains control a segment of the larger Clan.  Where a Clan might have representation in one Under-Empire city, the Chieftain receives instructions from his Warlord and master. Though still subservient to another more powerful Skaven, within their demesne they have nigh absolute authority.

M - 5
WS - 4
BS - 4
S - 4
T - 3
W - 1
I - 5
A - 1
Ld - 6

Weapons/Armour: A Clan Chieftain may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Mors heroes equipment list.

Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Clan Chieftain may use his Leadership characteristic when taking Leadership tests.
Cunning Genius: Clan Mors’ warlords are trained in the arts of war and are strategic geniuses (in their eyes at least). The Clan Mors player can add +1 to his dice score to see who sets up first.

0-2 Black Skaven
40 gold crowns to hire
Black Skaven are the most savage and powerful fighters within the ranks of Clan Mors.  Unrelenting, brutal, and merciless in the extreme, they quickly act to break the backs of their enemies.

M - 5
WS - 4
BS - 3
S - 4
T - 3
W - 1
I - 5
A - 1
Ld - 6

Weapons/Armour: A Black Skaven may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Mors heroes equipment list.

0-1 Grey Seer Apprentice
45 gold crowns to hire
A Clan Mors warband may find themselves in the company of a Grey Seer Apprentice.  These Adepts are students of the Priesthood of the Horned Rat and are sometimes sent out to grow and develop their talents.  While they own no allegiance to any particular clan, they can serve as excellent advisors to warband leaders.

M - 5
WS - 3
BS - 3
S - 3
T - 3
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 6

Weapons/Armour: A Mors Sorcerer may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Mors heroes equipment list.

Wizard: A Mors Sorcerer is a wizard and uses the Magic of the Horned Rat.  See the Magic section for details.

0-2 Stormvermin Novice
20 gold crowns to hire
A Stormvermin Novice is an apprentice Skaven who are recruited to join the ranks of the Stormvermin and to train with them.  Most perish before they ever reach the rank of Stormvermin, be it through over eagerness to kill the enemy, or through ambitious ploys by other novices.

M - 5
WS - 3
BS - 2
S - 3
T - 3
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 4

Weapons/Armour: A Stormvermin Novice may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Mors heroes equipment list.


0-5 Stormvermin
40 gold crowns to hire
The Stormvermin are the fighting elite of the Skaven Warlord clans. They are distinguishable from their scrawnier litter-mates – often standing a full head taller with thick muscular necks, a powerful build and proficient in the use of various weapons and armour.

M - 5
WS - 4
BS - 3
S - 4
T - 3
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 5

Weapons/Armour: A Stormvermin may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Mors henchmen equipment list.

20 gold crowns to hire
The bulk of the Clan Mors warband are formed of Clanrats – a vast and verminous horde of ratmen that make up the warrior class. They form up into vast chittering hordes to overwhelm a foe with their weight of numbers and the fury of their attack in a terrifying avalanche of insane rat-warriors.

M - 5
WS - 3
BS - 3
S - 3
T - 3
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 5

Weapons/Armour: A Clanrat may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Mors henchmen equipment list.

0-1 Rat ogre
210 gold crowns to hire
These horrible monsters are much in demand as bodyguards to important Skaven.

M - 6
WS - 3
BS - 3
S - 5
T - 5
W - 3
I - 4
A - 3
Ld - 4

Weapons/Armour: Jaws, claws and brute force! Rat
Ogres can never use weapons or armour.

Fear: Rat Ogres are so frightening they cause fear.

Stupidity: A Rat Ogre is subject to stupidity
unless a Skaven Hero is within 6" of it.

Experience: Rat Ogres do not gain experience.

Large Target: Rat Ogres are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.

15 gold crowns to hire
These unfortunates have been taken from their clans and forced into lives of servitude. Whether they are the runts of litters, considered too weak to become warriors, or whether they are prisoners captured in raids, the slaves are on the lowest rung of the Skaven hierarchy.

M - 5
WS - 2
BS - 2
S - 3
T - 3
W - 1
I - 4
A - 1
Ld - 4

Weapons/Armour: A Slave may be equipped with weapons chosen from the Clan Mors henchmen equipment list.  They may carry shields, but may never wear armour including helmets.

Destined to die:  If a slave rolls “The Lad’s got talent”, the offending slave is slain by the Warband leader out of fear of an uprising.  Remove the slave from your roster.  If more than one slave is within the group, roll the advance again.

Expendable:  When testing to see if the warband needs to take a Rout test, each Skaven Slave only counts as half a model.

Clan Mors Skills Table

Clan Chieftain: Combat, Shooting, Academic, Strength, Speed, Special
Black Skaven: Combat, Shooting, Strength, Speed, Special
Grey Seer Apprentice: Academic, Speed, Special
Stormvermin Novice: Combat, Shooting, Strength, Speed, Special

Clan Mors Special Skills

Black Hunger
The Skaven can draw upon the dreaded Black Hunger, the fighting frenzy which gives him unnatural strength and speed but can ravage him from inside. The Skaven Hero may declare at the beginning of his turn that he is using this skill. The Hero may add +1 attack and +D3" to the total move to his profile for the duration of his own turn but will suffer D3 S3 hits with no armour save possible at the end of the turn.

Tail Fighting
The Skaven may wield a shield, knife, or a sword with its tail. The model gains an extra attack with the appropriate weapon or a +1 bonus to its armour save.

Wall Runner
The Skaven does not need to take an Initiative test when climbing up walls and other sheer surfaces.

A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model.

If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

Master of Poisons
The Skaven is proficient in concocting different poisons. If the Hero doesn’t search for rare items, he may make D3-1 doses of Dark Venom instead. There is a chance of getting none, as the hero doesn’t have access to a stable workplace. The poison must be used in the next battle and cannot be sold or traded to other warbands as the Skaven guard their secrets very carefully.

Clan Mors Equipment List


Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger 1st free/2 gc
Sword 10 gc
Flail 15 gc
Spear 10 gc
Halberd 10 gc

Sling 2 gc
Warplock Pistol 35 gc/70 gc

Light Armour 20 gc
Heavy Armour 50 gc
Shield 5 gc
Buckler 5 gc
Helmet 10 gc


Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger 1st free/2 gc
Sword 10 gc
Flail 15 gc
Spear 10 gc
Halberd 10 gc

Sling 2 gc

Light Armour 20 gc
*Heavy Armour 50 gc
Shield 5 gc
Buckler 5 gc
Helmet 10 gc

*These items are only available to Stormvermin.

Strength in Numbers

In general, Skaven are cowardly creatures who never go to war alone.  Their Strength lies in their vast numbers and tactical decision making.  

A Skaven warrior adds +1 to their Leadership for every 2 other Skaven warriors within a 6-inch range.  So, for example, if a Clanrat with Leadership 5 was within Range of two other Skaven warriors, his Leadership value would be 6.  The total Leadership of any Skaven Warrior including heroes may never exceed 9 in this way.

Hired Swords and Dramatis Personae do not count towards this.

Disclaimer:  Much of this Roster uses collated information for various sources including Warhammer Wiki, Warhammer 9th Age and other fan made concepts.

The purpose of this roster, is to form part of an ongoing project to implement the 4 Main Clans and Clan Mors into our Mordheim Campaign.

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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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Clan Mors - Homebrew Concept Empty
PostSubject: Re: Clan Mors - Homebrew Concept   Clan Mors - Homebrew Concept Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jan 2024 - 16:07

Seems like a solid warband! Close enough to the rulebook list to be reliable, but with extra flavour rules.
I drafted a Mors list myself a few years ago, & came to very similar conclusions. See if I can link it here in case you're interested...

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