Subject: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Sat 11 Jul 2020 - 12:41
Hello, guys.
I have been thinking on doing a dwarf treasure hunter band since I started sculpting more than 10 years ago. Using the free time we all were forced to get for the pandemic, finally I were able to sculpt the first miniatures, old school style. Some days ago I received these photos of the resin masters and the metal mould will be ready in a pair of weeks and I thought it was a good moment to start to share them.
In fact, if you are interested in any of them, send me a PM ;] I will be doing a "proof print", and if it works I will continue doing the rest of the band more oficially.
Oh, and to be clear:
- Thunderer is the estalian one with the crossbow. - Shortbeard A is the imperial one, running. - Shortbeard B is the estalian lancer. - Shortbeard C is the tilean duelist. - Shortbeard D is the bretonnian girl.
Oof, great stuff! Lots of character, dynamism & a nice range of poses, & I really like the retro sculpt style. The sketches look good too, for what it's worth, so I look forward to you building up the warband!
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Dwarfs Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Mon 3 Aug 2020 - 22:04
Dwarf girls are a soft spot for me I've been trying to assemble a good Treasure Hunters warband out of all female dwarf models so if you do the 2 additional girls you will have a guaranteed sale from me...
Mike Elder
Posts : 393 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2008-08-19 Location : Cascades, Washington State
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Dwarfs Achievements earned:
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Mon 3 Aug 2020 - 23:26
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Tue 4 Aug 2020 - 19:44
Great stuff. Lots of character. Reminds me of the old citadel dwarven adventurers. Except these look like serious adventurers. Let us know if you plan on marketing these.
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Wed 5 Aug 2020 - 12:03
I am planning on doing 2 models of everyone. A male and a female. In fact, I am already doing the second crossbowman, which is the kislev girl in the concept. And caster told me the figures will be ready at the end of the week, so I will be starting sending them during next week (unles, to those who haven't gone out for holidays).
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Tue 11 Aug 2020 - 17:12
These models all look great. They look to be of a better quality (design, sculpt AND casting) than lots of the stuff you can buy from actual companies. I don't know how concerned you are with "realism" when it comes to fantasy miniatures, but I don't know if the candle (which IS a nice detail and finely crafted) makes a lot of sense for a ranged fighter. If it's not a REALLY big candle, it wont help him spot any potential targets but instead put a big "shoot me" sign over his head...
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Fri 14 Aug 2020 - 22:17
I figured the candle was part of a miner's helmet, a classic piece of dwarf costume! Sure, it doesn't make tactical sense in a realistic sense, but it's a bunch of fun.
Citizen Sade Ancient
Posts : 409 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2009-04-19 Location : Wiltshire, England
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Witch Hunters Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Sun 20 Sep 2020 - 15:22
This has gone a bit quiet. Has any progress been made? If so, can we see some new photos?
wow, they are looking sooo good. Great sculpting skills... I never understood how to sculpt in greenstuff such tiny things... well, 10 years expierence is something. Great sculpts!
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Sun 27 Sep 2020 - 14:06
Helo, guys,
Sorry to be away for so long, but the caster had some personal issues and it was more hard than I thpught to get the copies. Thanksfully they will be at home during next week.
If anyone is interested, send me a PM ;]
DeafNala likes this post
DeafNala Admin
Posts : 21738 Trading Reputation : 9 Join date : 2008-04-03 Age : 77 Location : Sound Beach, NY
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: DWARF BAND 1º Wave Sun 27 Sep 2020 - 14:31
That is quite an array of SPLENDID minis.
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