Subject: Wishing's Adventures Elsewhere Tue 16 Jun 2020 - 13:07
Forgive the terribleness of the thread title! But I already made threads for my Mordheim stuff and Lustria stuff, what I need is a log for the stuff I make for other settings. I think that these will be way more sparse, so I don't want a separate thread for each setting, but would rather group them together.
To me, Mordheim and Lustria are the two big, iconic "treasure hunting" settings for lack of a better terms, but there are a few others I am interested in too. Currently the ones that appeal to me are:
- Khemri, Land of the Dead - Empire in Flames - Mysterious Cathay, from the Border Town Burning campaign
There are other fan-made settings of course, like Karak Azgal and Athel Loren, but currently I got no plans to expand into there. I do have one warband planned that isn't part of any of these... the Fimir, which belong to Marienburg. But I think I might be a little flexible there and consider them part of Empire in Flames. Marienburg is in the Empire after all.
Call me overly fixated on order, but my issue is that a warband such as the Black Dwarfs - which were the first ones I made - isn't a Mordheim warband in my eyes. I don't see them running around the fish-strewn city streets. Having now read the Border Town Burning supplement, they are clearly a Cathayan warband. Not in the sense that they are Chinese (I mean Cathayan) culturally, but that the steppes of the border towns is where they would do their slave hunting, that is their home so to speak.
So some warbands I am working on just now that belong here are Black Dwarfs, Carnival of Chaos, Nekhara Tomb Guardians, and Ogre Maneaters. And also Orcs. Yes, technically orcs were totally written for use in Mordheim. But I don't like that, to me they don't fit in the Mordheim gothic atmosphere at all. Orcs are much more of an Empire in Flames or Cathay type of warband to me, like Beastmen.
So to begin, some shots of my Black Dwarf Slavers, out to take prisoners in the borderlands and stuff them into their tiny prison wagon, like clowns in a clown car.
Thank you! The project I am most excited about at this exact point in time though is the ogres. I love that they have small ogre youngbloods, to make them playable at all. Because how to make a smaller ogre?
My creativity is especially fuelled by having an aversion to buying miniatures unless I really want them. I have a random box of miniature parts in my living room at the moment that has been collected over the last 30 years or so, and a lot of the time, I can find all the stuff I need in there or in modern sprue remnants. So I only go out hunting for new models if it is something very special - I would really love to get some dragon warriors from Titan Forge as Cathayans, for example.
But the ogres - I have loads of spare ogre heads, and a couple of old plastic goliath gangers lying around, so this is my first draft of an ogre youngblood, in the middle. Size comparison with a full grown ogre pit fighter to our left, and a common human to our right.
Tagnator Etheral
Posts : 1356 Trading Reputation : 6 Join date : 2007-11-03 Age : 31 Location : Uitgeest, The Netherlands
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Averlanders Achievements earned: None
That is a very clever conversion Wishing! The youngling ogre is going to look really cool this way I think it are conversions like these that make Mordheim such a great game, as they add alot of character to the warband and overall setting! I mean it would have been easier to just use a normal Ogre and say he's the youngling, but this is way more immersive
Thank you! It's all about models and conversions for me, that's where my interest and motivation comes from. If there isn't a feeling of either "these models will look amazing" or "this conversion will be so cool" in it, then it's not something I'm likely to be interested in.
And I also care deeply about appropriate representation. A normal ogre has the "large target" rule. An ogre youngblood doesn't have this rule. Therefore, the youngblood is clearly smaller. Cannot be argued. Just using a normal sized ogre as a youngblood would be the same as using a greater daemon to represent a lesser daemon. Wrong base size, wrong overall size. Obviously it's fine to do if what matters to you is just having a model... but for me, I want to "get it right" for it to be of interest.
DeafNala Admin
Posts : 21738 Trading Reputation : 9 Join date : 2008-04-03 Age : 77 Location : Sound Beach, NY
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Achievements earned: none
So far everything in this thread is conversions for sure, and will probably remain the case for a while!
Newest conversion under this headline is an informant for the black dwarfs. Is he a hobgoblin? Maybe, he is definitely shady. Mantic head on a frostgrave soldier body.
Subject: Re: Wishing's Adventures Elsewhere Sat 20 Jun 2020 - 16:54
Uggh, another beautiful batch of conversions! The Ogre Youngblood is shaping up to be an especially impressive creation, with something halfway scratch built bridging the scale gap...
Thank you! I am quite happy with the ogre youngblood too, the odd misshapen nature of his big head and stunted body feels somehow appropriate for a savage and dark race. I look forward to finishing him and more of his companions.
Mapping out the warband, it seems like you can start with five ogres exactly, which is all the heroes and no henchmen... so one chief, one hunter, and three youngbloods. Would love to make a rhinox beast for them too though...
To round off the Cathayan warbands, I am currently planning on getting some of the dragon empire models I mentioned earlier. They are a kind of mix of japanese and chinese style of soldiers, and I hope they will look very cool.
The youth and hunter I mentioned above are at a suitable WIP photo stage just now. Also I ordered a piece of Japanese scenery from Sarissa Precision, which I hope will work for a border town table.
DeafNala Admin
Posts : 21738 Trading Reputation : 9 Join date : 2008-04-03 Age : 77 Location : Sound Beach, NY
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Achievements earned: none