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 Hello, I need a hobby...

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Join date : 2008-11-04
Location : Los Angeles, Ca

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PostSubject: Hello, I need a hobby...   Hello, I need a hobby... Icon_minitimeTue 4 Nov 2008 - 19:45

Hi I'm new. Years and years ago I got started with minitaure war gaming when my uncle showed me his extensive collection of historial miniatures when I was seven (his War of the Roses army still blows my mind). It was a great hobby until my mid-teens when I became big into computing. My new hobby, computing lead me to a job as a graphic designer and a web designer. About the same time I got into computing, I picked up the electric guitar. After some years as a designer I have the privilage of being a professional popular musician. The downside?

All my hobbies have become my job.

I need some way to relax, and I found a box of a bunch of my old modeling supplies and some figures. There was just one big problem. Like I said, I'm a professional musician and if you know anything about the current trend in illegal downloading, times are tough for us. I couldn't shell out tons of cheddar (read: dolla dolla bills y'all) on figures to build some giant army. I started surfing the net, looking at great models done by lots of people (many who use this forum even!) and it's around that moment I stumbled on the PDF of the Mordheim rules.

Now this is something I can get into! I don't even have to sell my firstborn on the black market to get what I need to play the game! With a new fire in my belly, I've started building scenery for the first time in about 18 years and trolling eBay for cheap models to buy.

So, that's how we got to here, and how you are stuck with me.
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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Hello, I need a hobby... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, I need a hobby...   Hello, I need a hobby... Icon_minitimeTue 4 Nov 2008 - 21:57

Hey and welcome cheers

Yeah Mordheims vrilliant that you can do it with such little expences. Even the scenery making is easy enough and anything ruined is perfect.

welcome to the forums.

Hello, I need a hobby... Signewspaper
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Forum Engineer
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Hello, I need a hobby... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, I need a hobby...   Hello, I need a hobby... Icon_minitimeTue 4 Nov 2008 - 22:39

Welcome to the forum! I am also a computer enthusiast turned job doing website.

Mordheim is a great way to have fun. I grew up in LA, and used to play a lot at the Games Workshop in the Glendale Galeria. Have you been there?

I'm sure there's a Mordheim Gaming Group somewhere in LA if not in the GG.

See you around,

(Where you a Panda for Halloween?) lol)
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Hello, I need a hobby...   Hello, I need a hobby... Icon_minitimeWed 5 Nov 2008 - 0:00

Welcome, Ryan!

It's good to hear that your family has a wargaming tradition. Smile

I look forward to seeing some minis from you. Enjoy the game (and this forum)!
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Hello, I need a hobby... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, I need a hobby...   Hello, I need a hobby... Icon_minitimeWed 5 Nov 2008 - 7:36

Hi Ryan,


I hope you enjoy your stay on Tom's Sleep Forum. Mordheim with all the modeling, painting, AND gaming IS a great escape from harsh Reality. I think you'll find this a friendly little hangout to get advice, inspiration, motivation, & simply have FUN!
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PostSubject: Re: Hello, I need a hobby...   Hello, I need a hobby... Icon_minitime

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