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 Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums

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PostSubject: Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums   Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums Icon_minitimeWed 30 Nov 2011 - 2:37

Hi all,

Just came across these boards tonight, while taking a stroll down memory lane, so glad to see the community alive and strong!

I collected 40k primarily from the ages of about 10 - 20, but my favorite aspect of the hobby was collecting, painting and customizing the minis. I always loved the fiction, and would occasionally enjoy a game, but generally i found it too plodding and unfulfilling.

That being said, I always really loved the campaign-type games. The aspect of developing an army over multiple games is the hook that got me really interested.

Then, I discovered Mordheim.

While there are indisputably some imbalances, weak points, etc. with the core rules, I really fell in love with this game - I'm sure I don't have to go further into the "why" on this forum.

Anyway, my question is this: I want to get back into games like this, but a quick search of some of my old favorites shows that the expensive pasttime has only gotten more so... Mordheim starter boxes are practically impossible to find, and other old favorites like warhammer quest, Adv Hero Quest, Necromunda, space hulk... All go for $200, $300, $500?!?!

Surely there is some middle ground. Can anyone suggest a game that's currently IN PRINT, that I might enjoy?

I fully intend to buy some of the in-print books, and crack out my old warbands and "terrain factory", but in the mean time, I would love to find a new game to get into - for one thing, my girlfriend has expressed interest, and something "new in box" would surely get her hooked too.

I live in NYC - where should I be going? GW store? Compleat Strategist?

What great game do I just not know about?

Any help greatly appreciated! Sir, yes sir!
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Lucas Blackwolf
Lucas Blackwolf

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PostSubject: Re: Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums   Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums Icon_minitimeWed 30 Nov 2011 - 8:24

Other in-print campaign games that seem to be heavily inspired by Mordheim (Necromunda) that I can think of would be Cutlass (by Black Scorpion) and Strange Aeons (Uncle Mike's Worldwide). Both have a dedicated line of miniatures. IIRC Warhammer Historical's Gladiator might have an inbuilt campaign element as well. If you're into that, there is also the Gangs of Nu Ork, a fanmade Necromunda re-work, that lets you use any 40k races in your warbands. Streamlined and also heavily borrowing from Mordheim.

But personally, I try to see the Mordheim's OOP status as a positive thing. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it back in full production, with support and new minis, but as it is, the game is now practically in the public domain and noone is stopping you to download the rules, get exactly the minis you like for it and just play. If you're worried about the imbalances in M, try the Coreheim. I'm sure others here will be able to tell you more about it, but from what I gather, it's a more balanced, updated version of the rules.
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Lucas Blackwolf
Lucas Blackwolf

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PostSubject: Re: Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums   Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums Icon_minitimeWed 30 Nov 2011 - 8:38

Oh, and Warcanto has the campaign system as well, with an interesting mechanic of skills development tree.
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PostSubject: Re: Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums   Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums Icon_minitimeWed 30 Nov 2011 - 11:21

Hi Dallas...WELCOME to Tom's Sleep Mordheim Forum. cheers

If your looking for a reasonably priced skirmish/campaign game, you might try Death Squad. The rules are free & their forum is a cool source for info & inspiration:

Wyrd's Malifaux is another skirmish game with campaign possibilities that has some Mordheim qualities to it.
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PostSubject: Re: Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums   Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums Icon_minitimeWed 30 Nov 2011 - 13:42

Hi Dallas, and welcome to Tom's.

Mordheim is not OOP as such, and in some ways it is cheaper now. The revised rulebook is available as a free download from GW, as are some other files (Dwarf Treasure Hunter warband, etc.):

Specialist Games used to have more PDFs available when they had a separate site; if there are any other files you are looking for, I'm sure a lot of us here have them and could send them to you.

Most of the miniatures are also still available from GW - check the Specialist Games section of the GW website (there are some weird gaps, like the Sisters of Sigmar's auger). The old human mercenary sprues were repackaged as Empire Militia, so you will find them in the Wawrhammer/Empire section. Other manufacturers of course make miniatures that can be readily used.

Probably the main component of the game not readily available are the cardstock houses. But alternatives are available and, if you enjoy scratchbuilding, you can make your own. Check out this pdf set from World Works Games:

Anyway - Mordheim is pretty easy to move back in to.

See you on the main boards!


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PostSubject: Re: Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums   Vet to the Hobby, New to the Forums Icon_minitime

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