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 Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB

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Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Empty
PostSubject: Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB   Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Icon_minitimeTue 6 Jun 2017 - 21:09

Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB. The merchants restrictions are on "humans."
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Posts : 180
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Join date : 2016-02-09
Age : 39
Location : Hungary

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Primary Warband played: Marauders (BTB) Marauders (BTB)
Achievements earned: none

Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB   Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Icon_minitimeWed 7 Jun 2017 - 21:44

From the Marauders of Chaos warband list:
"Hired Swords: Marauders of Chaos may only hire the following Hired Swords: Pit Fighters, Ogres, Norse Shamans and Imperial Assassins plus any other Hired Swords which specify they may be hired by Marauders of Chaos. Witches and Warlocks may be hired except by warbands that include warriors with the Mark of Arkhar."

The Hired sword Chaos Centaurs also can be hired as it is mentioned in his descriptions.

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Posts : 180
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Join date : 2016-02-09
Age : 39
Location : Hungary

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Primary Warband played: Marauders (BTB) Marauders (BTB)
Achievements earned: none

Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB   Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Icon_minitimeWed 7 Jun 2017 - 21:46

But if you and your gaming group use or agreed to use the swords of the empire rules it can be dona as:
"Human warbands will include any warp-touched gangs and renegade warbands that are composed of human warriors by majority. This might include Cults of Chaos, Marauders of Chaos, Outlaws and Bandits. "
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PostSubject: Re: Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB   Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB Icon_minitime

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Can a chaos marauder warband hire a Cathayan merchant in BTB
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