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 Marauder of chaos human?

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PostSubject: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeFri 3 Mar 2017 - 22:27

My CM call I have the penalty on the scenario trace of empires because the Marauder have the Marauder name in the max racial stats.
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Marauder of chaos human? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSat 4 Mar 2017 - 8:27

We could say that. Beside they are human they are more likely to be counted as chaos worshipers and an evil warband. Classical human warbands are the ones from the Empire, Bretonnia, Kislev, Tilea and so...

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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSat 4 Mar 2017 - 19:28

Border Town Burning PDF 04 wrote:
Questioning: The Hero makes a Leadership test. For Questioning:
each point the test is passed by, one additional
information point is gathered. Heroes cannot benefit
from their leader's Ld.

Example: Rolling a 5 with a Ld of 7 grants 2
information points but rolling a 7 grants none.

Heroes that don’t come from the following races
receive a +1 penalty on their Leadership tests because
the villagers are less willing to speak with them: all
Humans, Elves, Halflings, Dwarfs.

Heroes with mutations or wearing Chaos armour
always suffer a +1 penalty on their Leadership tests.

Torturing: The Hero makes a Strength test. For each Torturing:
point the test is passed by, one additional information
point is gathered. Weapon bonuses and Mighty Blows
do not apply!
Heroes that cause fear receive a –1 bonus on their
Strength tests because they are particularly

So how do the penalties/bonuses work? It is a +1 penalty so a model with a Ld of 8 counts as 9 and how is this a bad thing?

But a fear causing hero has a -1 bonus so if he is ST4 he counts as ST3 and how is this a good thing?

@ParadoxCube what penalty applies to your warband? I have never played this scenario, so I am just curious.

As I read the rule villagers are more willing to talk to undead, orcs and beastmen than humans, etc. ? But don't trust or do trust chaotics depending on how this is supposed to work scratch
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Marauder of chaos human? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSat 4 Mar 2017 - 20:33

Heroes that don’t come from the following races ( all Humans, Elves, Halflings, Dwarfs. )
receive a +1 penalty on their Leadership tests because the villagers are less willing to speak with them.

It is give to the roll a +1 so as the LD test is a 2d6 against the warriors Ld it is becamae a 2d6+1 against the warrior LD

If you want to intimidate you roll under or equal against the warriors Strength.

I played the scenaio a few times.
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Nuno M
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PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSun 5 Mar 2017 - 0:14

Yeah, I always find it a bit jarring when the penalties are actually positive numbers Razz
It is indeed technically correct by the rules, but I guess our primate minds dont like it... scratch
Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds it weird Razz

When I make rules I generally write something like: "make a Ld test with a -1 penalty to Ld" and so on. Makes the text longer, but makes it "feel" clearer.
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSun 5 Mar 2017 - 18:43

Mordheim Rulebook wrote:
Hearts of Steel  Difficulty 8
As the three words of power are spoken, waves of glory surround the servant of Sigmar. The
faithful are heartened by the warrior god’s presence.

Any allied warriors within 8" of the warrior become immune to Fear and All Alone tests. In
addition, the whole warband gains +1 to any Rout tests they have to make. The effects of this spell
last until the caster is knocked down, stunned or put out of action. If cast again the effects are not
cumulative, ie, the maximum bonus to Rout tests remains +1.

So I've been playing the prayer Hearts of Steel wrong all these years? scratch
Or Eye of God, or the Witch's potion rules or...well a lot of rules actually, like to hit modifiers for shooting?

I guess I am not getting the distinction here, especially from the actual wording of the rules quoted, although I am reminded of the glazed look I get from new players when explaining how the shooting modifiers work...

@ParadoxCube--I think your CM (Campaign Manager?) is over reaching on his interpretation since there is a specific penalty for mutation or having a chaos artifact. Marauders are human. Not that an internet opinion is going to do you much good one way or another.
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Nuno M
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PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSun 5 Mar 2017 - 20:10

Good one.
I think this one applies the +1 to the Ld characteristic, so the Rout roll becomes easier (otherwise it wouldn't make sense).
I think all your other modifiers are also fine the way you've played it (+1 bonus to shoot will always be a good thing).

The other ones (take a +1 penalty to Ld test), the only way they make sense is if the number is applied to the test roll, and not the characteristic.
I may be wrong, but only when you read "+1 penalty" or "-1 bonus" does this "apply-to-the-roll-not-the-characteristic" effect happens. Don't know if it was mostly BorderTownBurning that features those, or other publications did as well.
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Von Kurst
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PostSubject: Re: Marauder of chaos human?   Marauder of chaos human? Icon_minitimeSun 5 Mar 2017 - 20:52

Well I expect that I am being obtuse, but I do find it difficult to have a +1 penalty and -1 bonus as the + symbol is positive and the - symbol is negative and a bonus is positive and a penalty is negative. So...

I do appreciate your and Athanatosz's explanations and expect that that is how things are intended, if not how they are written.

Quote :
Don't know if it was mostly BorderTownBurning that features those, or other publications did as well.

We are talking about Mordheim rules so both uses could appear anywhere. I was looking for an example but couldn't find any in the rule book, but that does not mean that they are not there. Smile

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