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 Norse or Marauder warband ?

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Norse or Marauder warband ? Empty
PostSubject: Norse or Marauder warband ?   Norse or Marauder warband ? Icon_minitimeTue 18 Nov 2008 - 21:03

Hee guys

I've still got a box of the new chaos warriors. And I've always loved them and want to use them in mordheim. But i can't decide to do norse or marauders. For wich warband could i use them the best ? Or is there an experimental warband out there for just chaos that i haven't heard of ?


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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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Norse or Marauder warband ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Norse or Marauder warband ?   Norse or Marauder warband ? Icon_minitimeTue 18 Nov 2008 - 21:21

Norse are marauders so none of them is really better suited. You can give a Norse warband a more viking theme whereas the traditional Chaos marauders can have a greater focus on their Chaos worshipping culture with tattoos, icons and items and maybe a few mutations here and there. None of them is a warriors of chaos warband and those would not be apropriate for Mordheim anyways (unless you like playing with only 6 models).
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Norse or Marauder warband ?
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