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 TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband

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Von Kurst
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeSun 3 May 2009 - 4:31

Ok, I see that the main difference to the Norse Warbands are that the BTB updated one has the Wulfen at 2 Wounds instead of a single wound as listed in TC 13. I also see that the Strength skill is updated to allow all heroes to have it on their list.

So, questions:

1 - If playing Mordheim City games, should I stick to the TC 13 version of these Norse Warband, or could I use the updated ones from BTB?
2 - When wolves have the Pack Leader rule, and the Wulfen is taken OOA during a battle, do the wolves stay under the Norse players control, or do they essentially scatter and run off back to camp?
3 - Against Pirates, should I look to try and model some ships and do some docks/sea battles or stick to the city for now to get used to the new warband?
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Von Kurst
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeSun 3 May 2009 - 4:50

I know nothing about the first 2 questions aside from
1. Its up to your group of players as to which warbands they allow in a campaign.

3. Yarr, mate! There be pirates, there be ships! Ye must sail the oceans and make the lubbers howl!

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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeSun 3 May 2009 - 10:36

The re-release of the Norse was specifically intended to not have this question come up at all. Because the two warband lists are identical. All we did was incoporate the later errata into the list and add the missing maximum profile for the werecreature. So it doesn't matter whether you look at the Town Cryer and get the missing info from the net or if you look at the BTB release, where all is at its place. Smile It's really just a convenience thing.
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Da Bank
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeSun 3 May 2009 - 12:04

The Werewulf thing was supposed to have two wounds, the stats were taken from the possessed I believe. It was missed in the editing of the document. The author of them has noted on the old old SG forums his true stats.
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeSun 3 May 2009 - 17:21

As for the wolf thingy, they stay in combat eventhough he gets knocked out (he might still make a full recovery) you just cannot field the wolves at a game if the Wolfen is dead Smile
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeSun 3 May 2009 - 17:37

Thanks guys! I worked on a Wulfen last night, and am pretty pleased with it so far. Although, it's a little big, I was surprised that the rules don't put the creature as a Large Target, but either way, I will have to note that it's NOT a large target, even though it's right at the limit...
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeMon 4 May 2009 - 13:23

Quote :
Thanks guys! I worked on a Wulfen last night,
and am pretty pleased with it so far. Although, it's a little big, I
was surprised that the rules don't put the creature as a Large Target,
but either way, I will have to note that it's NOT a large target, even
though it's right at the limit...

I might be wrong, but I think the Wulfen is not a large creature so that people could use the old Beorg's Bearman champion model from the Dogs of War range. Its a bit of a hard to find model now, but I see them every now and again on ebay. Thats the model I used for my Wulfen. At least, I will if finals ever end.
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Da Bank
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeMon 4 May 2009 - 23:57

It is not a large target as the possessed is not a large target with the same stats.

Reaper Miniatures makes some a great "Wulfen" Model. I have one it is great.
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Venerable Ancient
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TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitimeWed 6 May 2009 - 16:25

I also used Beorg Bearstruck as my Ulfwerener. Seemed like a good choice really. Nice model.
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PostSubject: Re: TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband   TC13 Norse Warband vs BTB Norse Warband Icon_minitime

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