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 Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill

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Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Empty
PostSubject: Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill   Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Icon_minitimeWed 14 Jul 2010 - 16:34

Hey I was playing BTB and I hired the Cathayan Merchant and he recently got the Stone Cutter Skill.

Me and Joker2and53 were reading it and had questions on how it worked.

1. If I sell 5 Wyrd Stone what happens? Do I get the bonus or penality on 1 stone or all 5 stones? If I get the bonus on all 5 stones do I roll 5d6 and each shard gets the bonus or penalty separately or 1d6 to determine the bonus/penalty for all the stones?

2. If I roll a penalty can I choose to not sell the shards or sell fewer of them, and if so can I sell them later and try to refine them again?

I figure that you would roll separately for each stone, and you would not be able to choose to not sell and attempt refine them again. I would declare the number of shards I was selling then roll. So for example I would declare I was selling 5 shards with 12 guy that would be 80 gold, then I would roll to determine the bonus and/or penalty from the Stone Cutter skill. If I rolled 1,2,4,5,6 Then I would 80 + 7d6 -4d6.

I also wonder when I am calculating gold amounts can I cancel +1d6 with -1d6, or do I have to roll them?

This would come-up with the haggle skill as well if you are buying items that have a variable cost.
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill   Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Icon_minitimeWed 14 Jul 2010 - 17:59

You first declare the number of shards you want to sell, check your warband size and see how much money you get.

Now you cannot sell more wyrdstones (or fewer). This are the normal rules.

Roll a single D6 and determine the amount of gold lost or gained (immediately subtract/add to the wyrdstone earnings).

You do not roll a die for each single wyrdstone. Since a score of 3+ is already beneficial it should be obvious that the skill would be way too strong if you rolled 5 times on the table when selling 5 shards.
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Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill   Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Icon_minitimeThu 15 Jul 2010 - 14:29

I would say I want to sell 5 Wyrd stone, then look-up the amount w/12 guys that would be 80, then roll a single d6:
1-2 then I would get 80 -2d6
3-5 I would get 80 +2d6
6 I would get 80 +3d6

That makes sense. The other way is seemed like a Merchant was a money machine. You could easily make unbalancing amounts of money with a few "hot" rolls.

Thanks for your help again.
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill   Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Icon_minitimeThu 15 Jul 2010 - 23:10

Rudeboy wrote:
I would say I want to sell 5 Wyrd stone, then look-up the amount w/12 guys that would be 80, then roll a single d6:
1-2 then I would get 80 -2d6
3-5 I would get 80 +2d6
6 I would get 80 +3d6

Exactly Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill   Cathayan Merchant and the Stone Cutter skill Icon_minitime

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