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 Cathayan Warband

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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012 - 4:06

Ok this is the first wardband I had got in the huge pack I recieved. I am not the writer of this so please to not argue with me for any rules you do not agree with unstead please let us please discuss pros and cons on them in a civilised manner please.

Intro: Advised by his astrologers that a great event would occur in the west, the Dragon Emperor of the Middle Kingdom (Cathay) has dispatched scouting warbands to investigate.

Max Warband Size: 20
Starting Money: 600


1 Cathay Noble
cost: 60 gc

Cathay Nobles are proud, arrogant, and often cruel. They dispise the hairy barbarians they are forced to deal with outside of the Middle Kingdoms. Most merchants put up their attitude as the riches of Cathay ar legendary. A Cathayan Warband must start with one Noble. No more, no less.

M: 6 WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 4 Ld: 8
20 xp

Skills: Combat, Shooting, Academic, Strength, Speed, Cathayan Equipment

0-1 Astrologer
Cost: 25 gc

Cathayan Astrologers are reputrdly the best in the world (this is disputed by the Elves). It was court astrologers that foretold the cataclysm that befell Mordheim, and caused the Dragon Emperor to send forth scouting warbands. More than simple fortune tellers, Astrologers are interested in all kinds of knowledge, and pride themselves in the superiority of Cathayan science and philosophy

M: 4 WS: 2 BS: 2 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld:6
0 xp

Skills: Academic, Astrologer Equipment

Special Ability:
Horoscopes. Astrologers are able to cast horoscopes to foretell the fate of any person if they have accurate details of the subject's date and place of birth. This allows the player to reroll the result of a serious injury table for one hero or henchman between each game if the Astrologer did not go out of action.

0-3 Bannermen
Cost: 25

Bannermen ar the officers of the Cathayan army, drawn from the nobility and the best of the common soldiery. It is expected that a Bannerman study the finer arts as well as the arts of war (although this is often not the case).

M: 4 WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 A: 1 Ld: 7
8 xp

Skills: Combat, Academic, Strength, Cathayan Equipment


0-3 Nomad Mercenaries
Cost: 45 gc

Recruited from the northern steppes, these are among the toughest fighters and finest horse archers in the world. A nomad is said to be born in the saddle and will often remain there until death. Due to the never ending war between the human nomads and horde of the Hoblai Khan, all nomads hate Hobgoblins.

M: 4 WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 3 T: 4 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7
Born in the Saddle
Nomad Equipment
Hate Hobgoblins

0-5 Gunners
Cost: 25

Cathayan technology leads even the Dwarves in some respects. A bizarre array of gunpowder weapons have been developed to frighten and even occasionly kill the many enemies of the Middle Kingdom. Cathayan Gunners can be identified by their scorched hair, sooty clothes, and loud shouts of, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Gunpowder weapons are considered too dangerous in the hands of normal peasant soldiers, so only the best are assigned to this duty.

M: 4 WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7
Gunner Equipment

Any Soldiers
Cost: 15

While Cathayan soldiers are far from the finest in the world, they make up for a lack of talent with sheer numbers.
M: 4 WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7
Soldier Equipment

Cathayan Equipment:

Close Combat
Dagger: 1st free, additional 2 gc
Mace: 3 gc
Axe: 5 gc
Sword: 10 gc
Halberd: 10 gc
Spear: 10 gc
2-handed weapon: 15 gc

Short Bow: 5 gc
Bow: 10 gc
Repeating Crosbow: 40 gc

Light Armour: 20 gc
Heavy Armour: 50 gc
Helmet: 10 gc
Shield: 5 gc

Horse, rare 8

Astrologer Equipment:

Close Combat
Dagger: 1st free, additional 2 gc
Sword: 10 gc
Staff: 3 gc

Shortbow: 5 gc


Misc (Astrologers only)
Book of Changes: 20 gc, rare 9
The Wisdom of Confuseus: 20 gc, rare 9
Astrolab: 50 gc, rare 10

Nomad Equipment:

Close Combat
Dagger: 1st free, additional 2 gc
Mace: 3 gc
Sword: 10 gc
Spear: 10 gc

Composite Bow: 25 gc

Helmet 10 gc
Shield 5 gc

Horse: 30 gc (yes, it's cheaper- they're horse nomads)

Gunner Equipment:

Close Combat
Dagger: 1st free, Additional 2 gc
Mace: 3 gc
Axe: 5 gc
Sword: 10 gc

Bow: 10 gc
Repeating Crossbow: 40 gc
Handgun: 35 gc
Rockets: 20 gc
Bombs: 15 gc

Light Armour: 20 gc
Helmet: 10 gc

Soldier Equipment

Close combat
Dagger: 1st free, additional 2 gc
Mace: 3 gc
Sword: 10 gc
Halberd: 10 gc
Spear: 10 gc

Short Bow: 5 gc
Bow: 10 gc

Light Armour: 20 gc
Helmet: 10 gc
Shield: 5 gc

Special Rules:

Well Dressed
Cathayan warbands can not benefit from the 'Cathayan Silk' equipment item. This is normal clothing for a Cathayan Noble!

Don't Hire Barbarians
Cathayians look down their noses at hairy, big nosed barbarians from the west. While subject peoples such as the Nomads are tolerated (especially when being useful), a Cathayan warband may not hire a Hired Sword or a Dramatis Personae of western origin. The only Hired Sword allowed from the standard list is a Warlock, if he is stated to be Oriental. Any homemade DP and HS of oriental origin is allowed if allowed by the player's gaming group at all.

Born in the Saddle
Mounted Nomads may fire in the missle combat phase even when galloping (ie while mounted and running). In addition, a Nomad may never give up his horse to a non-nomad (although a non-nomad could give their horse to a Nomad in need)

New Equipment:

Book of Changes
The book of augury may be consulted by the Astologer in the Exploration Phase to guide the Warband in it's searching, if he did not go out of action. One exploration die may be modified +1/-1. This cannot be used at the same time as Tarot Cards by the Astrologer.

Wisdom of Confuseus
By consulting on the thoughts of the sage, the Astrologer may find hidden wisdom. If this item is possessed by an Astrologer, he may reroll one advance earned after a game, if desired

This complicated, precision instrument helps the Astrologer greatly in charting the heavens and thus improves the speed of his predictions. While he owns an Astrolab, the Astrologer may cast two Horoscopes instead of the usual one (these must be for different warriors).

Composite Bow
S3, Range 36"
The Oriental composite recurve bow is a marvel od horn, sinew and wood. Compact enough to be easily fired by horseback, it is nonetheless able to outrange self bows twice its height.

S= special Range 24" Inaccurate, Move or Shoot, Fire once, Cumbersome

Rockets, or fire arrows, have been a preferred weapon ever since the Cathayan Sages invented gunpowder (you really didn't think it was the stunties, did you?). The poor gunner is forced to carry cumbersom framework with the rockets attached into battle, hoping against all odd that when he fires them that some will find targets among the enemy.

Rocket Special rules
The rockets pretty much zoom off where they want to. The Gunner nominates a target point within range and rolls a D6. If a 1 is rolled, one or more rockets have exploded in the frame, causing a S5 hit on the Gunner. Any other result gives the number of Rockets that explode near enough to the round to have effect. Roll WH artillery dice to determine the distance on direction of each rocket seperately. Rocket impacts can be further then 24" from the gunner. Any target within a 1" radius of a rocket impact takes a S4 hit.

Move or Shoot
Rockets may not be fired if the Gunner has moved that turn

No other weapons except a dagger may be carried while the gunner is equiped with rockets.

Fire once
Only enough rockets can be carried to fire one salvo per game

S= Special, Range= Special Fire once
A more Accurate method of blowing things up then rockets is a pot filled with gunpowder, lit by a fuse. This can be used in two ways.

Light and Run
The gunner sets the fuse at the beginning of his movement phase, then may move as normal, running if he wishes. Roll a D6. If a 1 is rolled the fuse has been set too short, and then explodes before the Gunner has a chance to move - put his model back to where he started and detonate the bomb as if a roll of 2-5 has been made. If a 6 is rolled, the bomb was made too powerful; after the gunner has moved, all models within 4" of the bomb take a S5 hit unless there is a solid wall between the bomb and the mosel. On a roll of 2-5, the bomb explodes after the gunner has moved and all models within 2" of the bomb take a S4 hit unless there is a solid wall between them and the bomb.

Light and Throw
The Gunner Nominates a spot within his Str x2" and rolls to hit using his BS, during the Missle Combat Phase. If his roll is a 1, the bomb explodes exactly as if a 1 had been rolled in the Light and Run method. If his roll is a 6, the bomb explodeds on target exactly as if a 6 had been rolled using the Light and Run method. Otherwise, if the roll is a success, the bomb explodes on target. If the roll is not a success, the bomb falls short by half the distance to the target. In either case, the bomb detonates as if a 2-5 had been rolled using the Light and Rin method.

Each Bomb is a heavy pot, and only one can be carried for each missle weapon selection (ie, a gunner could carry two bombs and a sword, or one bomb, a handgun, and a mace). If desired, both close combat selections may be traded to allow a third bomb to be carried (a dagger is still allowed). This must be the third bomb - two bombs and a handbun is not allowed.
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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012 - 11:08

Thanks for posting that. cheers

It looked familiar and after a bit of a search I found what looks to be the same warband online on Archive Pestilen.

The Archive Pestilen site is horrid to use. If you want to compare the warbands on that site to the other warbands in your printed booklet hen start here:

Click "Mordheim" link in the site header frame. Then click "Warbands" in the site content frame. This will update the site navigation frame and scrolling down the list (fifth from the bottom) is the link to the "Cathayans" warband.

You can the other links in the navigation frame and maybe save some typing if you do find them available online. Thanks for sharing though and I'm sure that there are quite a few people who haven't seen this as that site is old and becoming quite obscure. thumbsup
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Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 49
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Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Orcs & Goblins
Achievements earned: none

Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012 - 14:42

Wow yeah, hadn't seen that before, but yeah that rounds out most of the rest of the warbands in my book. YEah I see where it is abscure, was last maintained in 2004.
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Venerable Ancient
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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeSun 22 Apr 2012 - 15:39

Agree with Rational, it's not painless to work off Pestilen web site. I also find it is pretty painful to work through large post of rules based text on the forum. If material can be hosted, linked and presented if at all possible it's more pleasant to read from and game from.

What display format are the warband lists in? If they are nicely presented, can they be scanned/uploaded/linked?

Unfortunately there is nothing of note in the Cathayan soldiers warband which hasn't been surpassed by Christian's epic brilliance in Border Town Burning. The warband for celestials includes a Cathayan military escort to an appointed emissary of the Dragon Throne. The soldiers are offset by being able to hire battle monks. This creates incredible tactical choice and lovely modelling opportunities. Smile


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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeSun 22 Apr 2012 - 16:16

Perhaps a partnership with Tabletop Geeks for hosting?

Otherwise I'm fine with struggling through the forum's shortcomings if its not too much hassle to post them here.

Starting with this warband is a definite blast from the past. One of my players ran it in a Khemri Land of the Dead campaign ten years ago or so. We griped about it and he finally switched to something else or skipped the rest of the campaign. I'm not sure but I think he fudged the 'one salvo' of rockets per game and his rockets seemed awfully effective, but that could just be memory.
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Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 49
Location : Louisville, Ky

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Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Orcs & Goblins
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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeMon 23 Apr 2012 - 7:10

What I have thought of doing (for quite some time now honestly) since a ruff search years ago for a play group I used to be in on one of the alternate Skaven Warband was to make a PDF database in the Format of how the warbands were displayed in like TCs and have them in one place.

TableTop Geeks may be a way to go, but would be unsure of their reception after the hubbub with GW back in Oct/Nov.

Might talk to an a Couple of IT friends of mind who own domains about maybe 'piggy backing' off ot them and just create a PDF data base and ask the various authors (if still active) if it was alright if I reformated those rosters to easy viewing/downloading, because right now most sites are outdated and pretty painful to work from.
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Primary Warband played: Undead Undead
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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitimeMon 23 Apr 2012 - 7:31

I'm hosting almost everything I could find regarding mordheim, official, unofficial and otherwise in pdf format on my dropbox account. 600 or so pdfs. email me if you are interested -
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Cathayan Warband Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cathayan Warband   Cathayan Warband Icon_minitime

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