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 Warbands In Mordheim

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Von Kurst
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 2 May 2018 - 18:07

2704ENG wrote:
Despite the height difference still think it's an improvement over the original GW Sisters.


That said, DN's not wrong about managing the integral base. You can usually shave them down a bit with a file -- I've pretty much given up on removing them entirely, it's too much fuss, but filing's manageable. Then build up the bases for the entire warband so they're stood on roughly equal heights. Just puttying around the integral base then surfacing to match should do it.

& I agree with you on the Fanatic. The Ball & Chain rules as published don't really work for Mordheim, since the packed scenery will insta-kill your funnest little guy. I've got an agreement that if the Fanatic hits a wall at anything other than a 90 degree angle, he just bounces off & keeps going. A direct hit still kills him though.
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PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 7:23

Another progress update as it has been far too long between posts - the spine of my Sisters of Sigmar warband taking shape:

Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Sister14

Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Sister16

Listening to previous advice I got myself a dremel and that has been an absolute godsend! To the extent that I now that I even use it to clean mould lines! One can never go back to a manual filing haha.

Here's the starting roster that I'm thinking of going with:

Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Sister18

We play with some basic houserules - shields +2 save in CC, dual wielding -1 to hit and off hand cannot crit, Slings increased to 5gc, range reduced to 16 inches and -1 to hit when firing twice. Steel whips are just pure awesomeness - 2 attacks in the first round of combat and always strikes first! Might even be too cheap at 10gc...

Basic grunt will have 2 attacks with a 5+ save in the first round of combat!

Overall strategy is to slowly advance and sling... let the enemy get in their charge on their turn, get to hit first with a single attack and than stomp all over them during my turn.

Whilst I do like the +1 strength of the Sigmarite Warhammer, just think the +1 attack with asf on the steel whips is just a better option - especially when combined with a shield!

Hopefully will get the warband finished in the coming weeks and it'll see some action.
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Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 11:28

The Holy Babes are LOOKIN' GOOD. Their expressive faces are lovely. GREAT WORK! thumbsup
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Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri 22 Mar 2019 - 16:20

So are the whips -2 attacks in the first round or plus 1 in addition to the asf? And if they are THAT good, how come your models don't whield any What a Face The model second from right, is it Reaper? The roster seems just fine for me, though I have NEVER experienced the Sisters on a battlefield.
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 24 Mar 2019 - 17:27

The Sisters are looking good! Those are some nice models, & the colour scheme remains striking.

But I'm going to have to tut loudly at the lack of WYSIWYG in the line-up, & the beardiness of picking the 'best' weapon & giving it to everyone.
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 24 Mar 2019 - 19:25

Nice work!

Quote :
Steel whips are just pure awesomeness - 2 attacks in the first round of combat and always strikes first!
Well you hope to hit first when charged. Check those rules for always strikes first...If you are playing by the rules as written you will be rolling off with anybody but orcs and dwarfs for most of them.  Vampires, other human leaders, Possessed and skaven will strike before everyone but your leader every time (let alone even nerfed elfs).

I do like those 2 attacks on the first turn though. Unless the Vampire takes a spear...
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PostSubject: Re: Warbands In Mordheim   Warbands In Mordheim - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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