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 Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands

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5 posters
Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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Primary Warband played: Reiklanders Reiklanders
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PostSubject: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeMon 19 May 2008 - 20:54

Hej guys, our week-end in Vienna is closing in, and I thought it might be interesting to know who's playing which warband.

As far as I can say from what I know, we'll have two Reiks (Tortiou and me), two dwarfs (Boehm and Lanyssa) and whatever two warbands AdminTom and Matt will show up with.
This seems to be a little bit uneven.

I'm thinking of changing to Middenheimers, simply to have some more variety in the games.

So, which warband are you going to play, and what do you think about this "issue"?
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Lanyssa Ryssyll
Lanyssa Ryssyll

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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeMon 19 May 2008 - 21:08

I can only play my dwarves because they are the only warband I paint entirely Crying or Very sad
And I'm very excited to play against you guys ! Very Happy
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Location : Strasbourg, France

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Primary Warband played: Reiklanders Reiklanders
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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeMon 19 May 2008 - 23:07

Same as Lanyssa - I only have my Reiks...
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Primary Warband played: Dwarfs Dwarfs
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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeTue 20 May 2008 - 15:00

I only have my dwarfs "reminding myself to order some more ... I hate WYSIWUG...
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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Primary Warband played: Marauders (BTB) Marauders (BTB)
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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeTue 20 May 2008 - 15:03

i'll properly play reiks too, except if someone can lend me a warband or something :S

..and by a roll of the dice you go under..
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Lanyssa Ryssyll
Lanyssa Ryssyll

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Primary Warband played: Dwarfs Dwarfs
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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeFri 23 May 2008 - 11:05

Ouch, it will be dwarves vs Reiks ! Shocked
It's okay to me, but we will see quite surely the same battles Laughing

I have no time to paint another warband Mad although I have a lot of minis I could play (like a Kislev warband, an undead warband, a sister of Sigmar warband, a possessed warband, a skaven warband, a Middenheim warband, a Marienburg warband, a shadow warrior warband, a carnival of chaos warband, an halfing warband, a bretonnian warband and finally a beginning of an orcs & goblins warband...)
I'm ashamed to have not paint them Embarassed
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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Primary Warband played: Reiklanders Reiklanders
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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitimeFri 23 May 2008 - 14:25

I'm a bit unsure whether I should play Reiks or not.
Actually I nearly always played Reiks, but having only two different warband-types in a hole campagne is not really funny.

I'd like to play Middenheimers, but regarding the rules I have to say that they kinda suck silent Wink

Well, we'll see about that.

I'm interested what AdminTom is going to play.
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PostSubject: Re: Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands   Tom's Boring Mordheim Meetup - Warbands Icon_minitime

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