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 A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world

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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 24 Jan 2015 - 14:27

If you are following the END TIMES within warhammer, and don't want spoilers then look away NOW.

If not then read on....

So according to rumours the whole warhammer world is going to explode.

The timeline is set to move forward, and the remaining factions will exist in separated dimensional bubbles which, one assumes, will fade in and out of some sort of warp and allow for interactions (and battles). Personally I hated the idea, and seeing much cherished fluff die off is quite heartbreaking - but it does hold some exciting potential for a future MORDHEIM setting (based on a bunch of assumptions)

THE SETTING - THE CITY (still working on a name)

The world has exploded, and formed into a series of dimensional planes. On occasion the larger ones join and interact, but there are numerous smaller ones too.

One smaller unknown plane is THE CITY. A mix of numerous pieces of the former warhamemr world, as well as bits from other worlds, fused together into a labyrinth of streets, underground passages, arching highways and deep abysses. Survivors and refugees from every race and group have long since arrived here - losing any sense of former loyalty to their homeland, however old animosities and grudges are still present.

The core of THE CITY has maintained a structure and civilised society, which has developed anew since the disaster.

The outer limits are more unruly, and home to other dominant factions.

The lost limits and underground are mostly unknown, but are home to secret channels and routes to the larger planes we will know within the new warhammer world, allowing for smuggling and secret missions for the new factions.

I was thinking a ruleset could be warband free, allowing for a single leader to recruit heroes and henchmen as appropriate. There would be some system of restrictions and development, but this could be quite fresh and open to constant updating.

These are just some initial thoughts - what do people think?
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 24 Jan 2015 - 14:38

First of: the best thing about these new rumours is that, so far, they are only rumours. And "hope is the last one to die", us Germans like to say or "you don't eat the soup as hot as you cook it". Or in other words: maybe it's not going to be that bad with the new fluff. That aside, your ideas sound really cool, something in between Mordheim and Necromunda. No matter how the official fluff will look in a couple of month, if you are really excited about this project, just do it (that's something like an american saying, right Cool ) I'd certainly ne interested in reading about your new setting.
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 24 Jan 2015 - 15:00

It's rather a shame they're blowing the place up without ever coming up with a name for the planet. It shouldn't effect Morheim too much; i.e., G.W. blew up our game some time ago.   What a Face
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 24 Jan 2015 - 16:41

Yeah I know it does seem a tad foolish to jump ahead based on rumours - but you're totally right, this would be interesting to explore regardless of what officially happens. The thing I like about it is it works regardless of geography, which is something that has always been a bit annoying for various MORDHEIM settings for me.
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Venerable Ancient
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2015 - 22:41

The world did not blow up. Admittedly most of the major cities in thd Old World have fallen and Ulthuan sank. Sad
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeFri 13 Feb 2015 - 23:10

Doesn't Mordheim take place like 500 years prior to the current Warhammer setting anyway?

I haven't followed The End Times that closely but did read a discussion about lizardmen living in floating bubble city-states or something. Perhaps just a rumor.

Your idea is interesting though, no need for the world to explode to add a setting. Very Happy
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Venerable Ancient
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015 - 11:21

Well quite, Mordheim is a historical campaign setting. The last time GW released a global campaign for Nemesis Crown we were given the opportunity to work on a companion campaign setting for the Mordheim game.

An adventure setting that takes place during the End Times could be a lot of fun. There have always been plagues, invasions and sackings across the Old World. Cities rise and fall. Each supplement is set during a different period in history. The City of the Damned still lies in ruins. Adventurers foolish enough could still visit Mordheim in 2525 although the pickings may not be as rich. A visit to another ruined location, such as Praag, City of Lost Souls, could result in similar adventures with dangerous looting opportunities.

Reading through the material has piqued my interest. I wondered if the apocalypse was spurring anyone else towards mercenary activity.

There are various bizarre rumours about pockets of reality formed into bubbles. These are circulating on web sites like Bell of Lost Souls. My sources have called this horse shit.


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Venerable Ancient
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015 - 11:33

Regarding the sinking of Ulthuan, one might be tempted to say good riddance... less foppish elves prancing around Smile

The bubble idea is too absurd to be real, even for GW. But post-apocalyptic fantasy is fun. The Road meets Bilbo with Slaine thrown into the mix for good measure. That's a setting I would like Smile
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015 - 19:18

I guess we'll have to just see what happens at the end of the END TIMES. It does seem to be a mixed bag of rumours at the moment.

Praag would make a wonderful setting, and it does benefit from a rich fluff history dating back to the beginning of Warhammer and WFRP.

We've been chatting about it a bit in my group, and we like the idea of making the setting a bit like Commoragh, so a sort of port on the edge of a warp like webway. Various other bubbles of reality would be accessible from the main city - which would open up the possibility of territory based campaigns and skirmishes.
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Venerable Ancient
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015 - 19:28

To be honest I don't see the charm of the bubble reality. The different lands of the world are (or used to be) so rich and varied that it seems sad to remove it all.

Praag would be an interesting setting, with the references to Malal and some sleeping goddess there are all kinds of niches to explore. Why do people keep coming back to a city that has been overrun with chaotic forces before? Kind of reminds me of the original chaos thugs and the unexplainable pull they feel to go north.

BTW your dark elf thug is really good! Where is the torso from?
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A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitimeSat 14 Feb 2015 - 20:28

Ah cheers! I think it was a plastic ungor torso. The legs must have got used elsewhere.

I forgot about the Malal thing with Praag. You could bring back Kaleb Daark as a Dramatis Personae. There would be some good opportunities to expand upon the human factions present too as these are detailed quite alot in other supplements.

Regardless of the setting, a few things we wanted to introduce into a campaign system, was a removal of warband lists as a way of constructing your groups. You would select a leader, who would then have to recruit heroes depending on his various allegiances/allignments/agendas. The heroes would then dictate what monsters and henchmen you could take on. The availablity of heroes would be determined much at random, so if you really wanted an Elven Quartermaster, you may have to wait a while to get him, but when you did, he could train some local human marksmen pretty well.
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PostSubject: Re: A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world   A new setting for mordheim in the NEW warhammer world Icon_minitime

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