A few minuates ago the board was down. Luckily it is working again now. However, I noticed a lot of empty posts throught the entire board. This seems to go back to all posts made quite some hours ago. I'll wait until this afternoon so that everyone gets a chance to edit their posts and include whatever text they wanted to say. After that I will delete all empty posts. If you wish to delete your own posts and reply again, please do so.
I have no idea as to what caused this. Maybe Admin Tom knows something (like getting an email notification or whatever).
EDIT: Alright, bad idea. I just tried to edit one of my own empty posts and the changes were not accepted, ie, the post remained empty, although it seemed as if it had worked. Unless anyone of you gets his old posts to work succesfully, I'm afraid you have to delete them and write new ones. As you can see here, making new posts is not a problem. I won't be deleting any of your empty posts until after a couple of hours. If you want to delete yours, again, just go ahead.