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 Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread

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Venerable Ancient
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Mar 2010 - 13:33

Ok, time to show you the whole warband... and tell the story about it. Please forgive me all mistakes, my English is bad Sad but I hope my minis are better Wink

Maghoul's Band is not so well-known in the Old World. Maybe because that only a few viewers are still alive. As one of the critics said – „they are deadly perfect”. Behind the masks they are worshiper, or even also demons of Lord of the Plague, Nurgle. Since Maghoul had his great vision, he started - with help of the demons – gathering new actors and worshipers. They travelled into many dark places, also Mordheim, City of the Damned. To this day their show causes fear and death of many innocent people. For the Nurgle!

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Calosc1


Since he has seen the great demon of Nurgle who said that he is the chosen one of the Lord of the Plague, Maghoul has left the circus group where he was since few months. He has stolen all the money they had to complete a new group of actors, singers, but also cultists of the Nurgle. Since then he is known like this – charismatic leader of the warband. The villagers described him often as big man with a skin in unhealthy green color and cunning smile on his face. He wears usually a colorful robe and fur cloak and appears on the beginning of the show to welcome all the people who came to see it. He is also a great wizard, what makes him very dangerous opponent to everyone who could have a negative opinion
about his art...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Mghblazny

Sodom the Cruel and Gomor the Bloated

No one knows their real names. Maybe they had no names, because, as the children of poor villagers, they have been sold as „weird people” as they were very young. They were weird because of their height and great strentgh. These big and uncommonly ugly boys have been bought by a circus group. No one has seen something strange in this situation. Who could want these boys? From big and strong villagers, they became also faithful worshipers of the Nurgle. Despite their not so great intelligence, their strentgh causes admiration and fear in everyone who has seen even one show with them...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Bruci

Ordo the Tiny

Like Sodom and Gomor were gifted with big height, Ordo got no gift and became a very small man, almost like a dwarf. His whole life was a torture – everyone laughed at him, until he met Maghoul. He was a perfect student and began very early writing poems and plays. But even his teachers laughed at him. Ordo knew that he has to leave his town and find his place among another strange people like he. Once he had luck. His mother, angry that her son wastes time for stupid things, threw one of his works out of the window. The work landed on Maghoul's head, who, delighted by Ordo's talent, wanted the boy to join his group. Since then Ordo is very happy as script writer and actor – and also as a tainted one of the Nurgle...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Calosc2

Jules the Beautiful

Jules was born in Bretonnia as son of the artists. His mother, a great singer, always wanted his son to be a singer like she was, because of his beautiful voice. Her dream came true. As a young boy he became successful in Bretonnia. He travelled also to Empire – Altdorf, Nuln, and even Mordheim... Once he met Maghoul. No one knew, why this successfull artist, well-known in the Old World, joined a unknown circus group. Maybe he felt that he has to show the true art also to poor village people? Jules left his successful life and began singing in Maghoul's group. Except the voice, he got also a new gift – this time from Nurgle...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Calosc3

Horst the Horse Man

Horst was a professional actor. He played in many plays, every role he could. However, he became an old man and after this long time he played, no one wanted to hire him anymore. The younger actor was better. Horst had to move to a small house in one of imperial villages, where he lived two years, poor and hungry. When he heard about a show of a small circus group, he came to see them. They played „The Emperor's True Face” and needed someone to play the Horse. Horst helped them with joy – he loved his job. The show ended like always when Maghoul's group played – all the people have been killed, but Horst, as a good actor, got a new role – a neverending role, of course... .

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Kult1


Zafir Al-Mukhtar was son of arabian merchant, and was born in very rich family, but never was interested in business of his father. He always loved circus and wanted to join these nice people who travel over Empire singing and showing all the people their art. He did what he wanted... although maybe he didn't think that these nice people worship Nurgle. But his love for the art was stronger than fear. Zafir remains faithful - maybe more for the art than Nurgle, but he never left his friends alone.

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Kult2

Georg and Rodrik, the Musicians

Georg and Rodrik knew themselves for years. They both were great musicians, very successful in their job. They never dreamed about a better life, because they thought it couldn't be better. But Maghoul heard them playing and wanted them to join his group. He needed musicians. He even had a plan, how to do it... Maghoul hired them for one night. They were surprised, how a man like that could have so much money. He charmed them this night. The group played the best play written by Ordo, and Maghoul has also used his magic to make it better. After that... he killed all the people who have been there to watch the show. Frightened musicians joined the group – they didn't wanted to die like the poor people they've seen. But after few weeks they had no more fear. They stayed with the group not because of fear of the death. They've seen that their music became better. They became even more talented than before...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Kult3

A few of Papa Noiguls beloved children...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Nurgl1

And plague bearers...

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Demony1

So beware... the next show may be next door to you!

carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Calosc4
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Mar 2010 - 13:44

very nice!
they almost look like they would also taste good! carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 544694
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Mar 2010 - 16:13

Great stuff! Well done! And all that good stuff! carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 544694

Your English is fine don't worrey about that! Even if you did put it up in Polish I think most of us here are smart, so I think we could get the jest of it.

Again well done carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 544694
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Gobbo Freak
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Mar 2010 - 16:22

Great background stories, I really enjoyed reading them.

Got me kind of carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Affraid too. carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_wink
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Mar 2010 - 17:36

The background fluff takes the Band from BEAUTIFULLY painted minis to a new level. While your English may not be exactly perfect, you have a charming way of expressing yourself...please don't change your writing style. carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 544694
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Mar 2010 - 17:46

I think it's really awesome what you did with the cart there! Also very nice stories, and don't worry, there is nothing wrong with your english!

I'd say a straight 10 out of 10 Smile
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 20 Mar 2010 - 18:01

The bases are great. They're totally disgusting, but not so exciting that they take the viewer's attention from the miniatures themselves. You've done a great job with the colors. So many different bright shades, but they still work together to compliment the warband as a whole. Really great work.
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lord siwoc
Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient
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carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 20 Mar 2010 - 19:51

Stunning my dear!!!!

Great character to the band , not only in their story, but the painting is brilliant as well.

The show must go on!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread   carnival - Skavenblight's Carnival of Chaos thread - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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