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Subject: Re: Chaos Dwarfs warband wip Sat 31 Jan 2015 - 5:01
Great work on the chaos dwarfs, the conversions, painting and basing are very well done.
G-or-G wrote:
the official chaos dwarfs rules with some homerules and changes in their cost.
Devilish wrote:
It seems that it could be from some Towncryer, I must dig through them to see if I find the rules.
For official rules they are impossible for me to find on the internet (which is not such great claim now that Specialist games no longer hosts the 'official' rulebook, etc.) Still no chaos dwarf warband is on the list of 'official' warbands published by GW with the 2005 Rules Review. Whatever the source they were never published in Town Cryer (at least not in English, were there other versions of TC?) Nor were these rules published in Fanatic or hosted on the Specialist Games site when it had such files.
The distinctive Mordheim font is or was commercially available, many fan-made warbands feature it, including the Border Town Burning warbands.
What does the warband title translate as?
Devilish Hero
Posts : 36 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2015-01-22 Age : 39 Location : Helsinki, Finland
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Subject: Re: Chaos Dwarfs warband wip Sun 1 Feb 2015 - 20:55
Are you converting your whole Chaos dwarf army? Or are you using old or FW models in the mix?
Do you have pics of the cannons?
G-or-G Hero
Posts : 39 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2011-03-09 Age : 42 Location : Spain
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UBERCOOL! That is a TRULY MAGNIFICENT nose! Starting with such a TERRIFIC conversion, this is going to be a SPLENDID piece. Have FUN with the painting et al!
_________________ "I'd NEVER join a club that would have me as a member." Groucho Marx
Hello guys, this time I don't come to show a conversion, I come to show you the first miniature that I have sculpted in 3d : a chaos dwarf sorcerer!. My intention was to make something oldhammer style of the 90s, which is the dwarf period that I like the most, based in a famous classic dungeon crawler witch , but in a dwarf:
I made a few copies in white metal and one is already painted for my Mordheim warband that never ends haha. I hope you like it, sorry for the bad picture:
Oh, nice work! Especially for a first try in 3D, that's impressive. You've got that crazy cartoony quality of the '90s Oldhammer style -- & managed the paint-scheme to match, so great work all round!
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DeafNala Admin
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The Vertically Challenged one isa SPLENDIDLY painted creation. I don't really care for the way the horns are attached, but that is just my take on it. VERY NICELY DONE!
_________________ "I'd NEVER join a club that would have me as a member." Groucho Marx