It was. I was getting quite worried that I would lose due to a rout check as my opponant wouldn't rout and I was desisivly winning the whole time. But as he kept passing rout checks and my first one came up I was swetting it. I would have been mad to rout and loss out on all the rewards with what amounted to at that point an easy victory.
Game 10Amazons Vs. Beastmen
Well scouting Clete came across a Beastmen warband close to there camp making camp them selves. The risk to there safety was far too great so Clete slipped back into the woods to report back to the others.
The Amazons approached from the west with the camp to there north. The goal to draw the Beastmen away from there camp or drive them away. In ether event win or lose the camp would be safe.
As the Beastmen saw them it became apparent that there was a larger band then previously expected. The Amazons let lose with there missiles at the advancing Hell Hounds causing no injury as they screened there Centigor. The bulk of the Beastmen Gors advanced from the south as the Amazons attempted to contain the Hell Hounds on the northern flank in the hopes of breaking them before the remaining Beastmen entered the fray. A pair of Hell Hounds charged forward but fell short of there target. Pantariste charged forward using her two clubs to slay one of the fowl beast well the sisters Elisabeth and Jeanne charged the other but did nothing to it.
Ainia oblivious to the danger wondered south towards the large hoard of Gor’s advancing from the south. Molpadia staid back miss judging the distance from her and the Gor’s and the Beastmen charged forward at both of the women. Molpadia was struck on the head by a mighty blow well Ainia was able to perry one blow and side step all the others from two of the Gor’s.
The Centigor looked at Pantariste and took a swig from his flask at his side and charged in a drunk fury at her missing hit his axe but crushing her leg with his great hoofs.
Ephesos looking at the situation and thought better of staying on to fight and sounded the retreat. The Amazons gathered there wounded and fled the field with the Beastmen reveling in there victory.
Post Game:With a simple bitched battle against a one time warband I expected a much better results but I was hit hard in there first wave of attacks so thought it best to escape before I took to heavy of casualties as there was nothing to be gained from a continued fight. I might gain a few more exp points but at the risk of troops I didn’t see it as worth it considering the warband I was against was not one that would suffer from any losses as a one time warband. Too much to lose with too little to gain potentially.
My losses: I lost no henchwomen! I did how ever have 2 heroes go OOA resulting in one Champion gaining Frenzy and another having a leg injury so lost 1 move.
I got Lucky Charms for two of my heroes (one left to get) and I gained another warrior to join in Hippo’s group (making it a group of 2).
I managed to get Triple 6’s resulting in “Returning a Favor”. Normally for the Amazons this is worthless but as we are house ruling that I can hire a few of the HS’s from the Mousillon setting I chose the Alchemist who rolled for potions the Potion of Speed (+1 Initiative and +1 speed to any model) and more important the Berserker Potion (Frenzy to any model but a 1 in 6 chance of missing the next game).
Hippo (and thus her partner) gained +1 WS giving them WS and BS of 4.
Clete gained +1 WS giving her +1 WS, +1 A, and +1 LD… I just need to get lucky enough to roll to add to her group before I can’t.
At some point my Priestess gained +1 Attack (in the last 3 games).
Molpadia gained two skills in the last few battles giving her now Step Aside and Weapons Expert (she is carrying a Sling for now until I can find an X-bow Pistol for her).
Sanape has gained a skill of Strike to injure, so I hope that translates into more kills for her as she already is nearly imposable to kill with T4 and 3 wounds as a Totem Warrior… Just wish she would gain a +1 attack already! My goal for her next skill is Strong man to help also boost her kills.
Orithyia gained Mighty Blow so with this and her Claws of the Old Ones she has 4 WS 6 S6 hits and a Strength 5 Ilthmar club. So she should be able to walk threw just about everything she sees.
and with that I should be caught up... now just to not hold off so long next time... next up vs the Black Orks again! and me forgetting to buy some fire stuff before hand