Hello all
I've been browsing your forum for some time and finally decided to introduce myself and start my own topic soon.
My name is Jakub, I'm from Poland aaand I'm 32. I've been playing GW games for over 17 years- with some breaks. Right now I'm collecting WH40k Orcs army, but for past few years I've been playing WFB with my favourite greenskins army. I was always fascinated with Mordheim, but I didn't know any players, so Mordheim was always in plans for future. Some time ago I've finally decided to start playing, registered on polish Mordheim forum and even played ONE game
As polish Mordheim community is rather small (but still strong!
) , I would like to share some ideas and ask for advices with you.
I'm noob to Mordheim, but I have a lot of ideas, some spare time for hobby and tolerant girlfriend, so I'm going to bore you with my ideas and works