So, my friend and I are playing a 5 scenario campaign, Dwarfs and Orcs fighting in the World Edge Mountains.
Here are the Warbands.
Nargrim Wazlug's 'Ard Boyz
Boss Nargrim Wazlug
-Light Armor
Shaman Ole Morog
Big'Un Nazork Snotfang
-Light Armor
Big'Un GrimDakka
GrimDakka'z Ded Eyez
(2) Orc Boyz
-(2) Bows
-(2) Axes
Nargrim's FaceBustaz
(3) Orc Boyz
-(3) Axes
-(3) Sheilds
Korgen's Dwarf Rangers
Korgen Ironbeard - Dwarf Noble
-Dwarf Axe
Jergon Bronzefist - Dwarf Engineer
Broden Silverhammer - Troll Slayer
-Great Weapon
Mordikai Facebreaker - Troll Slayer
Dwarf Thunderers (2)
-(2) Crossbows
Beardlings (2)
-(2) Axes
-(2) Shields
First battle report will be posted shortly.