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 No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas

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PostSubject: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 21:01

Hello everyone,

Here are some WIP pictures of my Royal Navy.

As I wanted my guys to be the most feared on seas, even more then the pirates. So here is the flag they are sailing under Twisted Evil

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas East_India_Company_PotC

And here is the first batch that I am painting

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 29102009100

CoC are welcome! Hope you like them pirat

Last edited by No Time on Thu 29 Oct 2009 - 22:22; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 21:09

Nice!! It's great to see some more pyratical stuff on here! The navies look good. I know they're WIP, but they do look pretty pale to me. The cloths look good. thumbsup

Where is the flag from?
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 21:13

The "Honorable" East India Co. perchance? I got started in War Gaming with 18th Century such it will ALWAYS have a special spot in my wizzened old heart. The Lads look FINE. What sort of bases do you have in mind? No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_geek
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No Time
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 21:52


Hmmm maybe you are right about the paleness. I used Elf skin instead of Bronzed skin. The weathering and sun should have given an more tan look.
I found the banner on Google, just wrote East Indian Trading Company on the picture search.


You are right Deaf, it is the "honourable" East Indian Trading Company. I liked them as the misunderstood bad guys in Pirates of Caribbean movies (though it should have been West Indian Trading Company), that is why I chose them.
As for the bases, I like the bases that Cianty has, the beach. I like the idea of them landing at the beach and storming an pirate hideout or an foreign fort.
To make them a bit different from Cianty's bases I want to add some starfish, clams, crabs etc. made from GS on the bases.

What do you think?
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 22:42

I like the beach idea with little critters maybe a bit of drift wood...VERY MUCH in character. I REALLY going to enjoy following your progress on this thingy. No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 544694

The Honorable East India Co., aka John Co., was perhaps one of the most powerful entities of the late 17th, 18th, & 19th centuries with their own army to back them up. They also hit the heights of reprehensibility in the late 1830s by going to war with China to force them to open their markets to the Company's importation of opium...reminds me of GW's business practices. No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Suspect
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 22:44

Ah, East Indian Trading Company! I should have known!

As for the bases: Glad you like them. It was a tough decision. Actually they are pretty boring. Cool characterful bases would have required much more detail such as grass and little tidbits. I went with a compromise between something that works for games on land as well as onboard a ship. Tom would have surely liked something different. But I didn't want to have vegetation on the bases as that would look silly when placed on a ship and so would a wooden planking on the beach. Practicability for game play had a higher priority here than artistry.
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No Time
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 22:55

Quote :
They also hit the heights of reprehensibility in the late 1830s by going to war with China to force them to open their markets to the Company's importation of opium...reminds me of GW's business practices.

lol! So true, so true!!!

@Cianty: The first time I saw the bases I did not know what to think of them. Now I love them! But as you said they maybe could need some spicying up for the artistic pleasure, not gameplay Razz
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 5 Nov 2009 - 3:14

Nice Brits you have there No Time. The uniforms are good looking, like the others said the skin could use alittle tone. But its ok, fits them when they meet my Privateers!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeFri 6 Nov 2009 - 20:41

Thanks! I have decided that the skin on the marines and officers will stay the pasty pale colour, while the able seamen will get the weathered and tanned skin colour.

Quote :
But its ok, fits them when they meet my Privateers!!!!

These boyos will travel all over the seven seas to hunt year scurvy Privateering crew down pirat
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 12:04

Been a while since I have been painting and scheming about world domination due to work and studies Sad .

But at last had some spare time yesterday where i managed to finish some able seamen and an Midshipman (well kind of finished, just need to do the bases).

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 17962_1293517771450_1035453781_3089

Let me get some feedback on them.

Here is another picture of the marines, just a better one.

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 17962_1293517811451_1035453781_3089

and a little Wanton Wench cheers

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 17962_1293517891453_1035453781_3089

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 17962_1293517931454_1035453781_3089

Last edited by No Time on Tue 26 Jan 2010 - 23:50; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 12:25

AAAAARRRGH, NICE PROGRESS! The new Lads & Lass look EXCELLENT...the Lass is my kind of Girl...kind of. KEEP'EM COMMING! No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_pirat
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 12:29

Thanks Deaf!!!

Your comments can cheer me up on even an gloomy day!!! Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 19:46

aparantly the flag that you have was made up especialy for pirates of the caribian and this is the real one:
No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 120px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Company_%281801%29.svg
but this one is more boring and less recognisable.
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No Time
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 21:55

Yes, it is true that the ensign that I use is from Pirates from the Caribbean.
That is actually why I use it...

We are also using in our games mythological creatures in our games, as mermaids and kraken.

So it fits the universe Razz
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2010 - 3:06

Nice looking wench you have there, I will be sure to pay a fine tip when I order a mug from her.
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2010 - 9:22

Thanks, and yep the rule of thumb is always to tip.... Unless one wants to be stabbed... Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSat 6 Feb 2010 - 10:59

Here are some pictures of the latest near finished minis for my Navy crew.

The Captain and his Officers

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 17962_1302187868197_1035453781_3091

and the hired hand: Buccaneer

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 17962_1302187948199_1035453781_3091

Now I am working on the last two figures, the Swashbuckler & Governor's Daughter.

And to finish the bases with GS our forum's very own Torin is helping me out cheers .

Opinions are always welcome pirat
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSat 6 Feb 2010 - 11:07

VERY NICE! The little Guy on the right must be an Ensign. Each new batch looks better than the ones before...not that there was anything wrong with the earlier minis. Keep up the GOOD WORK...with Torin's able assistance these are going to be UBERCOOL. No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_pirat
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeFri 26 Feb 2010 - 10:15

Here is a picture of the last minis that I will be painting for my Navy crew, well so far. It is a hired hand, Swashbuckler, & the Governor's daughter.

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 26001_1318616318898_1035453781_3095
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSat 27 Feb 2010 - 0:34

VERY NICE...each new mini is EVEN BETTER than than those preceding them. VERY WELL DONE! No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 544694
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No Time
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSat 27 Feb 2010 - 20:25

Thanks Deaf!

I am still surprised that I can paint anything at all after such a long time away from the hobby Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSun 6 Jun 2010 - 17:27

Here is the finished crew of the soon to be bought, and build ship ,"The Norrington". Green Stuff beach items made by this forum's very own Torin.

Tell me what you think
Twisted Evil

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000156
No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000162

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000154
No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000159

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000153
No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000161

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000150
No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000157

No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000163
No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas P1000164

Last edited by No Time on Sun 6 Jun 2010 - 18:05; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSun 6 Jun 2010 - 17:42

Well you've certainly been busy...VERY NICE looking crew; EXCELLENT choice of colors; AND Torin's contribution makes for some GREAT bases. VERY WELL DONE! No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas 544694
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSun 6 Jun 2010 - 17:54

Are they all from Black Scorpion Miniatures? Very nice models! I especially like the way you painted white & black.
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PostSubject: Re: No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas   No Time´s Royal Navy: Legends of the HIgh Seas Icon_minitimeSun 6 Jun 2010 - 18:04

Thanks !

Quote :
Are they all from Black Scorpion Miniatures?

Everyone of them except for the Wanton Wench and my Captain, they are from Black Cat Bases.
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