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 Mordheim on the high seas

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PostSubject: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2015 - 1:52

Mordheim on the high seas 665330 me hearties!

Have here some scenarios and monster rules to play adventures with your ships and crews over the waves.


and dangers of the sea

I thought that the sartosan rules were too land based and so these are designed to be played with a ship per warband and either the general's compendium or warhammer ahoy in hand.

Enjoy! thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2015 - 2:29

Very nice work pirat

I think it would help your scenarios if you recommended a size of table you envisioned them being played on. 4 feet by 4 feet is standard, I can't remember if Ahoy! has a standard because we scaled most of our ship fights to 4x4 to make them quicker to finish.

Also in scenario 2 the fort is in one corner and the defender's ship is within 8" of the fortress. If ships will run aground within 4" of the coast, where is the coast?
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2015 - 13:15

the fortress is the coast
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 16 Aug 2015 - 15:29

Thanks for the clarification.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug 2015 - 12:38

Thank you, during our last campaign quite a few people build ships, but we never managed to write scenarios or even seafaring specific dangers. These rules indeed are handy.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 30 Aug 2015 - 16:37

I've clarified the previous documents and added two new ones: adapted the weather of cities of gold to the sea and created a ships's trading list

lustrian weather at sea

trading chart


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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 30 Aug 2015 - 20:04

Google has locked these files as by permission only, which is a bit fiddly for viewing.

Access requested.
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 30 Aug 2015 - 22:21

Oops, fixed it! Not very familiar with google docs sorry confused .

ships trading

lustria at sea

dangers 2.0

scenarios 2.0
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeSun 30 Aug 2015 - 23:07

Thank you!
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2015 - 4:26

scenarios changed again: it was useless to add running aground rules (since the general compendium already has them) so I took that bit off. I also changed the smuggler's den from a fortress to a cave (much more assassins creedy).
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PostSubject: Re: Mordheim on the high seas   Mordheim on the high seas Icon_minitime

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