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 Painting models.

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PostSubject: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeThu 8 Oct 2009 - 23:53


I've tried to paint models when I was younger but I never had the patience to do all the fine detail and the commitment required is so immense. I'm curious if people sell painted models that I could purchse obviously I don't mind paying the price of the model and the labour charges involved. If anyone knows someone who provides this kind of service please let me know so we can discuss pricing.

Thanks from Cubies.
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 0:33

It could get expensive if you ask regular model painters. Try checking out if you want some models painted for a decent price.
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 12:01

As aegrist pointed out, the cost of a painted army/warband CAN be quite high.
That said, while you would miss out on one of the more enjoyable aspects of the hobby, if you can not for a variety of reasons paint your own minis, there are a couple of pluses to the Beasty. It DOES take some practice to achieve a satisfying level of proficency; combined with the costs of materials, this can mean a small collection of a war band or two COULD actually be less expensive if you have it done for you. Plus, you can have it done to your specifications/anticipations.
There are a few of us Forumites that do commission work...Admin Tom, Telchar [I think], & myself come to mind. The advantage to using a Fellow Forumite is the warm fuzzy feeling you get contributing to the well being of a Fellow Addict...or not. Painting models. Suspect

Addendum: Otto Munz has a proffered painting service here: .
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Kaptain Dedgob
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 12:42

Just try dipping. It's a good way to get relatively good looking miniatures on the table quick.


Another one
Thread about dipping
Google search
Power's dipped warband
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 17:23

No dipping! I tried that and it failed miserably. I'm going to find a warband for Mordheim that suits my gaming style the best, so I will only be having a handful of models instead of an entire army like you would find in Warhammer. So I don't mind spending a lot on one model as long as I was pleased with the finnished result, of course if the asking price is too high I wouldn't pay for that service. As DeafNala pointed out I do get the good feeling of contributing towards other people, if it means they can spend the money they earn on expanding their armies or paying the bills. lol Well I've got a few links to visit and I know what kind of professional finish I'm after so I think it's just a matter of finding the right (artist?) Thanks for the linkage much appreciated.
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Johann Cocaine
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 17:49

why don't you ask our leader,Master Admin Tom, to paint you a warband??He's one excellent at modeling and a awesome at paint.So only mail him and he sure make you a cool band.Remember, he works for money and CHOCOLATE. Painting models. 544694

the link to his painting service and some pics of his terrific work:
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 21:09

I completely forgot about Tom's painting service. I've been listening to way too much D6 Generation podcasts. They are always pimping Paintedfigs.
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 22:50

I've just checked out Tom's models and all I can say is 'Wow', what stunning master pieces, well worth it, hope he's in Europe to keep the PnP down. I'll probably end up buying my entire warband from him. XD

If anyone asks me if I painted them I'd tell them Tom did and give them his domain, hopefully I'll get a little discount. Razz Big tease!
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeFri 9 Oct 2009 - 23:44

Cubies wrote:
I've just checked out Tom's models and all I can say is 'Wow', what stunning master pieces, well worth it, hope he's in Europe to keep the PnP down. I'll probably end up buying my entire warband from him. XD

If anyone asks me if I painted them I'd tell them Tom did and give them his domain, hopefully I'll get a little discount. Painting models. Icon_razz Big tease!

Tom lives in Vienna. AND isn't his stuff JUST INCREDIBLE!!! Painting models. 544694
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeSat 10 Oct 2009 - 7:04

Well... my 2 cents (not that anyone asked me! Razz)

I agree with Deafnala. Painting is a GREAT part of the hobby. Like you noticed, a small warband (10-15 models) is great for starters. If you take pics and post them here, the veterans will gladly give you pointers and encourage you (the ladder being the best part!) I would suggest an undead warband to start. Why? Because many of the Henchmen (Zombies and Skeletons) do not have many details (like chains, belt buckles, gems, feather hats, faces, etc) and the learning curve is low (compared to a Bretonnian Knight for example). Once you finish the easy guys, you will be WAY better to paint the Heroes.

That said, you can have a warband painted by commission! Tom, Cianty (I think) and the always humble Deafnala do superb work. As a matter of fact, I have asked Deaf to paint some models for me (will ship 'em in couple of weeks!!!) So while you may still want to have your warband painted by some addict to paint Razz, you should not use the opportunity to practice and paint your own. Believe it or not... this forum is SUPER friendly, especially when it comes to guide newbies in their new projects! Very Happy

if it is ANY consolation, I do paint (love it) and I will be trying the dipping technique. I plan to make a step-by-step tutorial
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeSat 10 Oct 2009 - 14:42

Thanks for the kind words guys Painting models. Icon_smile Thanks to JohannCocaine for providing the link and to Deaf for answering that question for me.

@ Cubies: if you want to get my price list, don't hesitate to drop me a line (email). I'd be happy to send it to you. HOWEVER: please note that I am currently VERY busy with work and a pretty big commission work I am doing at the moment, so it is unlikely that I will be able to take any new oders before 2010.

You may also want to check out Deaf Nala's painting service (just shoot him a PM). He is a great painter with a unique style (he does fantastic basejobs and has a unique style of handling strong contrasts) and most importantly he may have a slot open (?).

[EDIT]: Small addendum on and on painting services in general.

The strong pro is that PaintedFigs seem to work quickly, efficiently and the prices are a little lower, compared to most painting services out there. The prices are VERY low when you order "dipped" quality (which then also looks VERY average to put it mildly) and which you might aswell do yourself for free. PaintedFigs also offers showcase quality painting and above, but this is then also reflected in the price.

The caveat with the "no frills" (i.e. cheap options) though, is that the painting is tabletop quality at best (i.e. very little to no shading, miniatures don't look particularily good at anything closer than arm's length). Which is perfectly fine if that is what you want, but may not be as satisfying to look at on your shelf.

Painting miniatures IS a tedious and time consuming process. There just is no way around it unfortunately. "Painting services" cannot magically change that. They are all offered by people like you and me, made of flesh and bone, with a need for sleep, food and prone to getting cramps in their hands from clutching the brush (I know what I am talking about). And yet, these addicted painters are ready to suffer a little for that inexplicable, boyish pleasure they take in seeing their idea come to life. When I finish an order, and finally put the last stroke on the last mini, I lean back and often stare at my babies for almost an hour, with inexplicable delight and feel almost sad that I have to give them away after all the hard work. I often develop something close to a relationship with the models I paint, and I like to think that this is what gives them their "soul". With most no-frills - and god forbid "dipping" - painting services, I usually somehow miss that... but that's just my humble opinion Painting models. Icon_smile

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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeSat 10 Oct 2009 - 15:31

Admin Tom wrote:
I often develop something close to a relationship with the models I paint, and I like to think that this is what gives them their "soul".
HA!!! You are 100% right! I once painted a Space Marines Blood Angels Death Company (you know all black armor with the red X's)... I started mumbling "Take your time with the X." to myself so I pay extra attention to my free hand.... by the end of the ordeal I was screaming (impersonating a Chaplain none the less) "RESPECT THE X!!!" over and over... my daughter though I was crazy.

Painting models. DeathCompanySquadA-03

Still to this day, when I paint something hard, I catch myself staring at the model mumbling my mantra...

Last edited by Mordheimer on Sat 10 Oct 2009 - 20:29; edited 1 time in total
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Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeSat 10 Oct 2009 - 15:37

Respect the X! Painting models. Lol

Thank you Mordheimer. Now I know I am not alone (or not as crazy as I thought at least).

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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitimeSat 10 Oct 2009 - 20:31

Sorry to break it this way Tom... maybe is not that you not as crazy as you thought, but that I'm as crazy as YOU are! HA!
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PostSubject: Re: Painting models.   Painting models. Icon_minitime

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