It's pretty good I think there are basically two elements to the game. The defensive pike and shot foot regiments and the offensive cavalry. Anything else seems to be just toys. Very similar to WHFB in terms of the turns and movement of units etc.
Some fantastic rules though concerning the abilities of the regiment it can be:
Raw: cheap points cost but easily broken and quite cowardly
Steady: Basic performance and average cost
Veteran: Expensive but stubborn and better stats line
Elite: better stats line and very tough, cost a small fortune
EG. 12 pts for an elite Pikeman, 3 pts for a raw one!
All in all it plays out smoothly and has some cool options, not to mention the fact that there are no big heros going out and winning the fight single handed (I hate that). I'm ordered up some models from two places Redoubt miniatures and Bicorne, both of which look about 25mm to 28mm.
I'll let you guys see when I manage to base some of them.