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 Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min

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Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Empty
PostSubject: Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min   Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Icon_minitimeWed 10 Jun 2009 - 7:35

sooo i was bored tonight, and out of the blue while rummaging for food i found some random parts that i could make an oven out of. For the longest time i've needed a little oven to "cook" my projects in, sunlight was just not enough for my needs. I PUT THIS TOGETHER IN LITERALLY 10 MIN and you can too

STEP 1: find some tin cookers (or anything metal really).

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step1

STEP 2: get some little lights from your mom's Christmas decorations (or any lights really).

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step2

STEP 3: Figure out where you wanna put holes in the top to stick the lights in, and poke away!

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step3

STEP 4: Insert lights

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step4

optional: get the little lights that you can attach all together so you only use 1 electrical plug

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step5

STEP 5: Try it out! put the top on! i stuck a meat thermometer in to see how hot it gets, (its been like 20min and all four lights have made it to 126F)

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step6

OPTIONAL: i put another tin tray on bottem and on top to trap some extra heat.

Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Step7

OKay thats it, super simple and effective!
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Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min   Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Icon_minitimeWed 10 Jun 2009 - 11:36

Ok, fair enough. But what exactly do you "bake" in there?
Green Stuff so it cures faster? Clay molds?

Thanks for the tut though! Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min   Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Icon_minitimeWed 10 Jun 2009 - 20:04

i make alot of rubber molds and use different resins and sculpey, and having a little oven that wont melt things but still gets hot enough to cure stuff is really handy. As far as green stuff, yah it will cut down on wait time Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min   Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Icon_minitimeSun 21 Jun 2009 - 21:26

oh i thought this was for making cookies! Oh well, modeling is just as good, although not quite as tasty...
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PostSubject: Re: Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min   Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Icon_minitimeMon 22 Jun 2009 - 6:47

I was just using it this weekend to make the plaster barrels and crates and stone walkways harden faster, it's been really handy actually lol. Haha sorry about the topic title I thought it was funny
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PostSubject: Re: Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min   Your own EASY BAKE MINI OVEN in 10min Icon_minitime

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