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 Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?

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Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Empty
PostSubject: Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?   Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Icon_minitimeSun 4 Aug 2013 - 14:43


In our last game, My friend troll came close to one of my hero and instead of charging him I moved just a few inches away from him behind a barrier and hide.

On his turn, the troll could not attack me so it moved to get the hero in plain sight so it could attack on the next turn(I was further then 1 inch so it could not detect me). But...

At my turn, I moved the hero on the other side of the barrier and hide again... So it could not charge me again...

My friend was arguing this was really stupid and after hinking about it I began to think that there is maybe something wrong with our interpretation of the hiding rules.

Also, many rules made a reference to ''trying to detect an hidden enemy''... I read the rules again and either you're detected by the Initiative range of the enemy (auto) or detected by being spotted in plain sight (auto)... but I see no rules about ''trying'' to detect...

Is there something we missed about hiding rules again...

thx for trying to clarify my tought ...

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Von Kurst
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Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?   Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Icon_minitimeSun 4 Aug 2013 - 15:58

The detection is automatic, there is no 'try'. If you are within initiative range in inches the hiding warrior is detected, if not, not.

It might be frustrating for the troll, but it makes sense. The troll is not very bright.

Since the troll is not going stupid on its turn there must have been an orc or something to keep it going, so this warrior should have been able to help pin the hiding warrior down...
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Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?   Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Icon_minitimeSun 4 Aug 2013 - 22:22

Goglutin wrote:

On his turn, the troll could not attack me so it moved to get the hero in plain sight so it could attack on the next turn(I was further then 1 inch so it could not detect me). But...

At my turn, I moved the hero on the other side of the barrier and hide again... So it could not charge me again...

Your friend should have used another model to detect/ move to see him. Besides how high was this barier? If it was rather low I would argue that my troll sees him all the time since he's (probably) twice as high as your warrior so has "better" line of sight.
I think that "trying to detect" meant charging someone who's within 4" out of LOS.
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Venerable Ancient
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Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?   Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Icon_minitimeMon 5 Aug 2013 - 15:25

Hey Goglutin

You're using the rules correctly. I get the same responses from my fellow players, when I (ab)use the hiding rules. The Troll has low I, making it hard for it to detect, but as Von Kurst points out, there should be an Orc close to it, who can detect your hero.
This is just how you get around shooty warbands Razz
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Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?   Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Icon_minitimeMon 5 Aug 2013 - 19:08

Thx to you all !!!
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Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ?   Hiding from a troll.. Is that easy ? Icon_minitime

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