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 The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan

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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeSun 22 Mar 2009 - 12:26

In our latest campaign i am playing a Merchant Caravan warband from the Border Town Burning supplement. It represents a Merchant and his employees on their way to cathay in order to open new trade routes, find some adventure and get rich in the process, of course Smile .

Ladies and Gentlemen, i present to you the Middenland Trading Company:

The Caravan:
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan 5f25slgq
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Qeby4ezg
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan 6adfwoqn

The Merchant Wilhelm Xanten and his Apprentice:
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Kl5swkvd

Knight Vanguard - both mounted and dismounted version:
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Lswjb6xd

Wizard and Sellsword:
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Gy5lrmzq

The Marksmen:
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Lw5dku9x
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Itl4gd49
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Dfy69w7o

The Trade Wagon - not quite finished yet, but playable:
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Pa779rls
The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Whq7peym

The wagon is scratchbuilt, most of the men are from the empire militia set - with some bits and other models thrown in. The idea for the merchant model i shamelessly stole from this forum - but i forgot who inspired me Embarassed

I hope you like them - i am keeping track of the campaign with some battle reports in the section of this same forum.
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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeSun 22 Mar 2009 - 12:53

COOL STUFF! A FINE looking Band of Entrepeneurs; NICELY painted & very much in character. AND I REALLY like the way you did your Wagon; there IS a certain appeal to having a ONE OF A KIND piece. VERY WELL DONE! thumbsup
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeSun 22 Mar 2009 - 13:50

Nice miniatures. I like your use of the Heroquest guy as the knight on foot. Who makes the horses?
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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeSun 22 Mar 2009 - 17:48

All the horses are from Perry Miniatures, from their plastic American Civil War Cavalry set. The lower half of the riding Knight Vanguard is from that set, too. 12 riders sculpted by the perry brothers for 12 pounds, a very good set.
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Von Kurst
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Von Kurst

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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeSun 22 Mar 2009 - 18:28

Those are nice and a good price. Thanks.
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Honour Guard
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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeSun 5 Apr 2009 - 23:44

Nice! I like this warband a lot. Looks like a true merchant warband. It somehow reminds me of my own merchant caravan. Cool stuff. thumbsup
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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeThu 9 Apr 2009 - 11:48

Wow being a Merchant Player I think it looks beter than I could do and I love the fact that you used the somewhat new Empire Wizard box for your Warlock and the Knights Vanguard looks grate.Keep up the good work and kodos too you my fellow gambling,bargining,Merchant! thumbsup
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitimeThu 9 Apr 2009 - 13:13

Great work! The warband is full of life and character. Love the attention to detail to make your Knight mountable too.
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PostSubject: Re: The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan   The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan Icon_minitime

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The Middenland Trading Company - a BTB Merchant Caravan
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