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 Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff

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2 posters

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Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff Empty
PostSubject: Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff   Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff Icon_minitimeTue 6 Oct 2015 - 17:47

I'm changing both places of living and working, so it's good moment to drain boxes from unused miniatures. Maybe they find better home Smile Prices for negotiations and feel free to ask any questions.

Merchant - old WFB artillery crew 3$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0236
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0237

Merchant - Empire engineer with scope replaced by sword - 3$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0245
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0246

Apprentience - old WFB artillery crew with added pistol - 3$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0239
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0240

Ogre bodyguard - with mortar on back (original basket included) - 30$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0255
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0254

Warhammer Quest Noble - 40$ (he is really nicely painted!)
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0262
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0263

Skink warlord - 20$ (he is really nicely painted!)
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0270
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0273

Dwarf Slayer - 3$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0241

Elf - old ballist crew with sculpted cloak - 3$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0243
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0244

Skink brave - drilled one hand - 3$
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0247

Skinks - plastic, some with conversions, one sculpted snake - 15$ for all
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0224
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0225
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0226
Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff IMG_0222

Last edited by Kadzik on Thu 26 Nov 2015 - 13:57; edited 2 times in total
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Wyrdstone Dave
Wyrdstone Dave

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PostSubject: Re: Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff   Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff Icon_minitimeThu 8 Oct 2015 - 11:18

I'm interested in the 3 unpainted ghouls.
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Join date : 2009-01-16
Age : 35
Location : Warsaw, Poland

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Primary Warband played: Marienburgers Marienburgers
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PostSubject: Re: Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff   Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff Icon_minitimeThu 26 Nov 2015 - 13:58

I've updated what's left and lowered prices.
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PostSubject: Re: Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff   Merchant Caravan, Mercenaries and other stuff Icon_minitime

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