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 Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)

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Admin Tom
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PostSubject: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Mar 2009 - 6:43

This is mainly for you Tom - Thank you! Smile

Before joining this forum i was (as so many others) on the SG forums, and was mainly writing rules and such. This started as a secondary choice while SG was down, but after joining TBMF, I've refound my joy for painting/modeling and I must say I don't think that would have happened without all you guys work inspiring me... I just noticed a link in my favorites with the SG forums, and i realized that i haven't even given it a thought - you guys complete me haha! (In a completely non-gay and very nerdy way! geek)

In short: Thanks Tom, for an AWESOME forum! Thanks TBMF'ers for keeping it the way it is! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Mar 2009 - 8:23

Yikes. For a moment I thought this was a farewell post from you Pwny. Don't scare me like that Shocked

I've had a similar experience with SG and TBM forums. I do miss the "official" rules answers by the SG mods, but besides that, this forum takes the cake in all regards (and we still have Da Bank Very Happy). I must say, the community here has opened up my eyes to an entirely new level of painting, modeling, and terrain building. You guys do it better than the professionals, and (most importantly) love doing it!
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Mar 2009 - 8:50

Our Fearless Leader, Tom the A, Light of Simar & Chocolate Freak, HAS, indeed, created a WONDEROUS place of INSPIRATION & GOOD FELLOWSHIP. He's up for a Nobel Prize in Geekology. Deaf Nala Smiley
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Mar 2009 - 13:54

I agree with MLP - this site has made me appreciate and focus far more on the hobby aspect of the game then the playing of it.
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Mar 2009 - 22:30

And just to clear up - I'm NOT leaving Razz you guys are stuck with me... Smile

Just don't think Tom gets enough credit for his huge work here Smile
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Mar 2009 - 22:49

Hail Tom! Master of All! cheers
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 0:33

Hear Hear! All hail Tom, King of Geekdom and Master of the GeekSurfs we are!
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 2:16

It'd be pretty funny if he came by here and stickied this.
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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 9:52

group hug!

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 10:19

Haha yeah this should go Sticky! Razz *hugs duce*
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 10:23

It already feels rather sticky and gooey if you ask me! Wink but still YEEY for the forum, and YEEEEEEY to Sir Thomas of Admin!
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 10:30

Ezekiel wrote:
It already feels rather sticky and gooey if you ask me! Wink (...)

Well seems like you need a sticky and gooey group hug Razz *transforms into scorpion and say "GET OVER HERE" spluuuurtch*
(if anyone didn't get that, go play mortal combat.. for 10 years! and then come back and re-read)
(the 10 year part is just because it's cool - you'll know it after 1-2 fights..)
(no more of these stupid comments - please)
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Admin Tom
Admin Tom

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 11:29

Wow, guys, thanks a lot!

Too much praise for a little guy like me! Very Happy

I am very happy that the spirit of this forum has had such a good influence on your hobby experience and I greatly appreciate this thread!

Of course this forum is a special spot, because of the many talented and friendly people that participate in it. Making TBMF a cool hang-out - centered around the painting/modelling aspect - is a group "effort" and that's why I think the praise should go to all of you guys who joined and thus entered into the spirit of TBMF. And you guys keep it alive!

I am proud to have been able to create the nucleus of a forum that attracts so many interesting and enthusiastic people.

You guys take the time to convert, paint, photograph and share your work and advice with the others, which really is what TBMF is all about!

I think a big chunk of the praise should also go to my great mods (especially Cianty, DeafNala and Matt) who's help is invaluable to me! The forum is constantly growing and with over 300 members and 24.000+ posts, you can imagine that the administration has become quite a task! Smile
They constantly give me their feedback, challenge the status quo (a good thing if you want to improve stuff!), and make sure that things run smoothly.

So thanks again for this thread guys, and, at the general request...

*waves magic admin wand*

Stickied! geek

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 11:38

Admin Tom wrote:
Stickied! geek


And from me too:

Thanks a lot, Tom and the mods, for keeping this great place up and running,
thanks a lot, everyone, for being such an awesome community, in my opinion one of (you have to be modest Wink ) the most competent and friendly on the web. Nowhere can you find so much encouragment, friendly advice and inspiration clustered in one spot.

Hopefully, we will have some fun decades yet to come Wink
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Admin Tom
Admin Tom

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 11:40

And let's not forget, probably the only forum that has managed to gang up gamers from different nations TWICE so far, for "boring Mordheim meetings" Smile

I think that is quite remarkable.

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Honour Guard
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 12:22

wait a minute, MLP, wheres my eldar... you pick pocketed me!

*newspaper swipe*

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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 13:35

Eliazar wrote:

Hopefully, we will have some fun decades yet to come Wink

you're talking about growing old together here? Smile now that's one friendly hangout that scares me a bit! Razz - I am indeed afraid of commitment hehe

and.. - Wait! who made Matt moderator?! that means HE now has powers over ME? I'd better watch my steps next time I battle him..
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 13:58

Ezekiel wrote:
Eliazar wrote:

Hopefully, we will have some fun decades yet to come Wink

you're talking about growing old together here? Smile now that's one friendly hangout that scares me a bit! Razz - I am indeed afraid of commitment hehe

and.. - Wait! who made Matt moderator?! that means HE now has powers over ME? I'd better watch my steps next time I battle him..

Yeah, you now, like we move all into Tom's Boring Old Age Residency together and build a monstrous ruined city similar to the Temple of Herod of the old Briton Very Happy

But finding out why Matt is a moderator will remain one of the Great Mysteries of the Forum Wink (Hello there, matt, how are you?)
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Venerable Ancient
Venerable Ancient

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 14:04

are there any urban legends surrounding his nomination? or should I compose some songs involving his heroic powers and great deeds over here on the forum?

Tom's Boring Residency sounds dangerously close to the actual truth! hahah cant wait to sign up Suspect I'm afraid of the nightnurses out there...

hmmm smells like spam here... sorry

HURRAY FOR TOM'S JUDGEMENT IN THE MOD CASES! Wink and yes, from me too, a round of applause for them
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 17:03

ALL HAIL MATT! ALL HAIL MATT! ALL HAi.. wait, we weren't there yet, were we Suspect

well yes Mathieu, I have powers over you, you indeed better watch your steps. and YOU guys can indeed share a retirement home, were most of you will be forced to paint my miniatures Twisted Evil since I'm the only one young enough to not be in it! HAH!


Thanks a LOT Tom and all the other mods, for keeping this forum such a nice place!

..and by a roll of the dice you go under..
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Admin Tom
Admin Tom

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 17:09

matt wrote:
ALL HAIL MATT! ALL HAIL MATT! ALL HAi.. wait, we weren't there yet, were we Suspect

well yes Mathieu, I have powers over you, you indeed better watch your steps. and YOU guys can indeed share a retirement home, were most of you will be forced to paint my miniatures Twisted Evil since I'm the only one young enough to not be in it! HAH!

Young man, this kind of behaviour is contrary to the instructions in your mod-manual. Wink

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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 17:19

Admin Tom wrote:
matt wrote:
ALL HAIL MATT! ALL HAIL MATT! ALL HAi.. wait, we weren't there yet, were we Suspect

well yes Mathieu, I have powers over you, you indeed better watch your steps. and YOU guys can indeed share a retirement home, were most of you will be forced to paint my miniatures Twisted Evil since I'm the only one young enough to not be in it! HAH!

Young man, this kind of behaviour is contrary to the instructions in your mod-manual. Wink

Tom! I'd never say that! They lie! you don't believe them, do you? they're bullying pour little Matt Crying or Very sad

..and by a roll of the dice you go under..
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeFri 20 Mar 2009 - 20:38

Duce wrote:
wait a minute, MLP, wheres my eldar... you pick pocketed me!

*newspaper swipe*

Where did THAT come from Duce? And have you considered they might just be hiding in their webway gates like the multicoloured dancing cowards they are? rendeer

Anyways... HOORAY FOR TBMF! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2009 - 6:58

The only problem this forum has is all it's members live too far away from me Razz
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Honour Guard
Honour Guard

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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks)   Tribute to Tom (and you other fellow geeks) Icon_minitimeMon 23 Mar 2009 - 12:52

and me, damn seas in way Crying or Very sad

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