So, it's been a long time coming, but the Tabletop Geeks User Sites are nearing release. I've got a few beta testers helping me work out kinks so I can release it to the public (if you are interested in helping, contact me). However, I've decided to give you all a taste of what's to come right now! I'm hoping that maybe I can get some feedback from you guys as well.
So, here's the directory currently: here's my personal user page:, the Files sections do not work. The Members page of the directory is not up yet either (but should be coming soon). I will also be adding a Roster section to the personal pages for saving and updating your Rosters with the Roster Builder.
So... thoughts? Do you guys like the setup? Are there any features that are missing? Is the whole thing terrible?
Seriously, I'm looking for honest thoughts even if those mean you just dislike it all. I want to make it the best it can be, and the only way to do that is to get some good constructive criticism.