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 Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting

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Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Empty
PostSubject: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeTue 10 Mar 2009 - 13:32

While John and Lanyssa were setting up another game, Matt, Nigel, Ezekiel and I were too tired for another scenario, so we decided to have some fun in the Arena again. All said and done, we set up a small pit and looked for some pitfighting rules, which did not appeal too much to us. So, we decided to quickly make up some rules for dogs fighting against a minotaur and gave it a go.

Here, Ezekiel and Nigel are discussing how to make the fights more interesting than just charging and fighting to death, as it is the case with the pitfighter injury roll.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 01_mak10

After a few minutes, all the rules (which will be available as a PDF soon (am I not right, Ezekiel? Very Happy )) were set and the dogs entered the Arena…


The crowd was back in the Arena. After the Chariot Race and the ensuing brawl, some looked rather bruised, but strong liquor and lots of ale kept most of them still on their feet. Down in the pit, bloodstains from the race were still clearly visible.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 02_are10

The goblins put up a wall to divide a small area from the pit, so there is no way to run for the dogs. In the midst of the pit, a fearsome Minotaur was roaring, leaden weights dangling from his arms and iron chains tying his feet together. At the sides, four warhounds, who looked rather weedy in comparison to the creature were alternately growling and wincing, not sure whether they should run away or sink their teeth into the beast. They were held on chains by some goblin attendands.

“Ladies and Gentlemen”, the director shouted beaming, ”may I present you an event even more gory than the race we saw this afternoon?”

The crowd jeered.

“You will now see bloodthirsty dogs fighting the frenzied beast! Flesh will be torn apart, blood will spill and in the end, there can only be one survivor!”

The spectators stomped onto the floor and shouted, the roar filling the whole arena and reflecting of the wall.

The director gave the dog handlers a sign, who then released the dogs from their chains and lashed their whips to drive them towards the beast. Then the first dog charged, but got kicked back by the Minotaur and slammed into the wall.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 03_fir10

Another attacked from the back, clawing itself into the Minotaur’s legs. Then the other closed in, dodging wild blows, feigning, charging, biting.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 04_fig10

It seemed as if the Minotaur will go down any second, when the beast managed to rip through the dogs, which flew away in every direction. One did not move anymore upon landing, while another got pierced by a spiky trap hidden in the arenas floor, and only one remained in combat with the beast.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 04_mor10
Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 04_sti10

Only facing a single foe now, the Minotaur lifted the dogs and crushed him against the wall, dog guts splattering all over the place.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 05_clo10

While the creature was contently watching the blood flow down to the floor, the fourth and last dog sneaked up from behind, biting the Minotaur in his back. As the beast turned, the dog jumped up and ripped his throat, taking the giant out of action.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 06_kil10

Goblin netters jumped down into the pit, caught the winning dog and fed it some mushroom brew to calm it down for the winner’s ceremony.

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 07_win10

Those who bet on the dog were happily cheering, while those who lost cursed and hoped for some more luck in the fights that should follow thereafter…

[The beer lids which can be seen on some pictures are our improvised trap markers]
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeTue 10 Mar 2009 - 16:48

Whow! you've got more pictures that I have of the fights! awesome! great introduction to the awesome game!

I am indeed working on the rules, and you will soon have them online (give me a day or two to fully write them down in a rulewise version...)
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PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeTue 10 Mar 2009 - 17:09

Well written narrative AND I LOVE the Dog mins. GOOD STORY TELLING & PHOTOS! cheers
Who make the Pooches?
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Venerable Ancient
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PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeTue 10 Mar 2009 - 17:42

They are the Rackham Mollossers and doghandler of Cadwallon militia kit dogs.. way better than any GW made thusfar.... but I need more for the dogfights! anyone got ideas for more awesome dog miniatures?
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Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 11:03

Crazy monkeys, of course!
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Lanyssa Ryssyll
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PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 11:12

YAAAAAY !!! Twisted Evil
And the Reaper's ones are good too Smile
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Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 11:12

JohnYoung wrote:
Crazy monkeys, of course!

Oh, yeah, need to upload a picture of him, too!

Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 11:14

Reaper has a few BIG War Dog minis including a newish two dog pack with a REALLY BIG Bull Dog. Their Moor Hound would be an Ubercool Pit Fighter, especially with either a Vampire or a Chaos Handler. Deaf Nala Smiley
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Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 14:13

Very cool - I love that arena!
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Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 20:10

As promised, here is a pic of the fighting monkey! (He is secret warband member No. 1, by the way, and my second Cabin Boy. I will take proper pics at the weekend)

Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting 100_0210
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Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitimeWed 11 Mar 2009 - 20:27

VERY COOL PHOTO! Come to think of it VERY COOL MONKEY! thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting   Boring Amsterdam - Dogfighting Icon_minitime

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