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Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Mon 24 Aug 2020 - 16:03
Well then. It's been a long road to here hasn't it? 11 years ago I started writing a Night Goblin warband to use in my games and decided to share it for feedback and balancing. Thanks to everyone who helped and inspired me in the past. Recently the fine folks in the Mordheim Facebook group inspired me to update the list. Much to my surprise and delight, this warband has found life outside of this forum, and people genuinely enjoy it and consider it well made!
I am in the process of working on version 1.0 (final), with the following guiding principles: reducing redundant or unnecessary text, adding options to use newer Gloomspite Gits models, namely squig hoppers, making Heroes more useful, mainly by reducing starting XP, making the warband slightly stronger overall since the consensus is they are slightly underpowered. I'm also working on a random Fungus Brew table for the Shaman for some more random fun, as suggested all the way back on page 1 of this thread! I hope it strikes the balance of possibly great but maybe disastrous as Night Goblin rules tend to be!
If anyone would like a preview copy for proofreading and feedback, please let me know.
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Friedrich Hetzenauer General
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Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Mon 24 Aug 2020 - 16:32
I'd be very much interested in taking a look. Of all the unofficial warbands I like this one the most (mostly because it lets me use all those wonderful Kev Adams sculpts, but it's actually a pretty fair list- which is rare in the fan made world.)
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Sat 29 Aug 2020 - 13:05
I'd be very interested in taking a look too! I've been working on a list to use the new Gloomspite Gitz models, focussing on the Squig Hoppers, so I'd be very interested in comparing notes! If this is the same Night Goblin warband that featured in the Karak Azgal expansion, it's what I used as the basis for my 'Knight Goblin' list, & one I've enjoyed playing in its classic form.
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Pathfinder Dubstyles Venerable Ancient
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Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Tue 1 Sep 2020 - 4:07
I used the Karak Azgal list as a base, but it's gone through a lot of revisions as you can see from the topic's history. I am going to do a few more edits passes before sending out a final version for all to see.
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Mon 12 Oct 2020 - 12:33
Pathfinder, thank you for all your hard work with the new ‘Gloomspite’ Squiggy Knight Goblins... I’m sooooo looking forward to playing them in our new Lustria Campaign. I’ll let you know my thoughts/feedback after a whole campaign if you would like??
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Sun 8 Nov 2020 - 1:03
Hey Team,
Has anyone got those updated rules from Pathfinder?
I’m dead keen on trialing them
Pathfinder Dubstyles Venerable Ancient
Posts : 778 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2008-04-11 Age : 40 Location : North Carolina, US
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Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Wed 2 Dec 2020 - 14:59
So not to disappoint anyone but my latest changes are not as sweeping and grand as you may be expecting! I am not making a warband that can be fully mounted on squigs, it is a skill. Also, heavy armor does not fit with the goblins we have currently, so that squiggly knight armor will have to count as light armor. But light armor, shield, and a mount is still 4+ save, more if you use common shield house rules!
Once I give it another pass I'll share it, but here is my question to you all: would you prefer a version with the animosity table included but but an increased page count, or one without that reference? It's already tied for the largest page count on any warband...
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Wed 2 Dec 2020 - 16:47
Oooh, that means there's still a space for my all-mounted 'Knight Goblins'...
I for one think it'd be good to have the relevant Animosity Table included; but maybe on an extra page, so it can be easily printed without the table. But Animosity Table included, for me, definitely.
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Pathfinder Dubstyles Venerable Ancient
Posts : 778 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2008-04-11 Age : 40 Location : North Carolina, US
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Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Wed 2 Dec 2020 - 18:08
At one point I considered splitting the warband into squig centered models and others, so definitely room for amother NG warband.
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Tue 8 Dec 2020 - 4:51
Rhydderch wrote:
Oooh, that means there's still a space for my all-mounted 'Knight Goblins'...
I for one think it'd be good to have the relevant Animosity Table included; but maybe on an extra page, so it can be easily printed without the table. But Animosity Table included, for me, definitely.
Have you got a copy of the Knight goblin rules? Please for the love of all things fungus!!
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Fri 5 Feb 2021 - 17:13
OK, I haven't finished drafting my Knight Goblins list, because... rules writing is hard, I'm lazy, & I haven't been doing much Mordheim lately. I've let the project languish a bit. But I've uploaded a PDF of the unfinished draft, in case anyone's interested in seeing what's there & thinks they might know what's wrong with it or what's missing. I'm open to suggestions! There's a notes page at the end trying to explain my decisions, but my mind can always be changed.
I'm planning to add a junior hero class (juve type), as an esquire for the Knight Goblins; & if I can think of one, or anyone has a persuasive suggestion, an extra henchman type to give some variety. Points costs are for an also-WIP Bretonnian setting, but are also the most easily adjustable part.
Pathfinder Dubstyles Venerable Ancient
Posts : 778 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2008-04-11 Age : 40 Location : North Carolina, US
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Possessed Achievements earned: None
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Mon 19 Apr 2021 - 1:13
There comes a time when one must call something "finished". That time is here for this Warband.
Re-balance of XP, costs, and characteristics of all heroes. Of special note: Goonz just simply do not perform well, they are worse than most warband's henchmen, starting XP and cost reduced.
Removed restriction on Academic skills for promoted henchmen. Feel free to try and assemble the Gobboplooza by spending far too much on Tomes of Magic!
Added the missing miscellaneous equipment category, and more missile weapon options for Heroes.
Netter skill changed to allow nets to be used like caltrops. Now the skill is much simpler and more useful in my opinion. It no longer allows you to knock enemies down, but is great for helping Night Goblin Heroes avoid close combat.
Added the Ride Squig Skill, a huge request!
Shaman gains a new starting ability: Fungus Brew! It allows a Shaman to turn Mad Caps into a random effect potions for a single henchmen group. This encourages larger henchmen groups, something no other warband does not my knowledge (thanks to Andrew Aulenback for the idea).
Simplified Snotlings even more and clarified how they effect warband size and rout checks.
Clarified how Squigs “climb” as it is somewhat vague in the original Orc and Goblin rules.
Returned the 6th spell to its original effect as it was written in the Forest Goblin warband, and reworded its description to not imply that it only affects Goblins.
Lots of grammar and format changes to be more consistent, and less reliant of other documents.
Probably some stuff I forgot about... but this is the final version (hopefully).
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Sun 9 May 2021 - 18:04
Late again -- but I like the look of the revised Night Goblin list, so much I might try it out in future! When I don't want a squig-mounted Knight Goblin band, of course... Clarifying rules & putting everything needed for the warband in one document are big steps, & very helpful for players. Thanks for doing this!
RationalLemming Etheral
Posts : 1483 Trading Reputation : 0 Join date : 2008-11-05 Age : 40 Location : Toowoomba, Qld, Australia
Personal Info Primary Warband played: Ostlanders Achievements earned: none
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Wed 16 Jun 2021 - 11:29
Woo! It has been through a lot of refinement. It is great to see it reach version 1.
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Wed 19 Jan 2022 - 22:33
La Grande Librairie de Mordheim is working on a french translation of this warband.
We're not quite sure what the best term to translate goonz. Can you help us by giving a synonym or a more detailed definition, or the reference? Thanks.
Subject: Re: Night Goblins - New Warband, v1.0 Sat 12 Feb 2022 - 13:58
A 'goon' means something similar to a 'thug' or 'bully'. You know when a Mafia guy gets someone to break your legs? That's a 'goon' that does the leg-breaking. Hope that helps.