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 Starting with some Night Goblins

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2 posters


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Join date : 2010-04-21
Age : 38
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Starting with some Night Goblins Empty
PostSubject: Starting with some Night Goblins   Starting with some Night Goblins Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010 - 7:34

Hey, i'm new here and I want to show what I'm working on as well as asking for some help.

Here's my Night Goblin band so far:
Starting with some Night Goblins DSC00790

I'm using the rules posted on Mordheimer with a few modifications. I figured the old animosity rules were better and less all out debilitating and I also transfered over the squig prodder.

There's more info and pictures on my blog but what I was wondering is if anyone knows a good way or place to get some squigs. I know there some metal ones for sale on the GW website but I was wondering if any sets came with some or anything.

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Posts : 21742
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Join date : 2008-04-03
Age : 77
Location : Sound Beach, NY

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Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Orcs & Goblins
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Starting with some Night Goblins Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting with some Night Goblins   Starting with some Night Goblins Icon_minitimeWed 21 Apr 2010 - 13:45

OH BABY...NIGHT GOBLINS! Starting with some Night Goblins Icon_cheers The "new" Night Goblins may not be as adaptable as their predecessors, but you managed to come up with some VERY COOL Little Guys. WELL DONE! Starting with some Night Goblins 544694
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Starting with some Night Goblins
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