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 Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy

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Join date : 2022-12-06
Age : 37
Location : Manchester, UK

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Primary Warband played: Undead Undead
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Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Empty
PostSubject: Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy    Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Icon_minitimeFri 16 Dec 2022 - 15:24

So here we go! Getting back into Mordheim after probably 15 years since I last played.  I used to exclusively run Undead warbands back then (I also played Vampire Counts in fantasy so it was the logical step) but this time I wanted to do something different.  I'd decided early on that I was either going to go with the Sisters of Sigmar or the Possessed.  There's some nice STL files out there for Sisters and a few minis from GW I could convert but when I was browsing the webstore I was struck by inspiration to give my soul to the Dark Gods instead!

I was originally thinking for the cult to go with random models from the various different Warcry warbands to give a real rag tag feel to them, an idea I may still revisit down the line, but it was when I was looking for a suitable magister I looked at the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh, from there it was decided, my cult would be dedicated to the Dark Prince!  Narratively I think that could fit well with Mordheim, the city had fallen into debauchery prior to the comet hitting, a perfect breeding ground (no pun intended) for the followers of Slaanesh, so perhaps this weband has travelled to the city to find out what became of any cult members in the city?  I'll work out the details later.

So first up was putting a list together,  I kept it simple and stuck to the main rulebook for now, I am still thinking on the names for them so so far they are all nameless. The one restriction I gave myself is no heavy armour, I dont see the adherents of Slaanesh being that interested in covering up.

Magister with Sword and Dagger
Possessed with Blackblood mutation, Two Handed Weapon and Light Armour

1x Brethren with Two Handed Weapon
2x Brethren with Bows and Daggers
2x Brethren with Swords and Shields
1x Beastman with Axe and Dagger

Nothing too fancy for now, though I'm sure once I can find some games to play they might get some fancy stuff later on.

Now on to the interesting bit, the models, they're all still WIP but I figured I might as well document the process!  

In terms of painting I was initially in two minds, first to go with lots of clashing colours, break out all my bright blues, greens and yellows, or, to go with the typical hues of purple. In the end it was decided by which of my paints hadn't dried up... truly the best way to decide.

First up is the Magister, I loved the Shardspeater model but wanted her to have a sword as well, I could have just plonked a sheathed sword on her somewhere and called it a day but I had one of the Blissbarb archer swords spare so just trimmed the arm down to the wrist and replaced her mirror with that.  Who knows, the mirror might still come in handy later.
Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  20221210

Next the Possessed,  I went for the Lord of Pain for this since I like how he's so much bigger than the other models in the warband, he's straight out of the box, I just left off the big blade on his back since I don't love the aesthetic of it.
Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  20221211

Time for some Henchmen,  here are the two Brethren with bows,  again, out of the box Blissbarb archers, they're great models so I din't feel too much need to change them
Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  20221213

And here's a shot of the group so far.  I've managed to snag one of the Warhammer Underworlds Dread Pageant warbands which will give me my Brethren with two handed weapon and a Beastman and I have two of the Cypher Lord sword wielding models on the way for the sword and board guys, I'll be giving them shields from the Hellstriders and headswaps from the Blissbarbs to match the rest of the group.
Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  20221214

I'm always open to C&C so let me know what you all think!
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Posts : 5
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Join date : 2022-12-06
Age : 37
Location : Manchester, UK

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Primary Warband played: Undead Undead
Achievements earned: none

Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy    Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Icon_minitimeWed 21 Dec 2022 - 18:21

Got the two Brethren with swords and shields built, just need to do some gap filling around their headswaps but happy with how they look.

Bless them, they don't really understand how swords work, but they're doing their best ok?
Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  20221215
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Age : 77
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Primary Warband played: Orcs & Goblins Orcs & Goblins
Achievements earned: none

Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy    Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Icon_minitimeThu 22 Dec 2022 - 13:08

You have some very imaginative looking minis in the works. This should make for a SPLENDID Warband. Have fun with it all & keep us posted! thumbsup
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PostSubject: Re: Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy    Seekers of the Highest Ecstasy  Icon_minitime

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