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 State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?

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Posts : 41
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State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Empty
PostSubject: State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?   State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Icon_minitimeWed 27 Apr 2022 - 2:23

State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? 64sufwt

Hey there all. Pancreasboy here (some of you might remember me from the Shardlette campaign and custom Mordheim rules I ran years ago), great to see Mordheim is still going strong. I've been out of the gaming world for a while and I want to see what's being played these days, their positive and negative aspects and if my 3D design skills can contribute in any way.

To do that I’ve created this questionnaire that should only take 5-10 minutes and I'll release the results in the future.

Looking forward to your comments.
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Posts : 41
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Location : Wollongong, South of Sydney

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State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Empty
PostSubject: Re: State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?   State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Icon_minitimeFri 29 Apr 2022 - 15:19

Hey there guys, thanks for those who have given feedback so far, if you haven't used the Questionnaire yet feel free to give it a go when you can.

Thanks again.
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Posts : 41
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Join date : 2008-12-09
Location : Wollongong, South of Sydney

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Primary Warband played: Carnival of Chaos (EIF) Carnival of Chaos (EIF)
Achievements earned: none

State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Empty
PostSubject: Re: State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?   State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2022 - 13:19

Hey there all, as promised here’s the results to the questionnaire I provided recently, on my Facebook account: (or if you sent me your email address you should have received it already, check your junk mail).

Thanks to over 560 responses (and more people are still contributing) I’m looking to start with something that was fairly in demand and yet serves all genres of gaming… modular Battle Mats which I’ll start a new post about it here ( ) or on my above facebook group link.

Thanks for all your help again and hopefully I can provide you all with some exciting and useful items for your wargaming!

Game on!
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Posts : 41
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Join date : 2008-12-09
Location : Wollongong, South of Sydney

Personal Info
Primary Warband played: Carnival of Chaos (EIF) Carnival of Chaos (EIF)
Achievements earned: none

State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Empty
PostSubject: Re: State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?   State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Icon_minitimeMon 6 Jun 2022 - 2:18

Hey there guys, for easier access I’ve released a direct link to the questionnaire I provided recently, here while I’m considering the Battle Mats option I’m also looking to start with something that was fairly in demand, ie humour, modularity and quick games, that will be great to casually invite new players into the hobby and also give veteran gamers a bit of a beer and pretzel game.

It will be called “Bad Goods”. Think aliens who turned our everyday “goods” into killing machines against humanity, only for them to rebel and turn on the aliens as well. Now the Bad Goods roam the planet seeking their enemies and fighting amongst their own factions whilst upgrading themselves.
Basically before and in-game you will be able to change front and back sections (Numbers 1-3 in the linked image below) with different chassis then you can loadout the “Bad Goods” with addons and weapons (Numbers 4-7 in the linked image below) all with a snap together system. And then let the carnage begin with scenarios, speed ramps, teleporters and more!

State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? CYMpMb6

Anyhow I thought I’d see what you all thought and you can see it’s all in the early stages with very simple 3d models and some test 3d prints (which will eventually be resin print files with post apocalyptic details, such as chains, skulls, damage, etc).

Keep in mind I will also be creating some popular scenery files for other games as well at the same time.

So thanks again for all your help again and hopefully I can provide you all with some exciting and useful items for your wargaming!

Game on!

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State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Empty
PostSubject: Re: State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?   State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment? Icon_minitime

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State of the tabletop wargaming world at the moment?
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