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 [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table

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Gatlag Stonetooth
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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Apr 2024 - 10:48

Thank you. Smile

Tutorial: Prison Cart made of coffee sticks and other materials, part 1.

Today there is a temporary break in the construction of the modular table with the ruins of Mordheim.

As a temporary change, I decided to build a prison cart for the company Merchant caravan from Arabia to Warheim FS.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 EyBxYD

I decided to build the prisoner cart from materials found in my workshop. And it is a very simplified design in which the main elements of the chassis structure have not even been outlined.

In the first part, in which I will focus on the construction of the wheels and the base of the car, I used an old syringe, wooden coffee sticks, fragments of foamed PVC, a paper clip and toothpicks.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 E8FWxa

I started work by cutting out the rims for the wheels. I drew parallel lines on the syringe, along which I then cut the syringe into circles.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 WSmWSQ

I polished the cut circles using a file and fine sandpaper.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 2S4crF [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Yde83C

Then I placed the hoops on fragments of foamed PVC and traced circles on the inside, which I then cut out, and after embossing the wood texture and drilling the centers, I pressed them into the hoops.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 V1NudR [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 YObH7X [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 OrYNey [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 SLisGh [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 FwUzhS

I cut out strips from appropriately cut coffee sticks and glued them onto the wheels perpendicular to the lines symbolizing the boards touching each other.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Z29AzF [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 OSmR5X

I made the axles on which I placed the cart's wheels from cut toothpicks.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 7MeNfX [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 ArmfUA

In the next step, I glued the car's body using cut coffee sticks.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 B6GMC3 [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Z8L0tv [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 IGKvil

I cut out parts of the front bogie mechanism from a fragment of foamed PVC...

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 MM2RYc [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 93Wm7c

...which I connected with a paperclip to the strip from which the drawbar will be made.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 NQS3GR [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 WCXrbP

Then I glued the previously prepared elements to create a cart box standing on wheels, on the edges of which I glued side strips and this was the end of the first stage of building the prison cart.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 QGn3Vj [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 OFMoTj [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 NSJB24

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 4 Apr 2024 - 11:27

VERY NICE! The wheels were a clever idea. thumbsup
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Gatlag Stonetooth
Gatlag Stonetooth

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 9 Apr 2024 - 16:35

Wow! I love your creativity in the building of that prisoner cart! Looking good already!

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Apr 2024 - 11:01

Thank you. Smile

Tutorial: Prison Cart made of coffee sticks and other materials, part 2.

Welcome to the second part of the tutorial, or rather a report on the construction of the prisoner cart that I will use during the Warheim FS games.

In the first part, which you can find HERE, I showed you how I built the wheels and the base of the cart, today I will tell you about the construction of the cabin in which the prisoners will be kept.

Since I decided to build a closed prosoner cart, I used an appropriately cut Styrodur block as the interior.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 2uCqxz

To give a slightly more professional look, I used plastic windows from the Mordheim ruins and doors that I had left over from the Doors Set from SpellCrow to valorize the prisoner cart.

I covered the remaining spaces with appropriately cut coffee stirrer sticks. I used polymer glue for this.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 XyuKh9 [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 S75O5D [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 BXbO4h [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Qd41W2

After covering the prisoner cart with wooden strips from an aluminum sheet that comes from shaving cream, I cut out a tape about 5 mm wide and squeezed imitation rivets into it using tweezers.

I bent the tape lengthwise at a 90-degree angle and glued it to the corners of the prisoner cart, masking the joint of the slats.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 OlJH51 [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 4m1SK1 [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 KI5hvY [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 MxPrya [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 H4Vr8c

As I wrote in the first part, this is not a scale miniatures, but a simplified representation of the carriage, but I decided to make whippletree with wooden sticks and a paper clip, which I glued to the front carriage.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 46nkR5 [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 TnJITb [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 VpDgzs [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 VWKOP1

I also added a few more bits, more specifically shields from Unreleased Miniatures, two of which from THIS and THIS set served as decorations that I placed under the windows.

The shield from THIS set was used as a barred window, which I placed on the coachman's side.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 5SQLjY [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 88hBcQ [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 H506eN

I also placed hooks on the sides, which, from what I remember, come from the imperial artillery set from Games Workshop.

I put the crates from Micro Art Studio and the Mini Monsters trunk on the roof. By the way, I can see that since I bought my set, the trunks have gained a nice wood texture.

I also added lanterns to the front and back, there are no photos on the HQ Resin website, but I think they come from THIS and THIS set.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 8y6X6H [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 SmSOZM

The last element I added at this stage of construction is the coachman miniatures, which I assembled using bits from Gripping Beast.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 YBDLsY [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Km9GTq
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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Apr 2024 - 11:51

An EXCELLENT tutorial & a SPLENDID creation. VERY WELL DONE! thumbsup
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Gatlag Stonetooth
Gatlag Stonetooth

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Apr 2024 - 16:24

Really nice work! Please keep it up! [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1f44f

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 18 Apr 2024 - 9:25

Thank you. Smile

Tutorial: Prison Cart made of coffee sticks and other materials, part 3.

Hello and welcome to the third and final part of the report on building a prisoner cart for Warheim FS.

I made ropes out of copper wire and used them to connect the prisoner cart to the draft animal.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 GFto6d
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 OdhYog

I used horses from Wargames Atlantic as draft animals, they do not have saddles, only a saddle pad, under which I hid the drilling points in which I placed the ropes.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 MYQ7po
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 UBeTiX

Then I glued the whole thing together, adding reins, also twisted from copper wire.

I also made coils of ropes from twisted wire to be placed on the roof and side of the prisoner car, and from aluminum sheet I made two rolled Arabic carpets.

And that's it. In the photos below you can see what the prisoner cart looks like ready for painting.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 TCYDBM
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 7NPfPz
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 RLVSbw
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 YlzjtK
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 4t1Rhs
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 FcP4IK
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Eyui26

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 18 Apr 2024 - 12:52

LOOKIN' GOOD! The tutorial is helpful & the wagon is a splendid creation. thumbsup

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Gatlag Stonetooth
Gatlag Stonetooth

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 18 Apr 2024 - 15:47

Very nice! It looks great! When are you going to paint it?

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeFri 19 Apr 2024 - 10:14

DeafNala wrote:
LOOKIN' GOOD! The tutorial is helpful & the wagon is a splendid creation. thumbsup
Thank you. Smile

Gatlag Stonetooth wrote:
Very nice! It looks great! When are you going to paint it?
Thank you. Smile I don't know, for now I'm painting Marienburg and Middenheim. Smile

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 25 Apr 2024 - 8:46

Tutorial: Flying carpet.

When assembling miniatures for Merchant's Caravan from Arabia for Warheim FS, I had the biggest problem with the flying carpet model. Maybe I wasn't looking properly, or maybe there are simply no suitable physical miniatures, because I found a few 3D prints, but they didn't suit my style either.

That's why I decided to make a flying carpet model myself, and below you will find a short report in which I will describe how I did it.

An additional advantage is that the cost of a model made in this way is negligible, and in the end the flying carpet will be used in a merchant caravan.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 KTDs14
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 CnIrDS
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Y4G4Ju
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 WiUsul
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 YUf5mp

To make a flying carpet miniatures, I used a metal plastic plate from a shaving cream tube, which I cut into a rectangular shape.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 3Pt7mE

Using the blunt edge of a wallpaper knife, I bent the sides of the plate at a 90-degree angle. I also twisted four pieces of wire together to make a rope.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 VdnAuS
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 C4HEkE

I smeared the bent sides of the plate with a thin layer of plastic putty, to which I applied appropriately cut pieces of twisted wire, and glued the whole thing with cyanoacrylate glue.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Iu8YS9

After the cyanoacrylate glue dried, I untangled the protruding pieces of twisted wire, which I then tied together with pieces of wire.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 X7ZlcY

The next step was to create the texture of the material. Since the metal plate I used is very plastic, I placed the carpet upside down on a piece of XPS and cut out patterns using carving tools.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Wk0seq

Then, using brush handles of different thickness, I gave the flying carpet a slightly more dynamic shape.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 SqO2rJ

And I glued the flying carpet miniatures made in the above way to the base.

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 EGh8tn

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 25 Apr 2024 - 12:51

That is a clever way of handling the flying carpet. I looks TERRIFIC. VERY NICELY DONE! thumbsup
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Gatlag Stonetooth
Gatlag Stonetooth

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 25 Apr 2024 - 16:13

It's indeed a very clever way to make your own carpet that way! Talented builder!

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2024 - 9:51

I know that this is a thread I started to publish the progress of work on building a modular table. But there is a planned break for painting models for the time being. I change the subject of my work from time to time so that I can still enjoy my hobby. I'm currently painting Marienburg and Middenheim for Warheim FS, you can follow my progress on the blog and on FB.

But today I want to share something, because after many years I managed to find cool models from which I created my Gladiators from the Wasteland company.

The full list of models from which I built the company can be found on the blog, but I can already say here that the resin models are from Greenminiatures (and currently there is a Kickstarter campaign, which you can find HERE).

[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 JqmGsz
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 QV9Pcr
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 T3gBkm
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 F4GLaj
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 WzBSN2
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 PB54ZP
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 0zvFpQ
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 41GkCE
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 TvmCO0
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 RLdZq9
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 OU93Ss
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 B7rke1
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 BkRx4d
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 T7Ghjv
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 DfeZ5l
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 HpiffZ
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 ZHiZ0d
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1aFthL
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 YJVfeF
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 I1KOeD
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Ulz3X6
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 PKOV6V
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1sTDrT
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 8RSmCj
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 78z4ZZ
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 XG1HwS
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Uxq4Uu
[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Mc1hEE

Last edited by quidamcorvus on Wed 29 May 2024 - 10:55; edited 1 time in total

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Gatlag Stonetooth
Gatlag Stonetooth

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 21 May 2024 - 13:33

The images aren't loading correctly, perhaps you can edit your post?
I have checked some links manually and they are looking cool! [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1f60e

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 29 May 2024 - 10:55

Gatlag Stonetooth wrote:
The images aren't loading correctly, perhaps you can edit your post?
I have checked some links manually and they are looking cool!  [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1f60e
Thank you, I fix it.

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 29 May 2024 - 11:18

You certainly have a lot of enjoyable work ahead of you. Have FUN with all the painting! thumbsup

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Gatlag Stonetooth
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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeThu 15 Aug 2024 - 10:23

quidamcorvus wrote:
Gatlag Stonetooth wrote:
The images aren't loading correctly, perhaps you can edit your post?
I have checked some links manually and they are looking cool!  [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1f60e
Thank you, I fix it.

I have seemed to have missed your reply... [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1f62c

Thanks for fixing, and wow it's looking awesome! [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 1f60d
Any further progress already?

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeFri 16 Aug 2024 - 7:03

Thank you very much. Smile

Gatlag Stonetooth wrote:
Any further progress already?
I think I'll get back to building after the holidays. Right now I'm finishing painting the Marienburgers and Middenheimers.

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Gatlag Stonetooth
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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 20 Aug 2024 - 8:58

quidamcorvus wrote:
Right now I'm finishing painting the Marienburgers and Middenheimers.

Had a quick peek on fb and saw some really nice models there! Have you posted them on this board as well?

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 20 Aug 2024 - 13:13

Gatlag Stonetooth wrote:
quidamcorvus wrote:
Right now I'm finishing painting the Marienburgers and Middenheimers.

Had a quick peek on fb and saw some really nice models there! Have you posted them on this board as well?
Unfortunately no, I haven't published any WIP photos on the forum. I'll show the painted models here sometime, but I invite you to the blog thread, where you can follow the progress.

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Gatlag Stonetooth
Gatlag Stonetooth

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 20 Aug 2024 - 14:19

Ok thank you. Smile
In the past I already have checked out your blog, some really nice stuff there! Very Happy

And I love the name! In my favorite dutch themepark, the Efteling, there will open a new attraction called 'Danse Macabre' at the end of this year. Can 't wait! Very Happy

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table   [WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table - Page 12 Icon_minitime

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[WIP] Building of Ruins of Mordheim modular table
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