Hey, everyone! Been quite a while since I posted here.
I recently had a wave of inspiration to convert Warcry warbands into Mordheim warbands (in particular, the undivided Chaos tribes.) Warning: they are Untested.
I posted the files themselves on my old webpage, but here are the descriptions:
Iron Golems - Brawny warsmiths. Pros: Strong Weapons, Cheap Armor, Ogre Henchman! Cons: Expensive, 4 Starting Heroes. Inspiration: Dwarf Treasure Hunters.
Splintered Fangs - Snake-themed gladiators. Pros: Free poison, Cold-blooded Lots of Parries and Striking First. Cons: Low Stats (for Chaos), Limited Missiles, Low LD henchmen. Inspiration: Pit Fighters, Lizardmen.
Scions of Flame - Flame-themed fantatics. Pros: High Strength henchmen, setting opponents on fire, can be built for combat OR range. Cons: Mostly human stats, limited armor. Inspiration: Witch Hunters.
The Unmade - Sadistic self-mutilating Cannibals. Pros: Powerful leader, fast recovery, causing fear. Cons: Limited range, restrictive item combos. Inspiration: Undead.
Cypher Lords - Cryptic lords of misdirection. Pros: Fast movement, bonus range for thrown weapons, powerful spellcaster. Cons: Weaker stats, No Long Range. Inspiration: Possessed, Skaven.
Corvus Cabal - Roof-top climbing Cutthroats. Pros: Fast movement, strong champions, versatile builds. Cons: Low Leadership, No Long-range missiles. v0.3 Inspiration: Skaven, Pirates. + Bonus Sartosa rules!
https://sites.google.com/site/styroheim/warbands?fbclid=IwAR0VCTgG_C10Xn0tUWri1xOsIsYRz2EUMI2ymkt3y1Y3mBNDaWgU1vTHwT8Also, if you I did not make conversion for two chaos warbands:
Untamed Beasts: already have Chaos Marauders
Spire Tyrants: Already have Pit Fighters.