Hope the link works now.
Currently, house rules aside, our setup for campaigns follow as such:
48 areas with 2-5 routes from each area to another (mordheimers campaign aid map with slightly altered areas).
One player is a dedicated game master who handles all the setup and warband info, much like in a tapletop rpg.
Every turn each warband makes a secret move towards some area and either gains control of it or triggers a battle with another warband. Current default is ordered moves, lowest rating going first.
At the end of turn the battles are played out and if some warband did not yet move (because of battle), they get another go. The GM can also decide to add extra NPC warbands if things get too one-sided on the map.
This goes on until victory condition is met (currently server is a sandbox, we use a time-limit with specific scenarios).
The server handles all this by handling user/pass for players; anyone who creates a campaign will be the GM for that said campaing. They can then add/remove/modify warbands and manage players, as well as keep track of the game. Server automates the turn order, player move resolutions (calculates points, asks for reaction when players attack another) and some part of battle resolutions. Keeps logs and autosaves, handles network security as well.
I'm wondering if I should add any specific house rules or additional setup for the server. Currently it is very customizable: warband types, area point values and descriptions, even the map itself can be changed through external files. But the game rules are hard-coded (even if optional).
Only thing bugging me is if I've missed some common house rule regarding campaign rules. Currently the server is going with the following extra options:
Fog of war (with different vision setups),
Campaign Points as in Mordheimers Campaign Aid (either as static points or as a currency),
Rushing as in "pay CP to move extra steps through own area"
Defend moves (either real-time reacting or an end-turn extra move),
Lockable areas (GM can give keys to warbands),
Khaos-rounds (Every warband moves blindly, simultaneously).
Currently we're resolving battles weekly and on the off-days the campaign kind of rolls on its own, players occasionaly check the webpage and make their move if it's their turn. I think it makes the game management a great deal easier.